
C3 The Return

"I am here for you, Princess." Owen said. How could he call me that? He used to call me that when we were dating. I hated it when he called me that. "Don't call me that." I was mad he was here. But I have to admit, I am kind of glad he is here. I needed to see him one more time so I can know what it felt like to be abandoned. "Am I not allowed to call you that?" Asked Owen. Owen is playing dumb. "No. We broke up. Stop acting like you didn't know that." I had told him with a glare. "Well, you left. You never said anything about it being over." Owen said with a mischievous smirk. "Maybe I just ended things on my own because you cheated on me with my roommate. Thought I wouldn't find out? Maybe you shouldn't be so loud when you are in her room." I dropped on him. He asked for it. He needed to know what he did wrong. So what I did was embarrassing to him. I slapped him and walked out the door. He ruined my appetite! This jerk thinks he can play dumb? I'm not a sucker. I won't tolerate his stupidity. I will get my revenge on him. Maybe I can ruin his relationship. Or I can act as if I never knew he cheated on me. All I know is that I will make them pay for what they did. I feel so mad. I went back to the apartment where me and my roommate used to be. Her name is Sophie. I knocked on the door. Of course, Sophie answered. "Hey! It has been so long! How have you been? How was China?" She acted as if she cares about me. If she cared about me she wouldn't have seduced my boyfriend. I took off my engagement ring and gave it to her. I still wondered why I had it on all day. I was so happy I finally took it off. "Why did you take it off? Aren't you guys dating?" She acts so fake. "I found out Owen is cheating on me with someone close to me. But I don't know who." I decided to torment her. It was funny to see every reaction she had every time I had provoked her. She made a serious face. I started acting all sarcastic. "If only I knew who stole my boyfriend, I would probably take revenge." After I said that, I made a smirk, then looked at her. She had that look like she knew exactly who I were to blame. I blamed her.

Author's Words:

Thank you for reading this chapter. If you enjoyed this, please comment if we should have more characters, or more ideas for Chapter 4. Hoped you enjoy!