
She's That Knight Known as Zero

She had to be strong, she had to work harder than anyone, she needs to always be on guard, she had to keep all the secrets sealed, but would all this be easy? When a lot gets attracted to her without her trying, when a lot watches her closely because she's too suspicious, when even her feelings that she made into stone are being melted. She suddenly appeared in their kingdom 4 years ago. They didn't know who she was or where she came from. But she knows why she's there. One didn't know she ever existed while the other doesn't remember her. She has no identity except for her name. "Just who are you?" "Someone, someone who never should have been born," she answered as once again she tried to stop her sobs from coming out. ***** If you're looking for literally half part is magical and the other half focuses on the character development. Then you are on the right novel. Come and join others in reading the story of a woman who's fate is the worst among all of them, but remains gentle and kind. Do read my other stories: VENGEANCE TO THE ROYAL ONES (COMPLETED) COMING FOR THE LAST FOURTEENTH (COMPLETED) RESTARTING CHAPTER BOOK FINALE (COMPLETED) VERACITY OF THE PAST (COMPLETED) REBIRTH: STUBBORNLY FULFILLING A PROMISE (ONGOING) LEFT BEHIND BY TIME (ONGOING) For more updates about me, here's our instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/miss.llaellen/ Here's our discord server: https://discord.gg/PNnYdEWX

Llaellen · Fantasy
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312 Chs

Seal Ability

Yukimura and Kaoru would look at Akihiro with death glares ever since the eight of them entered the office.

"Have Raven, Eureka and Azusa told you the reason why I have called you here?" Akihiro decided to ignore them and said.

"Azusa explained to us, your highness. But to say that we weren't shock would be a lie. The information was truly overwhelming," Feena answered.

Azusa was the only one who explained to the four of them of what truly is going on, Raven and Eureka after all went and spar with Yukimura after that they decided to go on separate ways, Azusa was the only one left who could explain, knowing full well how these two hated explaining things so much.

She could only sigh right now though, answering their questions was too much even for her.

"Indeed, it is indeed shocking. We were like that as well. But since I have no idea of who would be the enemy, you kids are the only ones I could rely on right now to help me defeat those enemies," Akihiro replied with his voice filled with apology.

"Overwhelming, but at the same time. We are truly happy, your highness. Happy for you and for the people of this land. You have given up so much for the kingdom and forgot that you yourself should be happy as well. To be honest some of the people are worried about your well being. They said that they haven't really seen you truly happy for the past 20 years," Mamoru replied, they have been encountering a lot of the people of Aurora Kingdom and have heard their worries.

("Stop being a ruler and start being a father. I will have no reserve to anyone who couldn't even protect his own family. What more can people ask than to see their king happy? Stop being stupid and start doing things for yourself, being selfless is fine but being selfish is not bad either.")

Eureka's words suddenly come flashing in his mind, these was her exact meaning back then, he glanced at her before sighing to himself. He truly was stupid back then, this girl have noticed all those things while he who was interacting more with the people didn't even see it.

"I am grateful that you all feel that way," Akihiro replied smiling at all of them.

"And with that, I need all of you to stay alert until the day of announcement. No one should dilly dally with their training, and I am asking you to do the same, Theo," Akihiro then said and looked at Theo seriously.

"I understand, your highness," Theo replied apologetically, he had been dilly dallying all this time, to be honest. That's why his archery skills haven't truly improved. Until now, he can only hit a big target, small and moving ones are still out of his reach.

("Your father gave you his permission to come with us for you to train, don't waste it.")

He then remembered what Haruka told him right after they met up when they left Archic Kingdom.

"That's all. You can all return to what you were doing," after a few more words of what they should do, Akihiro finally let them go.

"Please excuse us then, your highness," Feena said.

They all bowed down to the three of them and left. They only glanced at Eureka who was still standing in there.

"What is it?" Akihiro then asked after everyone left.

"I just want to know how was your task Kaoru?" Eureka replied facing Kaoru.

"That is..."

"You were complaining weren't you?" Eureka then added.

"No, why would I complain," Kaoru denied it waving both his hands.

Eureka sighed hearing his response.

"Seriously, I am telling you I was not complaining."


"Really… I was… not," his voice became softer.


"Fine, I was complaining a little," he then said honestly when Eureka remained silent.


"Fine not a little."


"Okay, I confess. I was totally and completely complaining at Akihiro," he then admitted after a few more moments.

"You do know the reason why you have to learn it right?" Eureka then asked.

"To gain another strong comrade once the real war starts."

Eureka then faced Akihiro whose expression changed.

"Why do you love holding back the important details, your highness?"

"That is..."

"He needs to know, in order to motivate him further."

"I know that, but what if..."

"It will work. I can assure you that it will work. You won't be adding more pain to those around you once they find out. Cause it will surely work," Eureka replied very seriously.

"What are you two talking about?" Kaoru asked after hearing their exchange.

Akihiro was silent for a long time.

"I should probably go by now," Yukimura finally spoke.

"Yukimura," Akihiro called out to him.

"I know that in time you'll tell us. So I and those guys could only wait until you do so," Yukimura replied, he then gave Akihiro a final nod before leaving, closing the door behind him.

"So what is it?" Kaoru asked once again.

"You do know the reason why there is only one person who has such ability as yours right? The reason why those who have that ability would be close to the magma ability user or the ice ability user?"

"Yes, I know. In order to stop you from losing control."

"That's right, your ability barrier was a camouflage to your real ability. Though it's not necessary but your ability itself was strong, and that is why our father decided that you need to hide the real nature of your ability. This is after all the very first time that this two abilities are born on one family."

"And what does all of those have to do with what you are keeping from me?"

"And do you remember that it was you who helped Haruka from keeping her ability?"

"Of course I do. When she just came here, she had searched for me who has the SEAL ability, in order to seal her own, this place isn't the first place she came after all. She had moved around to find me."

"Then you know that not only her ability but the energy flowing within her was sealed."

"Yes I know, isn't that the reason why Eureka tasked me to learn the unsealing method, to unseal her ability and help us in the battle."

"That's not the only reason," Akihiro said seriously and looked at him.

"What else?"

"With her ability unsealed, the energy will be unsealed as well. Then we could finally wake those who were in deep slumber for more than 20 years."

"Slumber? Who?"


Kaoru's eyes widened.

"Why did you keep this for so long?"

"I can't tell anyone, not even her. If I do I would just raise your hopes but to no avail. Cause in reality I don't know how to cure them. What if we all just waited for nothing? Then it is better that I am the only one who knows."

Kaoru looked at his brother's face, the face he once treated as his idol, the face that he once hated, the face that looks completely worn out right now.

"How much more suffering are you hiding?" Kaoru couldn't help but ask.

"Other than that, that is why you have to move fast and learn it immediately."

"I understand, you should have told me this in the first place then I would have tried my best from the very beginning," Kaoru said as determination reflected on his face.

"It's difficult," that's all Akihiro could say.

"And how did you know all of this?" Kaoru then asked Eureka.

"You sure you have no idea why?" Eureka asked him.

"My conclusion is near to impossible there's no point in saying it," Kaoru replied.

"You already said it, near to impossible but not impossible," Eureka answered back.

"No way, did you really?" he then looked at his brother who nodded his head.

Kaoru sat down at the closest chair to him, "Aren't all this information too much to be given in a day?"

"Who asked in the first place?" Eureka replied.

"I shall be going then," she then said and bowed to the two of them before leaving the room.

"She really?" Kaoru asked his brother once again.

"I and Yukimura was also truly shocked, but thinking that way then everything will make sense, all her knowledge and everything she had been saying all this time.

"I only thought that it was near to impossible but still a reality because of how she appeared in this kingdom, who would have thought that I was right all along?" Kaoru couldn't help but to shake his head.

"Kaoru," Akihiro then called him.

"They didn't contact you again? After we all found out about you?"

"No, not once did they contact me again, I couldn't even find the place where I would meet them. Eureka said that it was obviously a created space. That I shouldn't look any further or they might use this chance to kill me, even though I have no idea what they look like," Kaoru replied knowing full well what Akihiro is asking about.