

"It's like this dire wolf is a different breed of werewolf. Something... that's beyond Mankind and even the moon goddess herself" Phoebe parker has spent her entire life being shunned and punished for her clumsy and mouthy behavior and being loyal to a pack which doesn't deserve her loyalty. It's been a year since her Alpha gave her a punishment, and she's been walking on her toes to keep her head clear and sane. But now, all that has being threatened to be taken away from if she doesn't abide by the Alpha's rules by marrying his son Jasper and becoming the Luna of the Darkmoon pack. At the same time, A certain gossips have been circulating around the pack, Mentions of a Dire wolf Alpha looking for a new pack to claim and his destined mate Adrienne thinks nothing of everyone else decisions. That is until she met the beast himself. Wise people has been going around with the story that Three thousand years ago, the world's most strongest pack fell to a single blood dire wolf. Nobody knew how one person could defeat an entire pack of werewolves. Or what he had done to emerge victorious in the bloodshed that occured that faithful day. Nobody talked and nobody knew much of the one who became a dire wolf so fast in the blink of an eye. One thing was for sure, and that's that in a mere few hours, the leading pack of the world had finally fallen. The Greek Empire wasn't built in a day. But it certainly fell in one fucking day. After this certain dire wolf in the shadows gained the title of Alpha, he held it quietly. Connections were cut off with his new pack. What happened within those borders were a mystery to the rest of the world. But rumors seem to have their way of spreading. Nobody knows what really happened to the Alpha to make him a dire wolf. People talked of this new Dire Alpha spilling blood at every turn. How he would slaughter dozens without even being provoked. That this one dire wolf was so absurdly powerful that he ruled by himself: no Luna, no Beta, no adversaries. Yet nobody knew what drove him to become ruthless and blood thirsty. Three long years this went on. Eventually any more news of the pack became silent. Until one day, it became loud enough for the news to spread around. That day, something happens that shakes every werewolf to their core. The Dire wolf Alpha is Banished. Driven away from his own claimed territory. The pack struggled to rebuild after that, left Alpha-less and weak. But they were no longer anyone's concern. The world had their eyes on the one whom they threw out instead. Word spread rapidly that the dire wolf Alpha is with a vengeance. That he roams the woods, trespassing from territory to territory just looking for another pack to claim. And To rule once again. Every werewolf across the packs quivers. On edge and cautious. Doing whatever they can to prepare themselves, to ward off the Ruthless monster lurking somewhere out in the dark woods. And the Darkmoon pack is no exception. Although their new Alpha has a different approach to the threat. And that is to forcefully take a Luna to fortify the pack's leadership and strength. The more leaders, the more intimidation to outsiders. Right? After all she's mine to tame.

Zamsi · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: Are You Hurt

I decided to open my eyes, just barely enough to recognize the blurred blues, blacks, and whites of the night forest. I immediately notice the burning, sharp pain that's lighting my neck on fire with discomfort. Like there's canines sinking into my flesh and winning a tug-of-war match with gravity.

I'm... being carried by a wolf? Like a fucking pup?

Cold wind blows against my face, cutting right through my clothes and causing me to shiver.


I wake up to a pounding headache in the left side of my skull, right above my temple. My eyes were open, which makes the pounding worse. Out of instinct, my hand reaches up to the source of the pain. Instead of oozing blood like I'd expected, I'm surprised to feel the soft gauze of a bandage wrapped securely around my head.

I roll my head to the side to take in my surroundings. Through the trees, in the distance, a bright orange flicker stands out against the night.

The stupid bonfire. I can barely see it through the trees. How did I get out here so far?

Sitting up, I tightly close my eyes as I wait for the spinning to stop and vomit that was rising at the back of my throat. When I finally open them again, my heart stalls.

Staring straight at me is a complete Sexy stranger. Though strange is far from the word I'd use to describe him.

As soon as my eyes lock with his, all of my senses immediately pulse in unison, shaking me to my core. All my attention is on him and only him. His smell, his looks, and even the pleasant rhythm of his heart in my hyperactive hearing. Or maybe that's just mine beating violently out of my chest.

He's sitting cross legged on the forest floor, leaning forward as if to get a closer look at me. His eyes are a pure obsidian color, and they hold an uncanny resemblance to the glowing red ones I vaguely remember. His messy shoulder length hair is a brownish copper, which matches the thin layer of clean cut stubble on his perfect jawline.

Even with the small bit of distance between us, it's clear that his build is larger than an average person's. Not to mention three times as muscular.

I can't even try to think straight. He's attractive in a way no one person should be allowed to be.

His fingers flex in and out, the tendons in his gorgeous wrists popping up along with some veins in his forearms. Judging from the raw power stored in that action alone, it would be ridiculously easy for him to take a life away.

Those hands look like they could bring death in a dozen different brutal ways— and I feel like they have. Yet for some reason, I yearn to reach out and touch them.

The pulsing sensation gets stronger, making my focus on him so heightened that everything else is dull.

My lips part slightly, but no words come out. Instead it gets stuck in the front of my mind, lingering at the tip of my tongue.

Blindly I reach my hand out, trying to feel for anything at all. Warm fur tickles my palm, sending a jolt of electricity through my chest.

I flinch at the word


He makes a move to get up and I scramble backwards on my butt, fighting my every instinct to go forward.

My back meets the smooth trunk of a snow covered, fallen beech tree. It blocks me from going any further and I exhale heavily. Of course that's my luck.

He's coming slowly toward me, making my breath hitch. From a standing position his size looks impossibly larger, and impossibly like a force not to be reckoned with.

His nostrils flare as he sniffs the air. A low growl rumbles in his chest, getting louder as it travels up to his throat. "You smell like that bastard" he says in disgust, pushing it out through gritted teeth.

Him? Does he mean Jasper?

But if that bothers him, then that makes the two of us right?.

"And you smell like a wet dog," I retort without missing a beat. That was a lie. That was the biggest lie I've Ever told in my entire life.

He smells good. Really good. Like an addictive, masculine cologne mixed with the natural scent of a pine forest. And the fact that that scent makes my stomach twist with nerves scares me.

His gaze burns into me, telling me I made a mistake. The lighting in his dark eyes seems to dance, like a black and grey fire burning in his irises. It's as though it signifies a battle of some kind... like he's fighting with his own inner wolf but I suspect it's something more.

"What are you to him," he finally asks, the growl still in his voice.

"Why does it matter to you," I fire back. My wolf may already trust him, begging for his arms to encompass me, but I can't say the same.

He takes another step forward, hands clenching into fists. "Answer. The. Damn. Question. Now."

I stay silent for what feels like centuries. Some part of me doesn't want to tell him the truth. Not only because it would be voicing my misfortune and misery, but also because I somehow feel like I've betrayed him.

"Where is everyone?" I ask instead, trying to change the subject.

His shoulders visibly tense, as if I've made him uncomfortable. For the first time since we were talking, he breaks eye contact.

But the way I see it, he doesn't have the right to be uncomfortable in this situation. I do.

He doesn't answer the question, which only makes my mind race faster. I happen to glance past him and a lump forms in my throat at what I see. The snow is disturbed and sprawled everywhere. Bright patches of red stain what was once sparkling white.

Among that, my eyes land on a piece of hot pink fabric laying in the middle of it. A headband.

I dare to venture further, looking even farther past.

A body is laid, sprawled and broken in the snow. I recognize the disheveled fiery red hair.

My blood runs cold.

"Did you kill...?" I don't need nor want to finish the sentence.

He follows my line of vision before answering with a simple, emotionless dumbfounded reply.

"Yes."I swallow hard, feeling my hands start to shake. Goddamn it, why am I so nervous? If he wanted me dead he would've killed me while I was unconscious.


"She was the one that made you unconscious."

As if on cue, my hand comes up to touch the bandage around my head. He cares if I'm hurt or not?

No response comes to mind for that. That girl didn't mean anything to me. She made snide comments about everything and walked over everyone. She was rude and a pain in the neck, but still... it doesn't seem believable.

But if Trisha is dead... who else went with her?

I hadn't even realized I was lost in thought, staring at the ground until the snap of a twig pulls me back to reality. My neck doesn't even have time to turn before I'm being scooped off the ground, pressed against a warm, solid body.

An electric sensation ignites wherever we touch, erupting my skin in a tingling, pleasant fire. It's like a chain reaction, making my heart start to pound again in my chest, along with my muscles relaxing instantly.It seems like minutes pass by before I open my eyes again. When I do, we're in the small village of my pack. I happen to look up, and in the second story window of one of the houses, half a dozen pairs of eyes are staring down at us.

Among them are Cara's. Her face is twisted with contempt, glaring hatred at me even through the glass. I can't be bothered to react this time.

I look around and notice that not a single person is outside. They're all in the windows, peaking out and watching us like hawks. It's almost as if they're scared of something.

What did they witness that I didn't? Besides Trisha's death...

I'm carried straight through the middle of the annoying village, right to the grand cabin at the end; the one notoriously known as the Alpha's house. The stranger carrying me— my beautiful mate?— is unfazed. He continues on as if it's his territory. As if he has every right to be here.

He steps over the threshold of the front door, angling me carefully so that my feet don't hit the frame when we pass.

The entire pack just watched helplessly as a trespasser waltzed through our village, and stepped into the Alpha's house without a trace of hesitation.What did he do to them?

The door clicks shut, plunging the room into darkness at the mercy of night.

But more importantly, my stomach knots as the stairs creak under the weight, what will he do to me?

Sorry there wasn't enough dialogue this chapter! Trust me, you'll get to know "him" more later ;)

What do you guys think he wants to do with Phoebe?