
Sherleen A girl name Sherleen

It's a beautiful love story of a girl name Sherleen, she's a hardworking talented girl who believes if any work which is done with full dedication then nothing is impossible, it's just a belief and a strong dedication. So this story is about a girl name Sherleen who is from Italy but belongs to a poor family but her dedication and hard work, enables her to enter in a most famous and rich university due to the scholarship as she's a brilliant girl, and in this scenario she will meet a boy name Garry who is a rich and insensitive boy who enjoys club parties. But soon their love chemistry will start in which Sherleen will be the reason of changing his life and attitude towards life. It's an adventurous love story.

shaivi · Fantasy
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32 Chs

A girl name Sherleen

It's a story about a girl name Sherleen, she belongs to a poor family in Italy, but she's a very beautiful ambitious girl who believes in hard work and she believes if anything is to be done with full dedication and motivation then everything is possible on this earth nothing is impossible, she has a lot dreams to achieve though by knowing this truth that she belongs to a poor family she never stop believing in dreams and chasing for it. Her family background is very simple and sober who do their work with simplicity and live with the little amount of earnings which they have. Sherleen father has a small fruits shop business and in free time to earn more he works in a society as a security guard, Sherleen mother is a housewife but by knowing this truth that they are poor and for better education for her daughter in good university she also started doing hard work and started making homemade desserts so that she can earn money for her family and provide good quality of education for her daughter better future.