
She Turns Glamorous After Marriage

In the glimmering world of Hollywood, a rising star named Sarah shines brightly on the silver screen. With each role she takes on, she pushes the boundaries of her talent, striving for perfection in every performance. During the filming of her latest movie, Sarah crosses paths with a charismatic and charming young man who becomes her pillar of support in moments of despair. Their encounters are filled with laughter and joy, but as their connection deepens, they find themselves entangled in a web of love. However, just as their love story unfolds, a twist emerges. Lucius Anderson, a renowned tycoon with a mysterious reputation, enters the scene. Rumored to be gay due to his absence of female companionship despite his wealth and striking looks, Lucius stuns the nation when it is revealed that he has a betrothed wife, whom he married when she was just a toddler. Unbeknownst to Lucius' wife, she has fallen deeply in love with another man. Little does she know that her lover has been paid and sent to watch her every move, toying with her emotions for ulterior motives. As their love triangle intensifies, the consequences of their actions loom large. In this gripping novel, emotions run high and hearts are shattered. The country watches in awe as this complex tale of love, betrayal, and hidden agendas unfolds. Will Sarah reciprocate the love of her devoted admirer? Can Lucius' wife find happiness despite the tangled web of her marriage? And what will be the ultimate price for those who have caused irreparable damage to her heart? Prepare yourself for a slow-burning journey into the world of fame, passion, and heartache. This is not your ordinary fictional novel, but a captivating story set against the backdrop of the acting world and a love triangle that will keep you turning the pages. Take a chance on this novel, dear readers, and be prepared to be swept away into a world where the spotlight shines on both the stage and the heart.

Okwuma · Fantasy
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79 Chs

A great combo!!

As the days went on, Sarah got back to her movie shoot and surprisingly Michael was also there.

" you didn't tell me you'd be acting in this movie too," Sarah said, walking towards Michael.

"What can I say, I wasn't expecting to be picked you know. I just received a phone call saying I will be acting as the male lead" Michael said with a shrug, but Sarah didn't buy it.

"That's not how it works, you must have signed up for it by doing a pre-performance to take part in the movie," Sarah said.

"Yeah, maybe," Michael said with a chuckle.

"Can't believe you'll be acting along with me, gosh! It's going to be more fun now you are here" Sarah said, her cute dimple showing up on her cheeks.

"Yeah! I know right?" Michael said with a wink.

"Sir, here's your script for the next scene, you and Mrs. Sarah will be going for the next scene" one of the assistants informed Michael.

"Oh, I see," Michael said taking up the script as he briefly read through it.


According to the movie script play, Sarah is going to be placed as a character who everyone despises and makes fun of because of her ugly and awful-looking face, all the girls in high school would not want to come close to her because they feel they are not of the same class, she's too ugly to be with them.

Gianni who has always been treated differently from the rest just because she looked ugly with pimples all over her face has always felt alone and laughed at by all the guys in high school and by her fellow girls.

Many times she has broken down in tears because of the humiliation, embarrassment, and insults she received in school, she felt so insecure by her looks that she couldn't even take a look in the mirror. She felt ashamed and insecure.

There was a twist in it all when a new kid started attending the same high school as her.


After Michael went through the script he found it so interesting and funny that he started laughing

"Hahaha" Michael laughed, Sarah with curiosity asked

"What happened? Why are you laughing so much suddenly" she asked Michael

"I can't believe you agreed to play this role, hahaha, seriously why didn't you choose some other role to play but you went and chose to play a character who is tagged as an ugly pimpled face girl" Michael cracked up.

"Humph" Sarah sighed, definitely not pleased with what Michael said as she folded and crossed her hand across her chest, looking away from Michael angrily.

"Hey, don't give me that face, I was just playing around around, the role is pretty nice. An ugly girl and a handsome guy, such a great combo! Don't you think so?" Michael said, trying to brighten up Sarah's moody face but she was not even looking at him, as she rolled her eyes, walking towards her dressing room.

"Hey, Sarah, don't do this, I was only trying to make you laugh, I didn't know you would take it seriously," Michael said as he followed her, "I'm sorry, okay ?" Michael said.

Sarah entered her dressing room and locked the door from the inside as she burst out in laughter.

Michael listened from outside the door, hearing her beautiful laugh made him smile, knowing she wasn't really angry at him.

"Oh, now I see what you did there, you are just pretending to be mad at me, wow! What a great actress you are Sarah. Wow just wow! I can't believe I bought that" Michael said.

"Yeah, I know right," Sarah said, still laughing at Michael's face when he was pleading and trying to brighten up her moody face. "You look so cute pleading Sarah said as she opened the door, still finding it hard to contain her laughter.

"I can't help it if I'm so hot and handsome but now you are adding cute to my perfection, what can I say if not thank you" Michael said feeling proud of his looks

Knock knock

A young girl around the age of eighteen stood outside the door as she knocked

"The director sent me here to inform you that the shoot will be taking place in a few minutes" she delivered the message with a smile that reached her eyes.

"Alright, thank you, we are coming out soon," Sarah said returning the same amount of smile that reached her eyes making her dimples show up, and then the young girl left to continue with her work.

"Let's get going," Sarah said as she pulled Michael along with her, and Michael obediently allowed her to pull him as he followed suit.