

Josephine_Njuguini · Fantasy
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30 Chs

She Is The One


Sarah was heartbroken, for a moment she felt like killing herself, she couldn't believe Dan would say something like that to her friends. Dan's mother was not in the sitting room by then. That was a very horrible way of introduction, tears started rolling down her chins. She was a strong woman, but she couldn't help herself out this time. If only she was somewhere else she would have killed Dan or at least do something horrible.

"Dan, you mean after everything I have done for you, everything we have been through together, you still see me as a family friend? I knew you were stupid, but I didn't know you are this foolish, psychopath. This conversation is not over, I will come back when you're feeling better." She took her handbag and walked herself out, she didn't even tell her friends to follow her, they had never seen her that mad. The two ladies stood up and followed her outside, they had to leave their favorite TV program halfway because things had turned from bad to worse. Sarah had even lied to them that Dan proposed to her but she told him to wait, but now considering what they witnessed, it seemed to them that Dan did propose to her in her dream.

"Goodbye beautiful ladies, drive safely," Dan said to them.

Sarah met Mrs. Mary outside, she was surprised to see her crying. Sarah just passed her, she tried to stop her but she couldn't.

One of her friends took the wheel and they left. Sarah could not even drive. They did not even talk to each other on the way until they arrived at Sarah's place in Bondo where they slept because they could not leave her alone.

Mrs. Mary ran back inside the house to ask Dan what was going on. He found Dan watching wrestling on Supersport channel.

"Dan, what the hell happened here, why is Sarah crying? What did you do to her?" Mrs. Mary asked.

"I am also asking myself the same question Mum. I came down here and introduced myself to her friends then she started crying. I don't know if it's because I said she is a family friend. She couldn't talk to me either." Dan replied, still enjoying the match of his favorite WWE Superstar, the match of Roman Reigns and Baron Cobin. What happened wasn't a big deal to him, after all, he just had a date with the woman he was in love with.

"What, how dare you introduce her as a family friend? We both know that is not true, and you did that in front of her best friends. What is wrong with you son?" His mother was so pissed.

"But Mum, how did you want me to introduce her? She is not my girlfriend, is she? I didn't know she would take it so personal, I am sorry." Dan replied.

"Sure you are, you don't even look sorry? Do you? But she is the woman you're going to marry, so I suggest you start loving her. Tomorrow we are going to her place at six in the morning and you are going to apologize to her. You are going to tell her that you were not feeling well and you didn't even know what you were saying. Tomorrow at 6 am, you should be in the car." Mrs. Marry yelled at him.

"But Mum…"

" No buts, this conversation is over." His mother walked out of the room.

After his mother walked out of the room, Lisa came to the sitting room and she sat next to him. Dan knew she wanted to say something because that's how she behaves when she wants to talk to someone.

"Hey siz, it's okay, just get it off your chest," Dan said to her.

"You know what you did was wrong right? I know you don't love Sarah and I am not asking you to but you embarrassed her in front of her friends, imagine if it were you, how would you feel? You're going to visit the woman you love with your friends and she introduces you that way? It's not something funny. I am always on your side but today, you passed the line brother. Never do that again." Lisa said to him.

" I am sorry Lisa, I don't know where I got that courage, but you also know mum is forcing me into being with this lady siz, I don't like her, I have no feelings for her. Actually, I am seeing someone else right now, and she is making me very uncomfortable. She almost ruined my first date at Tintoler with this lady I am in love with, her name is Florence, thank God she didn't recognize me. What do you want me to do Siz?" Dan asked his sister to advise him.

"I can't tell you what to do, but I hope you know Mum very well, so whatever you decide to do, be very smart or else someone might get killed because of you," Lisa told him.

"Okay Siz, thank you, I will just figure it out, but whatever happens, you know I will always love you. Thanks for always being there for me. You are the best siz." He said to her,

They watched wrestling together making stories then Jackline came to call them to move to the dining room where she had prepared the meal for them.

Their father was not at home, he had traveled to Afghanistan for UN peace talks with US President Donald Trump, who had deployed his Militants in Kabul, the capital City of Afghanistan to warn the country against terrorizing US cities.

Florence called him while they were on a dining table eating, Dan doesn't always pick calls while eating but he just had to pick this one, he had set a different ringtone so he knew it was her calling, he canceled the call then went upstairs to his room and he called her back.

"Hello sir, I am sorry for calling you this late. I just wanted to confirm if you arrived safely and to say thank you for everything." Florence said to him.

"Hello, you just called at the right time, I arrived safely, thanks so much, I am just resting in my room now. Thanks so much for the company and for your time, you were amazing." Dan replied.

"Thank you sir, you have a blessed night. And stay safe." Florence replied back.

"Okay, I hope I will see you tomorrow, have a lovely night and take care of yourself." Dan ended the call and lay flat on the bed facing the ceiling and smiling. That was his perfect moment.

Dan didn't want to cross paths with his mother, he respected her, his mother loved him and all she wanted was to be a good mother, she wanted the best for her son, though she never stopped to think that what is best for her might not be best for her son.

The following day, Dan woke up at 5 am and prepared himself to go with his Mother to Sarah's place.

They took off at exactly 6 am, Dan was in his car with Joel driving him, his mother was in her car, Mercedes- Benz model. Chris was her driver.

They arrived at Bondo within 10 minutes, Sarah was still sleeping, her two friends slept on her couch that day, they got out of the car then Mrs. Mary knocked at the door. One of Sarah's friends opened the door and welcomed them in.

"Good morning Madam, is everything okay? This is a very unusual visit at odd hours." The lady asked.

"You tell me if everything is okay, where is Sarah?" Mrs. Mary asked her back.

"She is still sleeping, she cried the whole night Madam, she just started sleeping like two hours ago. Do you want to wake her up?" The lady asked.

"I think we will have to because we don't have a lot of time. Please just tell her we are here." Mrs. Mary replied.

The lady went to the bedroom to wake Sarah up. She found her unconscious with froth coming out of her mouth. She screamed for help. Mrs. Mary and the other lady ran into the bedroom to check what was going on.

Some drugs were lying on the floor, and some were on her bed. Mrs. Mary touched her pulse around her neck and it was still moving...

_What happens next..._

_Wait for epi 14_