
chapter 2

"Mother Nest, start to set the gene lock to limit the size of the spore creature!"

Xu Zhi frowned and gave the order silently.

The yard is so big, impossible to make them evolve too big.

In the memory of Insect Queen before, it also showed that the huge evolution of the body was wrong.

There is no need to deliberately expand the size of the Insect Race. Keeping the original juvenile size of insects is the correct way to evolve. The smaller the size, the easier it is to produce energy qualitative changes.

They no longer expand in size.

Since then, the Insect Race of the normal Sandbox species is the size of an ant. This is the real insect, Insect Race. The largest species, even if it evolved to the level of a dinosaur, would not be bigger than a cat.

A worm, the size of a cat, is already an exaggeration, and a sandbox of 100 square meters is equivalent to the size of a small province for a miniature ecological creature with the size of an ant.

On the sixth day, the upheaval finally began.

The Cambrian biological explosion similar to Earth 500 million years ago has begun.

In just one day, Xu Zhi seems to be watching an accelerated ecological discipline film. On the artificial ocean of this pond, new species are constantly born in a few seconds, from childhood to growth. , Senescence, and perish, giving birth to the next generation...

Slices of various aquatic plants float.

"But the pegasus is getting dark, my biggest worry is starting, the world of the Sandbox will be destroyed..."

He looked up at the man-made Sandbox in the yard and looked towards the dark Sky.

The dusk cast the last afterglow on the corner of the wall, heaven and earth gradually dimmed, as if the end is coming.

Cell division and evolution accelerated 10,000 times. He condensed 10,000 years into one day, equivalent to five thousand years is daytime, and five thousand years is night.

Now five thousand years of daylight is already over.

Five thousand years of endless night is about to usher in. Sunlight is the source of all things. These aquatic plants that have just born life in the ocean will lose photosynthesis and die directly.

Just night.

There was a drastic change in the sea.

During the growth process, the aquatic plants did not receive the sun, they withered, turned gray, sank into the seabed, lost their lives, like the Dead Sea, and lost life in the night.

"In my evolution era, the first great extinction of species started... I didn't expect it to be so fast."

Xu Zhi took a deep breath.

In the long era of evolution, Earth has experienced five great extinction of species.

The most famous nature in history is the Cretaceous great extinction of species. Even people who don't know the relevant knowledge know that the Cretaceous mass extinction, the former overlord of Earth, the destruction of the age of dinosaurs, died at that time. Of eighty animals.

And Earth's first great extinction of species is actually mass extinction at the end of the Ordovician.

That was because the temperature dropped sharply and the sea level dropped, which led to the destruction of Earth's marine ecological system, which directly wiped out 85% of the marine species at that time.

Now, unlike the Earth era, the Sandbox under his hand suddenly fell into darkness for five thousand years because of the night, which caused his first species mass extinction.

"Hold on, my spores!"

Xu Zhi sat quietly beside the courtyard, looking at the tiny ocean in front of her.

Earth is a huge planet, among which billions of species will survive the survival of the fittest. There is huge compatibility, even the great extinction of species can survive.

He is different here, the environment is too small.

According to the truth, even if the pond is filled, there are only hundreds of thousands of races. According to Darwin's theory of evolution, the very small biological base is not enough to evolve a new creature that adapts to the environment.

But Xu Zhi is full of expectations, but that is an evolutionary species evolved from the terrifying Insect Race cell-spore, which has poor adaptability.

He waited quietly, the moonlight poured down from the yard, death aura was sinking, and the ocean was full of plant corpses. After half an hour passed, suddenly another faint blue surface appeared.

It was a blue plant the size of an ant with delicate leaves.

Lost the direct sunlight from the sun, I chose to aim the source of photosynthesis at the extremely thin moon to be able to struggle on whilst at death's door.

After passing the first round of mass extinction, it grows, develops, and dies in just a few seconds, just like an accelerated movie recording. Rapidly evolving from generation to generation and madly adapting to the dark night environment, water chestnuts and disks appeared on the sea surface like lotus leaves, in order to be able to absorb the moonlight in the sky of the yard on a large scale.

Another hour has passed.

As the only marine species in the Sandbox, the aquatic plant named "Blue Moongrass" by Xu Zhi has begun to reproduce in the ocean on a large scale. It has experienced species evolution for tens of thousands of generations. Various branches began to form.

Some have long edges and corners, some are elongated, some are oval, deep-sea type, shallow-sea type, and even developed two differentiated species.

Some blue moongrass continue to absorb moonlight during evolution and enhance the conversion efficiency of moonlight.

A part of blue moongrass begins to carnivore and preys on other blue moongrass. They also absorb the moonlight, to brave a faint fluorescence, attract other blue moongrass to float over, and then swallow it.

Seeing this, Xu Zhi admired the tenacity and wonder of life and the survival of the fittest. "After the first mass extinction of life, this only living aquatic plant has developed its own diversification. Civilization."

He found a black notebook, picked up a pen, and recorded the evolution of the Sandbox.

"Or, according to Earth's era calendar, he recorded the Sandbox's Civilization evolution, Earth's Cambrian biological explosion is the origin of all life. The biological explosion in my place is facing five thousand years of darkness....I'll call Dark Martial Era here."

He put down the pen and paper, and suddenly laughed, feeling very refreshed:


It's so funny!

He was very interested. On this black notebook, he turned to the first page of the Genesis Era, and wrote the first row of words on it:

"Dark Martial Era, heaven and The earth suddenly changed, The Sun sets and the Moon rises, the world fell into a long darkness that lasted five thousand years, 99% of the ocean's great extinction of species, and only the blue moongrass absorbed the moonlight to survive, becoming the only surviving species to multiply rapidly. This dark ocean is extremely prosperous, and blue moongrass has become the overlord of the era!"

He looked at the pond called the ocean of life, silently looking forward to it,

"According to Earth's In the history of Biological Evolution, the ocean is the origin of life. If marine plants continue to multiply, marine animals will appear. Insect Race cells, what marine animals will evolve..."

He stayed up all night and waited till dawn.

The seventh day finally began, but, not at all, as Xu Zhi thought, animals began to evolve on the seventh day, but ushered in another terrifying great extinction of species!

Because the sun has risen.

At the moment of sunrise, various blue moongrass in the prosperous ocean quickly withered.

They used to receive the weak moonlight at night, but now they suddenly received such strong direct sunlight, as if they were burned, they sank into the seabed.

In an instant, the blue moon grass began to become extinct on a large scale!

"The second great extinction of species, so soon it broke out..."

this time great extinction of species, and extinct more than 90% of marine life, the ocean Withered.

This is the death of life.

In the long evolution era of species, in billions of years, countless species were born and extinct. That is the vast planet Epic.

The life course of Spore Evolution is long and splendid, but at this time, in just a few hours, countless prosperity and rise and fall are displayed before the eyes, and the shock that Xu Zhi has brought is powerful and inexplicable.

In the afternoon, a touch of blue gradually recovered from the dead plant. It was a five-star-shaped blue moongrass. It ushered in the evolution of own and successfully escaped from the mass extinction, in the scorching sun. Metamorphosis, Rebirth from the Ashes.

In order to adapt to the strong sunlight environment, it began to reproduce from generation to generation. In just a few minutes, it died, was reborn, and reproduced for countless generations. It began to gradually darken from blue to purple and black ...Finally, a black and blue pentagonal Star Seagrass with a mysterious color is formed.

It has a unique five-pointed star with beautiful mysterious balanced leaves, which can stretch and expand.

At night, the five corners are opened and flat on the sea surface to increase the area that absorbs moonlight. During the day, in order to prevent strong sunlight, it shrinks more than half and becomes a flower bone.

A bit of a mimosa pattern.

Species mass extinction is an opportunity for extinction and the rise of weak and small species.

In the entire ocean, no species competed with it for the living environment. It began to multiply rapidly, multiplying various side branches, and it was full of vitality in the entire ocean.

"Through five thousand years of scorching sun and five thousand years of dark night."

"Five thousand years of sun and moon, as the only living being of countless species, you experience the scorching sun And gloom, you are the real Hero, let's call it Zizhucao." Xu Zhi laughed, silently picked up the pen, turned to the second page of the black diary, and continued to record the second great extinction of his biological evolution. Species event:

"Light Martial Era, heaven and earth change suddenly, the moon sets and sunrise, there is a 5,000-year-long scorching sun in the sky, and the blue moongrass overlord who has survived the Dark Martial Era begins to spread. Species became extinct, among them, the weak lineage purple chrysanthemum in the blue moon grass rose up into the sky and became the age protagonist of Ruler's era!"