

Josephine_Njuguini · Fantasy
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30 Chs

She Is The One

Episode 25

Dan's mother was left astonished. She couldn't explain what happened. It was one of the biggest embarrassments she had ever got in her life.

She was so confused, she didn't know whether to run after Dan or to talk to her friends and guests to calm them down.

Sarah cried helplessly on the floor, it was embarrassing. .

What Dan did to her was unforgivable, but they had pushed him too hard, she thought.

Florence was equally shocked to see her running after her. She thought she was dreaming because she left Dan in church taking a vow to marry Sarah only to turn back

and see him on her back running towards her, everybody was outside the church staring at her.

Dan knelt in front of Florence, with the wedding ring on his hand. Everybody was like 'what is wrong with your

son Mrs. Mary?'

"Dan, what are you doing? What is wrong with you?"

Florence asked him.

"Florence Nduta, will you marry me? You are the

woman I love," Dan proposed to Florence instead.

Florence started crying, everybody staring at them, including Sarah. Florence looked around her, looked at Dan's mother and saw how much she was broken inside.

She looked at Sarah and felt for her, all she could see in

her eyes was sadness and love, then she looked at Dan

and told him to stand up.

"Dan, stand up, I know you love me, you really love me, and

I love you more. But you deserve her, you deserve being

with her. Please go be with her, Sarah really loves you. I

am sorry Dan but I can't be with you, not after all this.

Even God can never forgive me." Florence said NO to

Dan, in front of all those people then she left.

Florence ruined everything, maybe if she would not have

gotten out of the room, the wedding would have

proceeded and Sarah and Dan would have put a ring in

each other's finger. But now all that was now a story in

the past, a wedding which took over five million Kenya

shillings to arrange turned to be a 'cinema.' To make it

even worse, it was being aired live in Ebru TV.

Mrs. Mary collapsed at the door , she couldn't just take

in everything, all the shame, everything she invested in

that wedding was now like nothing.

She was rushed to Bond Sub-county hospital where the

doctor diagnosed that she had a heart attack but the good

news was that it was not a severe one. She recovered and

went back home that same day at around ten in the night.

All her friends left, no one even went for the food in the

reception. What happened was just so saddening.

Dan had no idea what he was going to do next, he lost

almost everything. Florence said NO, he ruined his

wedding with Sarah and that was an unforgivable act, he

was not sure if his mother was still seeing him as one of

her children. He lost Florence, Sarah and most probably

his mom. All he was left with were his friends and his


The following day very early in the morning, Dan

traveled to Kisumu to check on his father who was still

in a coma and in ICU trying to fight for his life. He

prayed to God to let his father live because he was all he

was left with. His father loved him so much, and he

couldn't just imagine a life without him, however old

he was.

After seeing his father, Dan disappeared, he left Joel in

the hospital, he didn't even tell him where he was going.

He wanted to run away from home and just start a fresh

life. Joel tried calling him but his number could not be


He tried calling his friends to confirm if he was with

them but none of his friends had seen him. Joel went to

his firm to see if he decided to go to work even though it

was a Saturday but no one was around.

Joel was so stressed, he had no idea whether his boss had

been kidnapped or just disappeared. He decided to call

Dan's mother to explain to her what was going on. Mrs. Mary told him that she had no child called Dan, not


Joel was devastated, he tried calling Lisa, Dan's sister to

explain to her what had happened but her phone was not

going through. He tried Florence's number but she was

not picking.

Joel decided to drive back home to confirm if maybe

Dan had traveled back home. When he arrived, he found

Mrs. Mary seated on the veranda, he parked the car then

started walking towards their house but Mrs. Mary called


"Joel, I took you when you had nowhere else to go, no

one to turn to, I paid fees for your children, did

everything to you and this is how you pay me back? I

asked you where you used to go with Dan and you lied

to me, not once but so many times. Anyway, it seems your boss is not

around and so should you. I don't know what you are

still doing here, that car doesn't belong to you, please

give me the car keys and leave." Joel lost his job just like

that. He handed the car keys to Dan's mother, packed his

things and left.

One week later, Dan activated his cellphone number

back, he got so many text messages including one from

Florence and so many from Joel but none of them was

from his mother.

Florence texted him asking for forgiveness from him, the

content of the message was reading;

"Hello Dan, I don't I am the last person you want to talk

to right now, but please just hear me out, I know what I

did for you was unforgivable and it has been taking me

crazy since then. Please I am very sorry for breaking

your heart, I thought I was doing the right thing, but

maybe it was just out of fear. Saying yes in front of your

mother, Sarah, and all those people, it was like signing a

death note to all of us. I did what I thought was best for

both of us. I never stopped to think how you were going

to feel about it and I am very sorry for that Dan, I love

you, I love you very much and I want to be with you for

the rest of my life. Please just let me know if you get

this." That was the message from Florence.

Dan thought he had he had let go of everything but after

reading that message, he realized that he could not let go

of Florence, his love for her was even stronger.He decided to call Joel because he wanted to send him to

Florence, he had no idea Joel had been fired from the job

by his mother.

"Hello Joe, how are you doing?" He asked him. Joel was


"Hello sir, is that you? Where are you? It's good to hear

from you again, I thought we lost you. Are you at

home?" Dan didn't know which question to answer.

"Joel, I am fine and I am safe. Wait are you not at home?

Where are you then?" Dan asked him feeling curious.

"I am at home sir, my home. I left your home the same

day you disappeared, your mother relieved me of all the

duties and told me to go back home." Joel explained.

"I am so sorry Joel, I am really sorry, I will become back

home tomorrow and we will talk," Dan said.

Dan had to come back home because he had to see

Florence one more time. He called his sister Lisa to

confirm the health status of his father, the good news

was his father was out of a coma and was talking. His

mother was still at home.The following day, Dan came back home,. He found his

mother seated on the veranda reading a newspaper, he

put down the briefcase he was carrying, went to his

mother, and then knelt down next to her then he started

asking for forgiveness.

"Mum, I know I am the last person you want to see in

your life right now, and I know what I did for you is

unforgivable, but I am asking you to forgive me, mom, I

can't live this life blaming my you anymore. You are my

mother and no matter what happens, that can never

change." Dan said to his mother.

Mrs. Mary looked at him, all she could see was her little

boy whom she used to take to carry on a baby carrier on

her way to church. She had to forgive Dan because he

was her son and nothing would change that.

"Son, I don't know if I can ever forget what you did to

me, the embarrassment you brought to me, maybe it was

my fault, I pushed you to the wall failing to acknowledge

the fact that you were the one to decide who to marry. I

have forgiven you son and I am requesting you to

forgive me too." His mother forgave him. Dan was very

happy, he thanked his mother for forgiving him.

Jackline and Lisa came to welcome him back home, they

were very happy to see him back safe.

Dan then called Joel and asked him if he could come

back, Joel refused, he told Dan that he was busy and he

had got another job. Joel didnt want to come back after

being fired by Dan's mother, he never liked how the

woman talked to him. Dan was now back in a life full of

stress and disappointments, but he had to face it. Joel

was his adviser, getting another driver was a challenge

but it was the only option.

After talking to Joel, he tried calling Florence but she

did not pick the call, Dan thought Florence was still mad

at him so he didn't bother to call again. An hour later,

Florence called back. She apologized for not picking the call because she was busy, they talked and agreed to meet the following day.