

The walk seemed to go on and on and on. The view, well there wasn't much. Broken signs, buildings crumbling to the ground, shrubs and vines growing over everything, and yet in all of this destruction an ethereal beauty. The scenery was a world taking back what once was hers! The ground was claiming it all again.

Yes, the destruction and desolate silence should scare Terra. Yet, in that walk there was something there. Some form of beauty that no amount of destruction could conceal. Her entire world was sterile and there was no grass for the children to play. Inside the city there were no trees. There were no flowers except that flora which was grown in a highly cultivated lab.

Terra realized just how much there was in the world. The sky was a different shade of blue and the clouds looked white like a pillow. There was so much more than just some bland grey, black, and white colors. The children learned of colors in their classes and had crayons still. However, no lesson taught us that the world was full of colors.

Terra knew that she would not be the same girl who started this journey upon waking up outside the fence. As of this moment, she knew that she knew so much more than what was taught. This journey would mold her into something beyond the child she still felt to be. This was her new destiny and it felt right.

She knew she was meant to explore the world. She was meant to take an eye opening journey. She had no idea where she was going. She kept the stranger in her view and she tried to walk only where he did.

There was no way to explain his walking pattern. His movements appeared precise and indirect. He knew each step, but those steps were not in a straight pattern. Left five steps, then straight forward for six, right two and then straight for five then left and then straight. The pattern continued but it appeared to be for a reason.

Oh no! He is setting up camp. He will be out here, in the dark for the night? Yes the sky has darkened and it's getting hard to see. However, Terra has never slept outside before. Will she announce herself to share his fire or hide in a tree? She had heard small noises as she walked but nothing to fear.

Only two choices, but they had been walking for many hours. She had no water and no food. She had worn the simple tank and cargo pants that her community all wore. She knew nothing of the climate out here. She had no survival skills to speak of. His fire looked so warm. What is that smell? It's... it's mouth watering.

He could kill her. He could attack her. He could say yes! The thoughts flying through her brain like words on a computer screen. Time to face the music and the stranger. She started to walk forward and then stopped. Started again and froze. Several times she tried to approach him. Several times she panicked.

"I can smell you. I can also hear your heart beat. Come sit by the fire."

Her heart stopped for a minute. Literally just refused to beat! He could smell and hear her.... He was Were! She slowly approached him. She was frightened but she chose to show a brave front. Shoulders back and head high. She didn't want him thinking she was weak. She would not be a liability to him or herself.

" What's your name little one? "

Terra sat staring, his voice did not match his body type. He was built like a tank, his shoulders were bigger than her thighs. His eyes were a bright blue and his hair was long and blonde. By appearance and best guess he could subdue her with one hand. His voice, however, was very melodic. She felt like it would lull her to sleep, she felt safe. Weird that a stranger's voice would make her feel safe.

"Terra" she mumbled after she realized he was staring. "Hawk. Are you hungry, little one?"

Why was he calling her little one after hearing her name? And was Hawk his actual name? He must have realized how hungry she was though because he put a plate of something delicious before her and handed her a spoon. Not another word was spoken as they devoured all that he had made.

" We will sleep tonight, tomorrow over a meal more questions. Take my bedroll, I have my cloak. Stay close to the fire! Sleep, little one!"

She thought of asking him more, she had questions too. She just had too many. Will he send her a way tomorrow? Will he take her with him? Is it too much to ask to want to learn more? Should she sneak a way in the middle of the night?

He watched her wage a war within herself. He had some questions, but now was not the time. She looked dead, closest guess she has never walked this far. She probably never left the community in which she lived. Which made him question why she was here. She was beautiful in an off beat way and he has been keeping a close eye on her since he left the Lansing City Gate.

Tomorrow there would be answers, tonight she would sleep. His hearing would alert him to any intruders... whether they be on two legs or four. She deserved a nice night. He would have to make a decision come the morning. They didn't know each other. She didn't smell like she had Were or Magic. She would be under twenty-one in this case.

Still a child by most standards. The way the world worked now was not the world that once was. My great grandmother recorded her stories when the cities first started building their walls. She was a child then, just ten years old. Her brother was born after the Great Pandemic.