


Flight to Canada, Toronto A-178 is now opened.

/" mom I think it's time for you to go/" Shawn said as we all stood

/" oh, Manuel I think we forgot to tell them/" Karen said

/" tell us what?/" Shawn said

/" we're going to London!/" Aaliyah Yelled

/" you what?/" Shawn said

/" since the kids really enjoyed spending time together, so we decided to spend 2 more weeks with them/" Manuel said

/" and also you don't have to worry about them, I'm here/" Karen said

/" you're going to London with my family?/" I asked

/" yeah! It's fun isn't it?/" Karen said

/" what the fuxk?/" Me and Shawn said together

/" language kids!/" Dad said

/" we aren't kids anymore Liam/" Shawn said

/" but you're kids to us!/" Dad said

/" wait, why aren't you guys happy?/" Jai said

/" um , because they planned this all without telling us?/" I said