
Was he serious?

After what Xavier said, he had disappeared leaving Aurora's mind in turmoil.

She was laying on her bed, trying her best to fall asleep but all she could think about were Xavier's words.

"Marry me instead" She squealed as she placed a pillow on her head. There was no way he was serious right? Why would he want her to marry him? It didn't make any sense.

She groaned as she stared up at the ceiling.

"Why did you have to say that Xavier, why?" She murmured then after a while, she fell asleep.


Aurora jolted out of bed as soon as she heard the loud sound of a horn being blown. She turned to the cause of the sound and saw her mother standing by the door with a huge smile on her face and a horn in hand with several maids behind her.

"Mother?... What… what is this?" She walked towards the window and opened up the curtains and Aurora immediately groaned as she covered her face with her hand.

"What do you mean? It's your wedding day and we have a lot to prepare for! First get up, you need to try on your wedding and mating gown!" Aurora frowned. She didn't understand why her mother was so giddy to sell her off.

"I'm not getting married" Aurora murmured as she laid back on her bed then covered herself with her blanket.

Roseline sighed as she stared at her daughter before turning to the maids.

"Wait outside" They bowed their heads and immediately walked away, closing the door behind them. As soon as they were gone, Roseline walked towards the bed and sat down before caressing Aurora's arm.

"I know you probably hate your father and I right now but we are doing this for your own good. I know you love Xavier but you and him, you can never work out" She murmured and Aurora scoffed before lifting up her head from under the covers.

"So you think selling me off was the right choice?" Roseline gasped.

"We are not selling you off, my love. We have taken months to study Sebastian and he's a very good boy. If you open your heart, I'm sure you both will be head over heels in love with each other" Aurora scoffed. She doubted that was ever going to happen.

Roseline sighed then caressed her face.

"I love you so much, so much more than you know and your best interest is all your father and I have been thinking about since the day you were born. You and I both know there's nothing that can transpire between you and Xavier, he's from another world and you're just a wolf. Try getting over him Aurora, for your own good" She placed a kiss on Aurora's forehead before standing up.

"Now get up, the maids are going to help you get fitted into your gowns. We don't have much time, hurry up" Aurora sighed as she slowly got out of bed.

Deep down she knew her mother was right. A demigod and a wolf? Preposterous!

"Marry me instead" Xavier's words from last night echoed in her head and she froze up. Had he been serious? She needed to speak with him again to make sure he was serious before she went along with this facade of a wedding.

For the next three hours, Aurora spent her time trying on mating and wedding gowns with a frown on her face.

"They all looked good on you but none of them are speaking to me" Roseline murmured as she glanced down on the yellow gown on Aurora's body.

Aurora had to agree with her, they were all beautifully made with the best quality but none of them were just for her but she didn't care, she could wear any one.

"If you were marrying Xavier, what gown would you pick?" Aurora gasped as she turned to her mother with wide eyes.

"What did you just say mother?" She questioned and Roseline smiled.

"Well you don't look interested in this and I know it's because you don't want to get married to Sebastian so if you were getting married to Xavier, what would you pick?" She pursed her lips as she turned to the gowns lined up in front of her. If she were to marry Xavier?

She walked towards the gowns and began glancing at them one by one till her hand landed on a silver one which matched Xavier's eye color.

A smile appeared on her face as she grabbed the gown then turned to her mother.

"This one" She murmured as she glanced down at the gown. Roseline snapped her fingers and the maids immediately helped Aurora get into the gown.

"You sure?" The gown was not as puffy as the rest. Rather, it was more form fitted and had a slit at the side. It sparkled brightly and the arm was made of lace. It was truly beautiful and hugged her in all the right places.

"It's perfect mother, I love it" Aurora murmured as she glanced at herself in the mirror with a smile. She suddenly found herself imagining Xavier standing right beside her and complimenting her which made her grin.

Her mother just stared at her from behind with a frown. If only her daughter could really be with the demigod, she would have been in support because Aurora's happiness meant the world to her.

By the time Aurora was able to get some alone time by herself was nighttime. Everything had been prepared, they were just waiting for the groom and his family to arrive and her heart was racing more than ever.

It was like her parents knew she would go off running to Xavier with any chance she got so they positioned guards in front of her room door and below her window which made her sigh.

She sat down on her bed whilst wearing her wedding gown and just like she predicted, She immediately inhaled Xavier's scent which meant he was in the room with her.

"Have you thought about my proposal?" He muttered before she could say anything and she gasped.

"You… you were serious?" He tilted his head.

"Why would I joke with something like that?" He murmured as he walked closer to her.

"Marry me, Aurora" He uttered again and she froze while staring at him with wide eyes.

"But we can't be together, you're from a different world and…"

"I'll take you with me, back to my realm" He interjected and she bit her lower lip.

"But how is it going to work? You are trapped in that cage and…"

"Come down to the cave, Paxton will officiate our wedding and after that, you'll pull out the stake"...

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