
chapter 3

chapter three


I arrived at the site and saw my building half built 

"Where is the architect" I simply said 

"Sir he has not arrived , he answered with his head bent" 

"When he arrives tell him to meet me in the company house asap" that's all I said and left the site 

The driver brought me to my work place 

As I entered the building 

"Good morning Mr. Maxwell , many of my workers said 

I just ignored them , because I was so angry 

"Good morning sir , my secretary worked up to me , showing me her half naked Boob's 

"What a slut I said , ignored her and entered my office 

Damn .. 


I quickly greeted Ma'am Cora

"Good Morning Ma'am Cora" 

I didn't what for her to reply me I just dashed you the kitchen and started serving the customer 

And preparing what the customer wants 

Something caught my attention outside ,a black car very fancy pulled up in front of our eatery 

A  man walked in 

Ma'am Cora left what she was doing and quickly went to the man 

And after talking he left 

(Ma'am Cora)

I can't believe my ear 

Lord Maxwell 

Placing order in my eatery


I quickly rushed to pearl 

Ignoring my rage 

I gave her the note , I left her because she knew what to do with it

"make sure you deliver before the time" 

I left 


I glanced at the paper 

And saw the food 

Easy , I said 

I started preparing the meal 

After preparing the meal I tasted it , it was damn sweet

I checked the address And saw the place 

"What I shouted 

"note please serve this meal in 15 minutes time , I saw the meal 

I was 10 minutes late 

I quickly left the restaurant to deliver the meal 

I am looking for lots Maxwell office I told the woman I saw there 

She stared at me with an eye that look like jealous , well it didn't matter  

"wait here she told me"


I saw a girl very pretty looking for my Maxwell saying that she's here to deliver his meal 

I knocked on his door but didn't get a reply 

So I entered the office 

And meet a sight I never dreamt of

Lord Maxwell was with a lady she was sucking his d**k 

I was very hurt seeing this 

So I quickly brought down my head 

"Boss someone is here to deliver your meal"

"let her in what was he said 


I stared at him In bewilderment

Really so this mean is really unbelievable 

So I left 

I saw the girl so I told her 

"you can go in"


I entered the office and saw a disgusting site 

I saw a man fucking a lady 


So I said 

"Sir am here to deliver and serve your meal." 

The lady looked  up and glared at me 

I sighed 

So the man told the lady 

"Get up and leave my office"

Jezz he's voice is so cold , I was getting scared somehow .after the lady left 

I stood still unaware , when I heard a cold voice 

"are you here to think or are you here to serve me my food

So I started serving the food As I was about to leave what I heard marveld me 

"why is this food cold"

Umm , sir is still hot when I was serving it 

"so you are now calling me a liar"

No sir was all I said 

I watched as he ate the food and quickly spit it out 

"who made this food"

Sir.. Sir am the one, I answered with a terrified face 

"So you can't just cook a simple meal 

A watched as he called someone 

I heard a knock on the door 

"Come on was almost here said." 

I recognize the man , he was the man that came to our eatery today 

"Now listen good , go to the eatery and bring the owner of the eatery now , this brat has the guts to make this food like this..

Sir please I will lose my job if that happens , please sir don't do it I begged her even throw the food on the floor but shortly some one came and cleaned it up 


I was enjoying the scenario happening 

This brat dare deliver late but the food was sweet 

But I couldn't eat it 

I will sure punish this girl