
Chapter 158 presents

Machine Translation

"I have different classes in the morning and afternoon. Can you take care of the other one for me?" Shuishui thought that it would be bad if she brought in the two wheelchairs.

"Yes. I will come over at noon." Mu Ziyu nodded.

Shuishui was worried that Mu Ziyu would bring her out for lunch. "Come over after lunch then. I always eat at the teacher's house."

"Okay. Eat well. Send me a message at noon when you have to go to your other class, and I will come." Mu Ziyu patted Shuisui's head to confirm their relationship. They had decided to wait until she went to university before they could really fall in love.

For the meantime, he could only protect her and take care of her.

"Okay. We can go to the alley for breakfast. There are good breakfast shops that have been there for a long time. There's also one that serves their own soy milk." Shuishui thought of the breakfast at that shop. It had been a long time since she last went there. It served good food, and she had promised herself she would go back.

Mu Ziyu drove silently. He would go wherever Shuishui wanted him to go.

Although they were together, they treated each other as they did before. The only difference was that Mu Ziyu visited Shuishui more frequently. Mu Ziyu knew that Shuishui loved to eat meat. He realized that her diet was also quite healthy.

Shuishui drank the soy milk very quickly. As soon as she got her hands on it, she drank it in big gulps.

After she finished drinking the soy milk, she started eating the sausage.

Mu Ziyu had already cut up the sausage for her.

Shuishui ate quickly. As soon as they had finished eating, Mu Ziyu brought Shuishui to her class without delay.

Meanwhile, Teacher Hu was eating breakfast at home and reading the newspaper. It was almost time, so he told his helper, "Go prepare some fruit. When Shuishui arrives, serve it."

"Okay." The helper quickly cut up the fresh fruit that she had bought the previous day.

Shuishui entered her teacher's house with the wheelchair. She covered it with a layer of gray cloth and pushed it in.

Mu Ziyu watched as Shuishui pushed the wheelchair inside. As he drove off, he thought about what would happen. In a few months, after the semester ends, they would return to the capital. He thought about what he should do.

He would never give up on Shuishui. If he brought her to the capital, would she be happy? It had to be considered in the long run. They still had so much time. There would always be a way.

The teacher's helper watched as Shuishui pushed in a cloth-covered object. "Miss Qian, what is this thing?" she asked.

Shuishui smiled. "It's a gift for Teacher."

She walked up to greet her teacher. "Teacher, I brought you something good today."

"What good thing?" Teacher Hu stood up and placed his hands on his back. He looked at what Shuishui brought in. "It's quite big. What is it?" he asked curiously.

Shuishui removed the gray cloth and revealed the wheelchair. She giggled with excitement. "It's a tool to help Teacher move more freely and easily."

She then told her teacher about the gift. "This is a wheelchair. It will make things convenient for you. It can move and turn. You can steer it left or right." Shuishui pushed the wheelchair forward towards her teacher. "Teacher, sit down first."

Teacher Hu felt a little curious as to why she had thought of giving him a wheelchair. "Okay."

Shuishui explained further. "This wheelchair is very versatile. I have installed a safety system. In case of a collision, an air bag will inflate to protect you. Of course, it won't come out now. Teacher, try it out first."

Teacher Hu sat on the wheelchair. It was very light, and it was very easy to steer. He strolled down a small staircase, and the wheelchair did not shake too much. It was also comfortable to lean on. It was much lighter than the wheelchair that he had spent tens of thousands of yuan on. "Shuishui, where did you buy this wheelchair? It's good. It's very easy to control."

"I made it myself."

"En, you made it yourself? En? You made it yourself? Shuishui, you made it yourself?" Teacher Hu looked at Shuishui in surprise. He lowered his head to look at the wheelchair. Indeed, it did not look like it was bought outside.

"That's right. When I finished the blueprint, I started working on it. However, the interior was a little difficult, so it took me a while to finish it." Shuishui smiled faintly. "However, on the outside, it doesn't look so exquisite."

"No, no, you're thoughtful. Shuishui, it wasn't easy to make, right? Teacher likes it very much, and I'm very happy." Teacher Hu felt genuinely happy. At the same time, he suddenly felt that Shuishui was too considerate. She must have noticed that it was very troublesome for him to walk around, so she made him a wheelchair. His past students were not as warm-hearted and thoughtful. They were good students, but they paled in comparison to Shuishui.

Shuishui walked behind her teacher and pushed the wheelchair. "It is also easy to push. If you want to stop moving forward, Teacher, you can pull the lever by your side. It will keep the wheel from moving forward."

"It's well-designed. It's a little like a car." Teacher Hu nodded in satisfaction. Tears rolled down his eyes. He reached out and patted the back of Shuishui's hand. "Shuishui, Teacher is very happy. I can see that you have a very good heart." Teacher Hu did not know what words to use to express his excitement and happiness. He was already past the age where he could completely express his excitement.

Shuishui shrugged. "Teacher, it's good that you like it. I just want to make it convenient for you to move around since you are suffering from rheumatism."

"En, in the future, Teacher will sit in this wheelchair of yours. I will throw out the one I had previously bought," Teacher Hu said and laughed.

Teacher Hu pasued and said, "I needed this for a change anyway." Shuishui smiled and placed her bag on the sofa. She walked to the corner to prepare tea.

"Teacher, what kind of tea do you want to drink today?" Shuishui scoured through the tea bags her teacher had. She was very familiar with where her teacher kept his things.

"Let's drink light and elegant tea today. You can choose." Teacher Hu was still looking at the wheelchair. He moved around and found that it was indeed lightweight. He found it easy to go up a slope, which he found difficult to do in his other wheelchair.

Shuishui prepared the tea. She took the pot of water beside her and washed the teacups.

After they had their tea, the class began. Shuishui was about to enter the next learning phase. Teacher Hu felt that Shuishui could take the examination. She was not in a hurry to take the examination yet. It would be much better if she could take the examination after she improved her foundation.

Shuishui was more hardworking than ever. She did not try to find shortcuts. She studied everything step by step and did not complain about anything.

She had mature and outstanding qualities in all aspects. If he had a grandson of the same age, he would definitely set them up. Shuishui would be a good granddaughter-in-law. However, he did not. Shuishui was his student. In the future, if she had a boyfriend, he would have to ensure that he would be a good match for Shuishui.

"Although your sense of music isn't that good, you can still do it in other aspects. If you continue to study and be down-to-earth, you will eventually succeed. In the future, you can join more music clubs. Anything is fine. Ah, I remember now. The day before yesterday, Teacher Li had tea with me, and he told me about you. He said that you have the potential to be a special forces soldier." Teacher Hu looked at Shuishui, who was so thin and looked so weak. How could he bear to let Shuishui join a military camp?

"Teacher Li suggested that I enter the military academy, but I refused because I am not really interested in becoming a soldier." Shuishui was a little embarrassed. She really didn't want to enter the military academy. She had let down Teacher Li's good intentions.

"En, I think so too. What military school does a girl go to? When you go to university, you should choose a major that you like. Only then will it be interesting. Otherwise, you will only feel bored, and you won't have the heart to continue learning." The teacher sighed. He was sad that Shuishui had no plans of pursuing a career in music. If she wanted to go to a music school, with his help, she would definitely stand out.

Shuishui rubbed her nose and giggled foolishly.

Shuishui didn't think too much about it. However, when she saw her teacher's disappointed expression, she suddenly remembered that she wasn't really musically inclined. She didn't think that she was such an idiot. Fortunately, she was good with music scores. Even if she pulled the wrong string, it would not be too much of a problem.

Most of the time, she would calculate the time in her head while she played so that she would not miss the rhythm.

"Don't feel too much pressure. I realized that you don't have a sense of music, but you have a good grasp of the rhythm. As long as you don't go to high-end music performances, you won't have any problems," Teacher Hu said. Most people who couldn't really listen to music well also found it difficult to grasp the rhythm.

Shuishui nodded. "I won't. I just need to study the scores well."

Teacher Hu taught Shuishui until the helper told them that the food was ready. As they walked out of the room, Teacher Hu asked Shuishui, "Shuishui, are you going to attend your calligraphy class this afternoon?"

"Yes, Teacher," Shuishui responded.

"It's rare to meet a young girl who is interested in calligraphy. You should eat well today. The helper made your favorite sweet and sour pork ribs." Teacher Hu pulled out a chair and sat down as they waited for the dishes.

Shuishui went to the kitchen and helped bring out the dishes.

It was a sumptuous banquet. There were five dishes. "It's a little too much," Shuishui exclaimed.

"He knew you were coming today, so the old man asked me to make more of your favorite meat," the helper told Shuishui. She had been with the old teacher for quite a while, and she already knew what Shuishui's favorite dishes were.

Shuishui giggled in gratitude.

The three of them sat down and ate lunch together.

Shuishui sent a text to Mu Ziyu: "I'll be done in about half an hour."

Mu Ziyu quickly replied: "Okay. Wait for me."

Shuishui savored the sweet and sour pork ribs.

"Shuishui, don't eat too much. It's not good for your stomach. You'll be fine after eating. Don't overdo it." Teacher Hu was happy to see Shuishui eat. However, he thought she ate too much and overdid it. It was not good for her body.

Shuishui puffed up her cheeks and nodded. She tried to respond, but her words were incoherent.

She swallowed and cleared her throat and said, "Okay. I understand."

When she finished eating, the helper handed Shuishui a box and said, "This contains the fruits I cut up for you earlier. You can take it with you. You can eat it in the afternoon."

Shuishui was grateful. "Okay. Thank you."

Shuishui then picked up her bag and left.

Mu Ziyu's car was already waiting outside. Shuishui quickly went to get the second gift. She also made a wheelchair for Teacher Li. However, it was a little different from the one she made for Teacher Hu. It had not been completed yet, but it was almost done.

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