
The Robbery

"Angus, hurry, I hear sirens," I said after hearing sirens gradually getting closer.

"I'm almost done."

Almost done wasn't going to be fats enough, I heard the sirens shut off and a key click. I slid across the floor into complete darkness and grabbed my duct tape and rope.

I stuck duct tape on my mouth and tied my hands together. I mumbled something to get their attention. A cop started walking over here while the other starting cuffing Angus.

"He-," Angus started.

"You have the right to remain silent, save what you got for the judge." The officer who had tied him up said.

The officer who walked over to me untied my hands and pulled the duct tape off my mouth.

"You okay there, Son?" He asked.

I shook my head, saying yes, and he took me out of the bank. I told him a couple lies about how long I've been like that, where I'm from and all that, but then he let me go.

I walked to the nearest café, which ended up being a little Stopbucks, so I sat down and started looking at the menu.

"Hi, I'm Gabriella, I'm going to be your waitress today! Is there anything I can get you to drink?" The waitress said.

"I'll take a coffee, Black, no ice, thanks," I said and faked a quick smile towards her.

"Okay, I'll be right back," She said.