

My head hung low while I walk in the hallway. Trying my best not to be noticed, I wore my hoodie to my head, cautiously walking, making sure not to make a scene.

It's been a week since that Sunday night happened. Clarion always send me home since that night every time my shift ends. We became super close – well, at least for me.

And oh, it took him 10 minutes to calm me down. The only thing that made me stop crying is the candy he gave me. But it's mint, so I spit it and came running to our house and look for water. I forgot to tell him that I don't like mint, it's spicy.

After I got some water, I turn and realized that Clarion went inside with me too. He was stuck standing in the middle of our house, looking around. I silently thank God that mom is not home and the house is clean.

Our house looks so empty. A sala set and a small coffee table is the only thing that can be seen in the living room. No painting, frame or whatsoever. Our kitchen is consist of refrigerator, stove that we rarely use, sink and a counter top. That's all. It already looks empty. Wait 'til he see my room. A bed and a closet, that's all.

He eventually said he needs to go. I nodded at him and sent him to our door steps. That night, I sleep peacefully for the first in forever. I did not worry about mom because my mind is too occupied by him.

I fortunately got in to my class in one piece. You're maybe wondering why am I acting like a criminal getting chased by police. The thing is, because my two weeks of peaceful school days is now over. My so called 'friends' or should I call bully has returned to school. They got suspended for two weeks because the got caught while spray painting the schools wall.

And now that they're back, my school days will turn into hell.

Our school is half day today because we have an exam. I was thankful that I was able to answer all of it even if my mind flies when I'm in class. I still took note because I'm always curious. And I read those when there are nights that I can't sleep. I think not being able to sleep every night helps.

I carefully peek outside the classroom and look left and right searching for a familiar figures of those girls. And I spotted them, near the locket with their boyfriends. They can easily spot me if I walk straight because they're near to my classroom.

I can do it! I can get out of here without a hitch. I can go to work in one piece – oh I suddenly want to watch one piece. Where can I watch it? We don't have wifi at out house, I can't watch while I'm working tho. Should I go to the laundry shop–

"Ms. Rousey, if you don't want to go out then don't stand by the door!"

My thoughts got interrupted by the loud voice of my teacher. I think all of the people in the hallway heard it because they got silenced. I slowly closed my eyes, I know I'm dome.

"Sorry maam," I apologized.

She scoff at me and walk past me. I bit my lip and started to walk in the hallway, and of course they will intentionally bump me.

My small frame stubble when collide to their tall ones. I thankfully held my ground and did not fall on my gluteus maximus. I keep my head low, not wanting to meet their eyes.

"Oh, hi there Ellen. We missed you," Michelle said with mockery.

I know they don't.

I didn't reply and just keep my mouth shut.

"Aw, why aren't you talking? Got tongue tied?" Agatha said teasingly.

I want to roll my eyes and said that 'No, I just don't want to open my mouth and breath, I don't want to smell your stinky breaths. I might pass out.'

I heard laughs from the students in the hallway. I look up, wondering what they are laughing about and they are looking towards me. Oh, they're laughing about me?

"You bitch."

I turned my head towards Agatha and saw that her cheeks are red and she looks fuming. I gasped and cupped my mouth when I realized that I said my thoughts out loud!

Oh no, I'm dead.

Minzie grabbed my arms harshly and started pulling me, her nails sinking my skin. I winch. That hurts.

They drag me to the school's parking lot. Minzie pushed me to the floor, my hands and knees got scraped to the harsh ground. I winched because it stings.

My hair got pulled and I scream. I was lift from the ground and face the angry Agatha – she look so ugly by the way. She gripped my hair tightly and held my face with her sharp fake nails.

"Listen here bitch. The next time you said something like that, I will rip your hair out of your scalp and I'm gonna claw your face with my nails. Do you understand bitch?"

My lips wobbling, I nod. She let go of me and I'm once again slump if the ground. They sneered at me before walking away.

I really hate it when I got scared by them. But I know better than to fight back. For the past 4 years of my highschool, I knew that their promise are not empty. They are really gonna do that heartlessly. I have enough abuse for my whole life that I'm gonna do anything to avoid any of it.

I wiped my tears with the back of my hands and started to pick myself up. My knees sting when I stretched them up. I winched but continue to walk.

I tried to walk properly and act as if nothing just happened. The last thing I want is to be a laugh stock because of my weakness. I just hum a song from Beauty and the Beast to distract myself.

"Beauty and the beast..."

I was even oblivious that Clarion's car is here and he was watching me, curious.

My nose got runny from crying. I scrunch my nose and took my handkerchief from my pants pocket. I blew my sinus and sigh in relief. Now I can breath properly.

I pass the road to go to the other side. I like to walk in left side of the road. Because I thought that it's awkward to stare at the window of a passing car. So I prefer them facing their back on me.

I skipped while humming a song. I just can't stay still even if I'm walking. And as future WWA fighter, it's important to exercise my legs more.

I was interupted from my mini concert when I heard someone honk at me.

Seriously, people should stop interrupting and cutting me off while I'm talking or singing. My mind won't be quiet if my words won't come out.

I turn at my back to look at the car. When I saw the familiar black car, I squeled.

I knew it! I knew that he was the one honking on me. He likes to interrupt me so much.

I ran towards his car while waving. He honk back. Woah, I feel like I'm talking to a car.

Wait. Is there a car who can talk? If yes, where can I buy it? It is expensive? I would love to talk to my car, I would look amazing!

I immediately opened his car door and set myself in. I buckle my seatbelt, I slightly winch when my hands came in contact with the seatbelt, before turning to him.

I saw that his eyes followed the movement of my hands that's seating on my lap. He reach to grab it. Afraid that he might see my wounds, I subtlety avoid his hands. But that didn't go unnoticed bye him. He shot me a glare, as if challenging me to avoid his touch again and began to reach again. I pout and just let him take my hands. His hold is soft and careful, as if he's afraid to break me.

Hah! I'm breakable now?!

His brows furrowed when he saw the scratches and wounds on my palm. I tried to take my hands away, afraid that he'll press it, but his hold only tighten.

"What happened to you palms?"

I gulped and look anywhere but him. I force myself to find some excuse. I don't want to tell him that I just got bullied. The last thing I need is a mad Agatha. She will only worsen her bullying to me. The way she bully me now is already unbearable.

"U-Uh.... I tripped?" I questioned more than stated.

He gave me a suspicious look saying that he don't believe that.

Yeah, that's unbelievable Elle. You're literally a WWA fighter. There's no clumsy fighter.

"Uh-no. I'm actually a gymnast! I did some stunts earlier and tripped. That's why I got scratches. But it's nothing. My muscles can handle it – wait do I have a muscle? What do you do to have muscles. Oh, right I'm a gymnast, of course I have a muscle. Yes." I nodded to myself. There, I don't sound suspicious anymore.

But I think he's not having any of that. His eyes are dark now and jaw is clenched, as if he just caught me lying. He look mad again.

Why do I always make him mad.

I sighed sadly from my thought. I always make him mad. He might get a heart disease if I continue to make him mad. He'll also get white hairs and wrinkles. Oh no! He would look old. Just old, I think he'll still look handsome with heart disease, grey hair and wrinkles. He would be fine.

"Did someone bullied you, Elle?" he asked softly.

Still in the haze of my thoughts I unconsciously nod. When I realized what I did, I repeatedly shook my head.

Oh no, I should really stop zoning out! It done nothing good to me.

He already got the answer he want. He the both of my wrist in one hand and get something from his dashboard. I soon realized that it's first aid kit. He opened those and got some cotton and disinfectant. I tried to wriggled my hands to be free from his grasp but his hold never loosen.

"That would sting," I said, afraid. I don't really like cleaning wounds. Even if I got them all of the time, I didn't get used of the pain.

"It wont. This won't sting," he muttered as he dab the cotton to my palm.

Still skeptical that it would sting, I stiffen. But after a few dab, I realized that he wasn't lying. It doesn't sting.

I just watched him clean my would with tenderness and care. Putting some cute looking bandaids. I wonder where he bought it.

We're silent when his cleaning my right palm but he broke the silence.


I sigh. I know who he is asking. I should at least be honest to him. He's nothing but good to me.

"Just some girls."

He look at me, I smiled at him. I don't want him to worry.

"Don't worry, I won't let them bully me again," I said convincing him. Or me?

He sighed and just nod. I smiled, he understands. That made me happy.

"You want some ice cream?" he asked.

My eyes widen in excitement and I repeatedly nod.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

He lightly chuckled. He finished cleaning my wounds and started to drive. I happily sing, excited to eat some ice cream. I was thinking what flavor should I eat?

I ate cookies n cream last time, maybe I should eat strawberry now. My mouth water from the thought.

I heard Clarion chuckled again and I turned to him and smile. I asked the question that I have been questioning.

"Can you be my friend?"

But of course he didn't answered.

Word count: 2033