
She's A Seducer

I was with my friends, when my phone rings. I furrowed my brows and answered it.

I saw the caller id, ut was my Mom.

"Hello, Mom. Do you need something?"

"Zoe, come home, Clifford is back!" Mom said excitedly.

My mouth widen in shocked and my phone slipped through my hands as I feel like all my strength have been drain into my body.

The moment I realized it, I panickly bend down to get it.

"M-mom, i-is it real?" I asked trembling.

I don't know what to feel.

All the emotions I've been feeling right now is confusing me.

I'm happy coz it's been a long time since I've saw him. I'm excited to see him again. I'm nervous, I hope we'll still be as closed as we are when we were young.

How handsome is he now? I bet he's still the cute little guy like before. I hope he don't stand out so much or else I need to strengthen the walls around him so that no one can still him away from me again.

I immediately said goodbye and ended the call when I heard her answer.

All my friends are looking at me with confusion.

"What's happening?"

"Yeah, are you okay?"

"Why are you so pale?"

All of them are asking with worry.

I was about to answered when Leader asked.

"Is he back?" My eyes immediately darted to her.

I knew it, she really knew me. She knew it the moment I panicked. Being friends with her for a long time, she knew everything about us just by observing.

I heard them gasped. I could feel me eyes watered and nodded.

"Yeah." I smiled while nodding continuously.

"I told you! He's gonna come back soon."

"Go and get him."

"Do you best! Don't let him get away again, or else you might lose him forever."

They all cheered for me."

"Mm. Thankyou guys."

I looked at Leader again and before I turned to walked out of the door. I heard her said, "If you really want it, used some force to get it. I'll be here to help. Just call."

Smiled and run to my car.

I was abit far from our house, It'll take around half an hour to get home. I find myself driving so fast that my car could almost fly and got home few minutes later.

I run to the house but then, suddenly halted when I noticed how I'm acting.

I cursed myself for being so excited. I might embarass myself if I go in excitedly like a baby.

I calmed myself down before slowly walking inside the house.

I could hear the laughters from inside. Everyone was gathering in the dining table, everyone's attention was centered on him, Clifford.

Then I saw him, sitting full of smile. I steps suddenly halted and stare at him from afar. Admiring his handsomeness.

"Oh baby, you don't know how long I've been waiting for you." I unconsciously said what is on my mind and can't help but smile while looking at him.

It's been a decade and now, we're both fully grown up. He grown as a handsome guy. His skin is so fair. His face looks so smooth, I can't wait to touch it. His hair looks so silky, I can't wait to run my fingers on it. His lips so pinkish, I can't wait to feel it and taste it.

I wanna slap my face suddenly thinking about all this things. How shameless.

But seeing him, makes me think about so many things. I'm so overwhelmed by so many emotions.

My daydreaming ended when I heard him clearing his throat. Everyone turned to look at him.

"I... I actually have something important to tell you guys."

Auntie clap in excitement, "We have something to tell you too."

I saw him look at his Dad. His dad nodded at him.

"C'mon tell us what it is because I'm excited to tell you what it is." Aunt said again.

He immediately shake his head and said, "No mom, you can go on first. Mine's a bit complicated and..." I saw him sighed and added. "Anyway, just go first Mom."

My brows creased because of curiosity about what's bothering him.

I suddenly felt something about what he said but put it away as I heard what Aunt and Mom said after.

"We've been planning this for a long time already." Mom said excitedly

"Though Zoe in not here yet, I'm sure she'll agree about it." Aunt added while giggling.

Uncle and my father have been listening to them, agreeing to everything their wives are saying.

"We've been planning for your engagement with Zoe. We'd love to have a pretty daughter-in-law, what do you think, Clifford?" Uncle Jam said teasingly smiled at Clifford.

I could see his shocked and slowly shaking his head. I unconsciously frowned because of it.

"I've been keeping it for years already but now, I want to tell it to all of you."

I could feel all the anxiousness just by looking at his back, pacing me.

"I'm wanna say sorry in advance but Mom... Dad... I hope you will understand." He said then slowly lowering his head.

I suddenly noticed his hands, there's a ring on it. A silver ring, on his ring finger.

I clenched my fist in anxiousness. Fear suddenly crawled into me, scared to hear that he's engaged to someone else.

He was about to speak again when the phone in his hand suddenly lighted up. He pulled it infront of him. His back is pacing me so I immediately noticed it and saw it.

I cuss unbelievably.

He's phone.

He's wallpaper.

The ring.

And this confession he's about to make.

It all make sense now.

There's two guy on his wallpaper, almost the same height, hugging each other so intimately.

My fist clenched more and my eyes watering.

After he saw who it is, he just put it back into his pocket and I feel like he got more courage as he breath in and out and continue what he is saying. "Mom, Dad, Aunt, Uncle.... I'm sorry but I'm actually a—"

"I'm back!!" I said and pretending to just came home.

They all looked at me.

"Finally, you're here. We've talked about alot of things already, where have you been?"

"I went out with my friends." I smiled and answered.

"Hi Aunt Clarisse, Uncle Jam. Dad." I greeted them all with a kiss.

After that I slowly turned my eyes on him.

"You're really back."

I could see him staring at me. I innocently smiled and walked to hug him.

I could feel him stiffened before awkwardly patting my back.

"How are you? How's Spain?"

"Oh.. I'm good, it's good." before laughing.

"Oh btw, let's eat first then talked later."

We all agreed, we seated on our chairs. We seated beside each other and started eating.

I just keep on stealing secret glance on him, observing him. I'm keeping my guard up coz he might open up about telling it to Aunt and Uncle.

I'm torned between confronting him or pretending not to care.

But then, I suddenly remember what Leader said earlier.

"Used some force if you really want it."

But how? What am I supposed to do?

Something came up into my mind. I won't take the the word force literally.

I smirked before slowly putting the food into my mouth.

"Since you are here already, we're gonna tell it to you too since we already told it to Clifford." Aunt smiled said.

I looked up and smiled innocently. "What is it, Aunt? Is it a goodnews?" I said then goggled in excitement.

"We... actually have planned the engagement of the two of you few years ago already." Uncle Jam said hesitantly.

I could see that he's telling it to me with consideration. I know he'll not push it if I decline.

I pretended to be shocked. "I-is it for real?"

I turned my eyes on Clifford. I could see his pleading eyes, telling me to opposed it but I pretended not to notice it and clap in happiness when they said it's real.

"If it's Clifford why not?" I said then smirked teasingly to him.

I saw him widen his eyes in shock.

"I actually don't have interest to other guy yet so ut's fine. It's just an engagement for now right?"

They all cheered in happiness. It's only him who is just there listening quietly. Don't know how to decline or what to do with the complicated situation.

I cling my arm on him and said, "You wouldn't decline me right?" I asked innocently with a pout.


"Don't worry if guys don't like it you guys can decline. We won't pushed it to the both of you if you are not happy or not willing." My Dad said.

"For me it's fine." I said while smiling so sweetly.

I saw him hesitated and don't kno what to do.

I pretended to notice his hesitation and slowly removing my arm that is clinging on him.

"O-oh, Mom, Dad, Uncle, Aunt. I-I think Clifford is still hesitant. Also, we don't even know if he has a girlfriend. I think we should give him time to think about it." I said then laughing awkwardly before slowly keeping ny distance.

I secretly hlance at his expression. I know he's already feeling guilty as he notice me removing my arm and slowly keeping my distance.

"I-I actually don't have a girlfriend. Also... I was just shocked coz I just got back here and this news came so I can't answer immediately."

I shaken my head and smile. "No, it's really fine. You can think about it, also our parents already said it, if any of us decline they won't push it through so don't worry about it."

"Yeah, I'm sorry son. We didn't even asked you alot of things about your life in Spain and tell you the engagement that day you arrived." Mom said feeling guilty too.

"M-mom, Zoe." he called us with helplessness.

"Fine, let's proceed to the engagement." He added while touching the bridge of his nose.

Looking at his frustration, I still couldn't believe that a guy this manly is a gay.

They all cheered after wgat he said. Mom and Aunt excitedly called the servants to cook more food to celebrate.

A few moments of chattering, I heard his phone rang.

"Excuse me, I'll just answer the call."

He stand up and walked to the quiet place of our house, in the balcony.

I just let a few seconds before excusing myself too and immediately followed him.


I heard him say. I can't hear who is he talking to but I could feel that it's his lover.

I unconsciously clenched my fist and bitten my lips.

"I'm sorry, I actually haven't told them yet." He said before massaging his temple.

"It's just that the situation is so complicated that I couldn't tell them."

I saw him frowned.

"I told you, it's really hard to tell them earlier. Let's talk when you get here okay? I'll tell you all about it."

"Mm. I'll wait for you."

The moment he said that his lover is going here, I can't help but to tremble.

How am I supposed to face his lover? Which is a guy too? If it's a girl, I can fight one on one but what am I supposed to do to make that guy backed off?

Ugh! This is giving me headaches.

But no, he's mine! I won't let anyone take him.

I'll fight you whether you're a man or woman. Who cares? In the name of love, what gender is?

N/A: It's my first ever story here on Webnovel. Don't mind any grammatical errors, I'm not that good in English but I'll try my best. Hope you like it!