
Chapter 135: Qian Momo's thoughts

Machine Translation

Xiao Qi continued to reply to Qian Momo: "It's been four years since anyone managed to woo Mu Ziyu. I'm afraid it's going to be a little difficult for you. It's not going to be easy. Some of the more famous models have also tried to woo him, but they haven't succeeded in catching his attention. We've known each other for so long, so let me give you a piece of advice. If it's not yours, don't dwell on it. With your status, you will find a decent man."

Qian Momo was very confident in herself. She replied: "Xiao Qi, I haven't even done anything yet. How would I know if I will succeed or not? Many people say that Cinderella's story is unrealistic, but aren't there real Cinderella stories happening in Europe? Besides, I'm not Cinderella."

Xiao Qi was speechless. He looked at Qian Momo's reply, and he thought it was too arrogant. He knew that the Qian family was not as wealthy as they portrayed themselves to be. Among the many wealthy families, Qian Momo was like a frog at the bottom of a well.

He ignored Momo's message and immediately signed off. He left Momo to think whatever she wanted. Also, she would be the one embarrassing herself, not him.

Qian Momo smashed the mouse in a fit of anger and then went to wash herself.

The next day, the sun shone brightly. Qian Momo woke up early because of Li Xue. Li Xue dragged Momo out of bed early and asked her to dress herself properly. "Today, you have to accompany me to meet someone. It's related to your future. You're not young anymore. When the time comes, you will look for a man to be your partner."

"Mom, I'm still young. I don't want to settle down so early." Qian Momo was unwilling because she had already made plans for herself. Li Xue wanted her to go on a blind date and get engaged. Momo didn't want that.

"Why are you being disobedient?" Li Xue was unhappy. She didn't like it whenever her daughter disobeyed her.

Qian Momo didn't dare to offend her mother. "Mom, I'm not even 21 yet. To tell you the truth, there is someone I like. He has a very good reputation and status."

"Whom do you like?" Li Xue asked her daughter.

Qian Momo lowered her head and looked bashful. She didn't know if she should tell Li Xue or not. She gritted her teeth and said, "I like Mu Ziyu. He is the campus belle in one of the local universities."

"Mu Ziyu?" Li Xue let go of Qian Momo's hand. The name sounded so familiar.

Li Xue suddenly thought of something and smiled. "I remember. Our family also has a business partnership with the Mu family. Your father even mentioned them. If you like, I can go to their house to learn more about him."

"Really? Mom, do you support me?" Qian Momo was excited when she found out about the business partnership.

Li Xue nodded in confirmation. "Although I've never met that child, his younger brother and Shuishui are very good friends."

"What?" Qian Momo suddenly stood up.

Li Xue remembered that the younger brother's name was Mu Zilin. He and Shuishui entered the third high school together. The elder brother was a very outstanding person, but the younger brother was an average performer and more carefree. They were very different. They were as different as her two daughters were.

Qian Momo thought of asking Mu Ziyu's younger brother to give her Mu Ziyu's number. 'Oh god. The opportunity is right in front of me. How could I let it go?' she thought. "Mom, ask Shuishui to come home for dinner tonight. I'll tell her."

"You ask her. I don't want to see that unfilial daughter." Li Xue was angry at the thought of Shuishui. Although she was her daughter, she felt that Shuishui was disrespectful towards her. The last time they were in the same room, Shuishui had embarrassed her in front of her two elder brothers and sisters-in-law.

Qian Momo looked at her mother. It was indeed unlikely for her mother to call Shuishui. Would Shuishui come? She thought of their arguments, but for the sake of Mu Ziyu, she had to reach out to Shuishui. She tried to forgive Shuishui for what she had done before. She had made up her mind. She would call Shuishui at noon and ask her to be home for dinner that night and that she could also bring her good friend Mu Zilin along. Momo planned to be very nice to Mu Zilin. She definitely could not offend Mu Ziyu's younger brother.