
Beneath you

Aurora stood there staring at him with her mouth laid agape and her eyes wide. She couldn't believe what he had just said. He wanted her to come with him to his realm? Why? Was that some kind of sign?

"Are you okay?" She suddenly heard him asking, breaking her out of her trance. She shook off the feeling then nodded.

"I am. I just… I didn't expect you to say that" He stared at her for a while then tilted his head.

"I'm a ruler, little wolf. You have been good to me ever since we met and I'd like to repay the favor by saving you from the claws of your parents. In my realm, you'll be free to do whatever you want but there are rules which you must adhere to" A smile appeared on her face. He wanted to save her. Does that mean he cared?

Her eyes trailed down to the stake sticking out of his side before she raised up her head to stare into his eyes.

"What if I'm unable to pull it out? What if you are unable to ever get out of here and you get to stay in this pack?" "With me" she wanted to add but thought against it. He pursed his lips as he stared at her.

"Even if you don't help me, I will get out of here even if it means cutting off my abdomen" She gasped as her eyes widened in horror.

"What?" He smiled slightly.

"Don't worry. I'm a demigod, it's going to grow back but it is going to take a while and that's I'm trying to take the safest route out which Is you" She pursed her lips then glanced down at the stake.

"If you promise me that you won't hurt my family, I'll take the stake out" He just stared at her without saying anything which made her sigh. She hadn't gotten through to him yet.

"Come" She uttered then took his hand and led him over to her bed.

"Sit" She ordered which made him raise an eyebrow at her but he did as she said.

"What's going on?" He questioned and she smiled.

"Your hair is wet so I'm going to clean it with a cloth then style it for you" She murmured then walked over to her dress and grabbed a comb then a pair of scissors before reaching out for the cloth.

She walked back towards him and handed him the comb and scissors then began cleaning his hair gently with the cloth. As she cleaned his hair, she couldn't help but fawn over how handsome he looked with messy hair. His hair was always messy but something about it being wet made him more handsome.

He was peering up at her like a child just wanting to watch his mother's every move. Unable to resist, she caressed his face lightly then leaned down and placed a kiss on his lips.

That seemed to have taken him by surprise as he stared at her with wide eyes.

Realizing what she had done, she jumped away from him as she stared at him in shock. What devil had compelled her to do that? His lips had just looked inviting and….

"I'm sorry. I let my intrusive thoughts win. I'm so sorry" She profusely apologized but he just stared at her without saying a word.

"Hm" Was all he said after a while which surprised and confused her. Hm? What does that mean?

She scratched the back of her head awkwardly as she tried looking anywhere but straight at him.

"Aren't you going to continue what you were doing?" Her eyes widened at his words.

"You want… you want me to continue the kiss?" He stared at her for a while then chuckled lowly which sent shivers down her spine. Gosh, he should laugh more often.

"You were cleaning my hair, won't you continue?" She was sure her face was as red as a tomato as it dawned on her. He had wanted her to continue cleaning his hair!

Gosh why was she so stupid? Why did she keep embarrassing herself in front of him?

"Oh… I… erm… right" She stuttered then walked over to him, making sure to not to get too close to him as she wiped his hair stiffly. She didn't even dare look at his face again so that urge won't come back.

She let out a shriek when he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer.

"Do it the same way you were doing it before" His voice was calm but the authority behind it could not be dismissed. She nodded slowly at him then moved even closer and began cleaning his hair normally.

She was aware of the fact that his strong hands were still on her waist but she distracted her mind from it so her legs wouldn't turn into jelly. Gosh, if only he knew the kind of effect he had on her.

"All done. I'll style it now" She uttered and just when she was about to grab the comb, the door burst open and Veronica walked in.

Instinctively, Aurora's first reaction was to jump away from Xavier because of the kind of position they were in but a possessive feeling came over her and she found herself moving closer to him while gripping his shoulder.

Veronica's eyes turned into slits when she noticed that.

"How do you think mother and father would react if they knew you were with this… this monster? He broke my arm yesterday" Veronica whined.

"If I had broken your arm, you won't be moving it around like a dying fish" Xavier said calmly without even glancing at Veronica and Aurora had to bite her lower lip to stop herself from laughing when she saw the shocked and embarrassed look on Veronica's face.

"How dare you talk to me like that?! You might be a demigod but this isn't your home and I'm the future Alpha of this pack" Veronica uttered with her usual authoritative voice which usually got to Aurora but with Xavier close to her, she felt nothing.

Meanwhile, Xavier just had a bored look on his face.

"Veronica, can you leave? Please" Aurora said calmly and Veronica turned to her with a scoff.

"No, I won't leave. You might be feeling all high and mighty because of that demigod but remember your place which is beneath me. I can be wherever I want in this mansion" Veronica uttered scornfully making Aurora sigh but before she could say anything, Xavier pushed her back slightly so he could stand up.

He turned to Veronica and her eyes widened when she saw the look in his eyes. It held no emotion and as he walked towards her, she could feel it, the power radiating from him was superior to others she had felt before.

She subconsciously took a step back and let out a whimper. Why was he having such an effect on her and he wasn't even doing anything?

"I won't have you talking to my little wolf that way when I'm around. Another thing, she has never been beneath you because you have always been the dirt she walked on. You should know your place because I'm not as nice as Aurora portrays me to be. I kill with a smile and no remorse"...

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