
Chapter 160 was to deepen the impression

Machine Translation

"Yes, yes. I know, Big Brother. If you didn't mention it, I would have forgotten about it. If I don't get any evidence and Qian An wants a divorce, won't I get anything? I can't do this!" Li Xue recalled the stipulations in the agreement she had signed. It was about Qian An's property. Not a single cent of it belonged to her.

Big Brother Li felt that his sister had a breakthrough. He thought to himself, 'Sister, don't hate me. I am doing this for your own good. Besides, isn't it better to entrust your money to your own family?'

Li Xue trusted her brother very much. She listened to everything that her brother said.

In the end, Brother Li patiently explained to Li Xue. "You have to be patient and endure for a while. It will be better for you in the long run. How would someone as shrewd as Qian An let others know that he has a mistress? As for you, you have to do as you did in the past. Don't keep asking questions. We will help you investigate. How about this? See if you can get Qian An to arrange for your second brother and me to work in the company. Any position will do."

Li Xue did not suspect anything else. She wiped her tears and said, "En, en. I have already made plans. With you and second brother around, Qian An will definitely not dare to play around anymore."

"I will do my best to help you. After all, I have watched you grow up." Big Brother Li played the emotional card and made Li Xue completely believe in him.

Li Xue reminisced on her younger days. She had become more and more dependent on her big brother.

"Big Brother, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't know what to do. I don't have anyone by my side who can help me." Li Xue began to cry again.

"Don't cry. It's all big brother's fault. What are you saying? Don't cry." Big Brother Li pacified his sister.

Li Xue was tired. Her head was still hurting, so she tried to calm herself and obediently went to rest.

When the call ended, Big Brother Li felt that if he could make good use of this second wife, then Qian An would be finished. The strategy had already surfaced in his mind, and it would depend on how he used it.

Of course, he also doted on his sister. In the future, if Qian An ran out of money, they could still take care of Li Xue.

In fact, Li Xue also took special care of them. When they were still in the provinces, Li Xue often transferred money to them, worried that they would not have enough. They raised her, so they could not do anything to her. If Qian An would end up with nothing, he would just let his younger sister do as she pleased. Perhaps it would be better for her.

Vicious thoughts and schemes had already been formed, but Qian an did not know a thing.

For many years, Qian An had not even seen Li Xue's two brothers. When they recently returned to the city to settle down, he heard that they had also bought houses. It seemed that their living conditions were good, so he did not pay too much attention to it. Little did he know that the money they had spent to buy those houses were from his own pocket. Li Xue had secretly transferred money to them.

Of course, those houses were still being paid in installments and were not paid off in one go.

They did not have much money left in their hands. Li Xue had given them a large amount of money, and they have portrayed themselves as successful. They could no longer ask for money from Li Xue.

A conspiracy began to spread, and many people did not know about it.

Li Xue went to sleep. When she woke up, the sky was already bright. It was already close to noon.

When she realized that Momo had not yet returned, she guessed that Momo had gone out that night. She could not say anything. After all, she was her daughter. She realized that Qian Shuishui did not visit her. She hurriedly asked the helper to call Qian Shuishui.

The helper had no choice but to call Qian Shuishui. Qian Shuishui accepted the call, but she told the helper that she was very busy, and she hung up.

Shuishui was at the shooting range with her teacher. When she answered the helper's call, she wanted to end the call as soon as she heard that Li Xue wanted her to go to the hospital.

Teacher Li sat at the side and watched Shuishui pick up the call with a cold expression. She then hung up and continued to shoot. It was not ideal to take a call during shooting classes, but he ignored it and didn't say anything.

He saw that Shuishui was getting more and more proficient in shooting. She had hit the bullseye a few times. At her level, she seemed to be very talented in it.

"Come, sit down and take a break," Teacher Li told Shuishui.

Shuishui nodded and walked to the side in large strides. She took out two boxes of fruits from her bag. "I bought some fruits from the fruit garden today. You can eat them during breaks. I also have watermelons. I know you like them. They are quite sweet."

Teacher Li found the watermelon very sweet. He felt refreshed. "Thank you for buying this watermelon. It's so sweet," he told Shuishui.

Shuishui was actually eating a pear. She took big bites and ate and chewed loudly. "I like the texture of this pear."

The noise bothered her teacher. He knocked on the table with his fingers and said to Shuishui, "You are a girl. Be more elegant. You are eating like a man. Where is your usual elegance?"

He believed that girls needed to be quiet and elegant. Shuishui indeed used to be quiet and elegant. He noticed that she recently walked differently. He observed as she put up one leg on another chair and eating loudly. It was very unladylike. 'Oh my god. She should be more graceful,' he thought.

Shuishui retracted her foot. She just wanted to be carefree. Unfortunately, her teacher did not like it. She rarely acted manly. In an instant, she became a lady and ate the pear more gracefully.

"You have already learned boxing and self-defense techniques. You still have to be your old self. Teacher does not want you to act like those other unruly boys, because you're a good, graceful young girl. In fact, I didn't like the women in the army. They were rude and not gentle. That was why I got together with a nurse in the medical department. I was not attracted to women in the army." Teacher Li started to talk about his past with a sentimental look. There was a hint of tenderness in his eyes.

Shuishui blinked. Teacher Li never talked about his family. This was the first time. "That's not right. Teacher, didn't you want me to enter the military academy and join the army? Wouldn't that contradict with what you said?"

Teacher Li coughed. "You child, can you not grasp the details? Teacher asked you to go to the military academy. You will have many choices. I don't want you to become an ordinary soldier." Teacher Li quickly tried to change the topic when he also realized that his words were somewhat contradictory.

Shuishui could not help but laugh. She started to look around. The other rooms were all occupied. Every time she would go to the shooting range, there was not a single empty room. When she peered into the other room, she saw that young man again. He looked at Shuishui and smiled and nodded at her.

Shuishui also returned a smile.

She was just being polite, but the young man left his room and came over to Shuishui. "I didn't expect to see you guys again this week. You've become much more proficient."

"Yes, my teacher said that you come to practice every week and practice your gaze at home," Shuishui said and laughed as she looked at Teacher Li. She found her teacher quite endearing.

Teacher Li turned around. "It's you. You often come to practice. You're quite good. Judging by the way you hold the gun, you must have been practicing for two to three years."

"Yes. How did you see that?" the young man asked. He was a little surprised. He looked at his own hand. He didn't feel like there was anything special about it.

"Teacher Li is a retired special forces soldier, so he is very experienced with guns. Therefore, through your hands, your posture, and your thumb, he can guess how many years you've practiced," Shuishui said on behalf of her teacher. Teacher Li was considered as one of the strongest and most skilled special forces soldiers. She felt very privileged that she had such a good teacher, as she was able to learn quickly.

She pushed the fruit towards the young man. "Do you want some?"

"No, thank you. Teacher Li is so amazing. He must have been a great special forces soldier," the young man said as he looked at Teacher Li with admiration.

Shuishui raised her eyebrows. "Even if he's amazing, he's my teacher."

This sentence made Teacher Li raise his eyebrows. "Shuishui, you child. If you enter the military academy, Teacher will be happy no matter what."

Shuishui grimaced as she imagined the battlefield. She would never enter a military academy.

The young man looked at the two of them. When he heard this, he felt that something was not right. "You aren't in university yet? Are you in your third year?"

"First year!" Teacher Li said as he patted Shuishui's head. He admired Shuishui's proficiency, but he could not fully grasp why did she not like military academies. 'What a good seedling! The future of the motherland,' he thought.

"No way. I remember that this place doesn't allow minors to come. If a minor is older than seventeen, there must be a guardian." The young man studied Shuishui's appearance. "Seventeen years old?" he asked curiously.

Shuishui was speechless because she didn't know what to say.

Teacher Li looked at Shuishui. "This child is a beginner. I guarantee that she is capable. Every time she comes for practice, I supervise her. If anything goes wrong, I will be responsible."

The young man felt Teacher Li's displeasure. He felt that Shuishui didn't want to talk anymore, so he quickly left and didn't ask any more questions. It's easy for conversations to go sour when one wrong thing is said. Shuishui shook her head and ate a grape. "That young man is a hothead," Shuishui said disapprovingly.

Teacher Li immediately lectured Shuishui when he heard her mischievous words. "Don't talk like that. You speak as if you're older than him."

Shuishui pouted. Every time she spoke with great feeling, she would be interrupted by Teacher Li. He would say that she wasn't good and that she was too manly. Wasn't she evolving into a manly person?

Teacher Li let Shuishui practice while he sat and observed her.

The more familiar they were with each other, the more did Shuishui want to let go of her natural traits. She was slightly confused when her teacher called her out for behaving differently.

They had practiced the entire morning. For the next phase, they went to the area next to the shooting range. Shuishui saw that there were some training equipment. "Coincidentally, there are some women from the army coming over today. I'll let them practice and spar with you. If I spar with you, you will hesitate and might hold back from attacking or making moves."

Shuishui immediately understood what the teacher meant. The teacher meant that the group of women who would spar with her would be quite unmerciful, so she had to treat them seriously. She had fought many battles and thought of the many ways she could deal with them. Teacher Li was afraid of hurting her, so he had to set up practice matches for her with other women.

She looked at the knee pads in front of her. "Teacher, can I use these?"

"Yes, you can use them. There are gloves over there. They are all professionals. If they see that you can't do it anymore, they will stop. If you feel that you want to stop the fight, you can shout to me. I will stop the match." Teacher Li was going to be ruthless this time. Shuishui had never been injured before. How could she remember what to do? This was a rare opportunity for her. Although he was a veteran cadre, he also found it quite difficult to book the other women for this match.

Shuishui quickly began to prepare herself. She had a bad feeling about the matches. She felt that Teacher Li wanted her to experience how ruthless fights could be. She thought to herself, 'No pain, no gain.' She knew Teacher Li definitely had his own intentions in setting her up for it. He wanted her to be stronger and gain more knowledge with the experience. She silently set a goal for herself.

Half an hour later, three short-haired girls with an imposing aura walked in. Shuishui mouth dropped as she saw them. There were three words to describe them: strong, tall, and terrifying. She lowered her head and looked at her small arms and legs. She wanted to cry but no tears came out as she looked at Teacher Li. 'No way. These three people?'

Teacher Li nodded at Shuishui and said, "Go for it."

Shuishui was nervous and speechless.

One of the girls walked up to Teacher Li. "Old Li, long time no see. Is your leg better?"

Teacher Li smiled. "It's fine, but I'm already old. I'm no longer as strong as you. Thank you for accepting my invitation." Teacher Li then told the women about his plan and how to go about the match with Shuishui.

"En, that's right. Go ahead." The woman ungracefully sat down and opened the bottle of mineral water by her side. She gulped down more than half of the water.

"Do you see that little girl over there? She was robbed several weeks ago and wasn't able to react in time. She did well in our practice matches, but she needs to improve in many other aspects. I wanted my student to fight in a practice match with you today. The matches will leave a deep impression on her and will allow her to reflect on herself and on how she could improve," Teacher Li said quite ruthlessly.

One of the women looked at Shuishui and frowned. "She's underage? Furthermore, I'm afraid that I might accidentally break her small arm."

Shuishui heard what the woman said. Break her arm? She felt nervous and thought that it would be better to not go through with it.

She was a little afraid. She felt nervous because she did not want to get hurt.

She was afraid of the pain and discomfort.

"I know that my disciple is very weak, but I also know that you have a sense of propriety in your attacks. Also, you have been instructors too. You have trained many rookies. How about you help me with this today? You also know that I've never taken in a student before. This is the first time I've taken in a student, and she was foolish enough to let someone snatch her phone. Don't you think that she should practice more?" Teacher Li held his head with a look of disappointment. He felt that Shuishui had reacted too poorly in that situation.

Shuishui's face darkened. 'Teacher, why are you still exaggerating that matter? It's already embarrassing enough that it happened to me, yet you keep telling other people about it,' she thought.

When the women heard this, one of them nodded and said, "It's indeed very embarrassing. Little Sister, can't you do this? You should at least learn from Old Li. You should know that Old Li's skills are well-known in the army. He's definitely one of the top soldiers. It's indeed not right for someone to stupidly snatch your phone away. Since that's the case, I'll agree to the match. Today, I'll train you and see where you need to improve."

Shuishui smiled and said, "Thank you, Sister."

However, Shuishui's heart was about to break down. She thought, 'Oh my god. This woman has such structured and well-defined muscles.' Shuishui felt even more scared and was obviously hesitant to move.

However, Shuishui was unwilling to admit defeat. Even if she knew that she could not beat her, she would still carry on.

The ring in the middle of the room was smaller than a regular boxing ring. Shuishui tied up her hair and put on her headband. She then went up and climbed into the ring.

Do you love me

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