
Chapter 2

3rd Person POV

"Jade! Jade! Jade!" Jade was talking to the bakery's staff, Jinkee, when the glass door of the bakery she owns suddenly opens.

She glared at the screaming woman and the young lady, Jade, found out that her Friend Camille had done it.

"What do you need?" Why are you shouting there as if you think there is a fire?" She asked her Friend angrily because it upset the customers of her bakery.

She approached customers with concern because some might be angry at what her friend had done. "Forgive those who were bothered by what my friend did, I hope you can go back to what you are doing and I promise this will never happen again."

She was thankful that no one complained to the customers of her bakery.

He turned to Camille who was now holding herself back. The Lady pulled Camille inside her office in her bakery.

"What do you need from me? You really meant me here and made a scandal," she asked her friend.

Her bakery is known as a quiet bakery but because of her friend, it seems that her bakery will lose that reputation. Many people go to her bakery to escape their problems since her bakery is really very quiet.

Camille's snout dropped and her eyes looked at her like a puppy. "I have a problem and I hope you can help me."

Her eyes met Camille's as she walked over to her swivel chair and violently slammed into that chair.

Hays! It will really pay for her swivel chair when it breaks it, no friend when it comes to her personal stuff. Her swivel chair is old but it seems like only her friend Camille can ruin it. Her Friend was really reprehensible and didn't care about the surroundings.

"Oh, what's the matter, you witch? And I'm the one you're really bothering," Jade said to Camille.

"I'm going to a party." Introduction of the witch.

Her face wrinkled in front of Camille. "Your only problem is the party, you really are a witch, what other problem do you have there? You are used to such activities, you can do it alone, you're old enough and don't need a babysitter anymore.

"I want someone to be with when I go to the party."

With what Camille said she immediately guessed what it wanted to happen.

With her two arms, she placed it on her chest and made it across. And several times shook her head.

“I won’t go with you, Camille, and you know that I’m not going, never," she said softly.

"All right, go away, you've got my answer so be content with that and I still have a lot to do." She turned her back on the friend.

"Jade! Please hear me out, just please!"

She suddenly felt Camille's hand on her arm and she winced when it fell to the floor while she seemed to be crying looking at her. Because of what Camille did, she felt the weight of it so it almost pulled her and she almost sat down on the floor.

"What are you doing Camille, stand there, you acting like a child, I'm sure you don't take your medicine again," annoyed Jade said.

"No! No! No! Agree first, please!"

Jade sighed and realized that she only agreed because of her friend's meanness and then she knew that she would not allow her if she did not agree because her mother gave birth to it three times.

"All right, but on one condition," wrinkled her face as she said to Camille.

Camille's eyes lit up and she stood up from the floor. "What? Hurry up! Whatever you say, I'll do it without hesitation." Its eyes are shining like you thought they were diamonds.

"This is the last time I will come with you," she said, seriously.

"But Jade, I want to—"

"I won't come with you if you don't fulfill my wishes and conditions and I will—"

"Alright! You won!" wrinkled its face as it says.

She smiled sweetly.

"That's okay, you have other friends besides me." Jade relieves Camille.

Its snout dropped. "They're plastics. While you're not, you're just a natural witch."

She rolled her eyes at her friend. She does not know if it is flattering her or insulting her.

"Yes, go ahead, go home, okay? I still have a lot to do, you're adding to my burden."

"That's okay, I'm your friend," Camille told her with a smile.

She was just shaking her head, she drove it away and it was good that it left because she literally had a lot more to do and take care of.

Jade was in the middle of work and was able to concentrate when there was a daring knock on her office door.

She let out a sigh and restrained herself from working even though it was pulling her and there seemed to be something in her to ignore the knocking.

"Come in!" She shouted so that the person knocking could hear her voice from outside the office.

Jinkee entered her office. "What?" Her face wrinkled and she looked stressed at the presence of the woman inside her office.

Her two eyes landed on what it had laid on her table. A coffee snack and cookies and a yellow flower.

"Someone is giving you this," Jinkee said.

She rubbed her forehead with her fingers. "Still don't know who sent that to me?" She asked.

It shook its own head. "All right, thank you so much, you can go out now, please just close the door for me when you get out," she said softly.

It bent down and slowly before walked out of her office and as she commanded it closed the door for her as it came out. While she can't do anything she just accepts what she receives every day because she did not know where she would return it.

It's always like this, every day. There will always be something coming from someone he doesn't know. From home to work he receives all sorts of things, sometimes even when he is just outside he will be surprised, someone will give him something. Even if she asks the people who are ordered to give to her, those people do not answer.

That’s not just once a day, but almost hourly. Meals are included only at breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner. That is why even if she has nothing to eat she can eat.

The person doesn't make a mistake so she can't avoid being curious every time she receives something.

Who are they really from? There is no name contained in that person's submissions.

She picked up the cookies and started to crack them. It's a pity because the food will be wasted so she just eats it. And the food she receives is delicious and not dangerous.

It's also a waste of the effort of the person who sends her things.

Someone POV

"What is she doing now?" serious question of the person sitting in a swivel chair while playing with the cubics

He is now talking to the other line who is guarding his ownership in the Philippines.

"Nothing Boss, she's just in the bakery," said the one on the other line.

He nodded his head and dropped the call.

He let go of his toy when he finished it in thirty seconds. He then turned around and looked at a frame containing a photograph of a girl.

That photo was taken by one of his staff for him. It was taken from the woman's house itself. In the photo taken she was still very young there and had a big smile on the camera.

None of himself just smiled suddenly. "I promise you, I will come back for you as I promised," he said softly as if you thought the person he was talking to was in front of him.

It was so far away from the girl he had met before on the bus, it was a woman now. He couldn't help but get annoyed every time he heard that someone was flirting with his woman. But fortunately, his man was quick to threaten people who approached his woman.

He just had a problem so he didn't go home right away but now everything is fine and he has no reason not to go home and he will make sure he gets his property.