

Dante led Elaine into his private room on the hotel's top floor, carefully placing her on the plush bed. As he sat down on the chair beside the bed, he found himself caught in a whirlwind of emotions. The unexpected reunion was both exhilarating and perplexing.

He couldn't have imagined seeing Elaine again after their breakup. Yet, here she was, lying before him. 

Her presence stirred up memories of shared laughter and whispered promises, contrasting sharply with the reality of their current situation.

Just as Dante was lost in his thoughts, the door swung open, and a man entered the room. His eyes widened at the sight of Elaine resting on his boss's bed. With a mixture of surprise and concern, he questioned, "Who is she?"

Dante's gaze shifted from Elaine to the man, and he sighed. "She's Elaine," he replied, his voice carrying a touch of nostalgia. It was a name Ian had undoubtedly heard many times in conversations with his boss.

Recognition dawned on Ian's face as the pieces fell into place. Elaine was the woman Dante often spoken about—his stories, his reminiscences, all centered around her. A pang of sympathy tugged at Ian's heart as he realised the complexity of the situation. 

Here was Elaine, the woman Dante still cared for deeply, lying on the bed of a room where he was supposed to be making preparations for his engagement to another woman.

Dante noticed Elaine's discomfort as beads of sweat formed on her forehead. Reacting swiftly, he instructed, "Turn on the air conditioner, and then you can leave." Ian nodded, momentarily frozen by the unexpected turn of events, before quickly complying and exiting the room, closing the door behind him.

Alone in the room once more, Dante removed his coat and placed it over the back of the chair. He moved closer to Elaine, his heart heavy with conflicting emotions. She looked so fragile, yet familiar, her features etched in his memory.

Sitting beside her, Dante contemplated the twist of fate that had brought them back together. He reached out and gently brushed a strand of hair away from Elaine's forehead, his touch tender and full of unspoken words. He wondered what had led her to this state, to be here in his room.

As the cool air from the air conditioner enveloped them, Dante found himself lost in a sea of memories—moments of laughter, shared dreams, and the bittersweet ending that had driven them apart. He couldn't deny the lingering feelings that had resurfaced, but he also knew the path he was supposed to take.

The room was silent except for the soft hum of the air conditioner, a contrast to the storm of emotions within Dante. He watched over Elaine, torn between the past and the present, between his heart's desires and the responsibilities that lay ahead.

As Elaine's eyes fluttered open, the unfamiliar room greeted her with a sense of disorientation. Slowly turning, her gaze fell upon a man slumbering on the same bed. 

It was Dante—someone she once knew so intimately, yet now he was just a stranger sharing the same space. His peaceful sleep beside her seemed like a cruel juxtaposition to the ache in her heart.

With a heavy sigh, Elaine's mind wandered back to the events of the previous night, seeking clarity amidst the confusion. It had been her father's birthday party—a cheerful occasion that had soured with Dante's unexpected appearance. 

The memories of their past together had cast a shadow over the festivities, worsening her already somber mood. Feeling suffocated by the emotions and memories resurfacing, she had excused herself and left the party behind.

The details after that remained a foggy blur, as if a veil had been drawn over her recollections. Struggling to piece together the fragments, she pushed herself up from the bed, her gaze fixed on Dante's sleeping form. She knew she needed to escape this situation, to regain control of her thoughts and emotions.

Just as she approached the door, a voice cut through the silence and froze her in her tracks. "You're leaving again without a word?" The voice was Dante's, laden with a mix of surprise and hurt.

Elaine's heart raced as his words reached her ears. She hesitated, uncertainty gnawing at her resolve. She thought he might have mistaken her intent, but the pain that flickered across his expression—fleeting, yet poignant—suggested otherwise.

She turned to face him, her gaze meeting his. "Dante," she began, her voice cautious. She didn't want to rekindle old emotions or revisit the past they had both moved on from.

He seemed to sense her hesitance, his expression reflecting a complex blend of emotions. "Don't you want to know what happened last night?" he asked, his tone a mixture of curiosity and concern. How did you end up here?"

Elaine felt a knot tighten in her chest. Her mind raced, torn between the desire to know and the fear of unravelling a sequence of events that might open doors she wasn't ready to face. She weighed her words carefully before responding, "I... I'm not sure. The last thing I remember is leaving the party."

Dante's brow furrowed as he absorbed her words. Dante's revelation about Elaine's intended purpose in the room struck her like a thunderbolt. 

"You were sent for enjoyment to Mr. Beck," he stated matter-of-factly. Elaine's eyes widened, a mixture of shock and disbelief washing over her. 

Her heart raced, and a thousand thoughts swirled in her mind. This was not how she had anticipated her morning unfolding.

As the weight of the situation settled upon her, Elaine's emotions churned. She couldn't decide whether to cry out of frustration or scream at the absurdity of it all. The room's atmosphere grew tense, and she struggled to find words to respond. 

She wanted to thank Dante for unwittingly saving her from what could have been a dangerous encounter, but gratitude seemed misplaced given their complex history.

Elaine's gaze shifted away from Dante, her mind a whirlwind of conflicted thoughts. She could imagine what would have happened after that. 

Eventually, she found her voice, quiet yet sincere. "I appreciate what you did," she admitted, her tone carrying a hint of vulnerability. It was an acknowledgment of the role he had played in protecting her, even if he didn't fully realise it.

Dante's mood seemed to have shifted since he had awakened. His energy radiated through the room, and he couldn't help but offer a hint of humour. "I suppose my accidental heroism deserves some recognition," he remarked with a grin.

Elaine's lips curled, but it wasn't a full-fledged smile. She appreciated his attempt to lighten the mood, yet her heartache and the weight of the situation still held her emotions captive. 

"Accidental or not," she replied, her voice softer than usual, "you saved me from something I'd rather not dwell on."

Dante nodded, his expression understanding. Their conversation, though laced with an undercurrent of tension, carried a sense of shared understanding. The room felt different now—less stifling, more open to the exchange of words that had remained unsaid for far too long.

As the quiet settled between them, Dante's demeanour shifted once again. A playful glint sparkled in his eyes as he quipped, "Who knew our reunion would be this eventful?"

Elaine managed a wry smile this time, her guard slowly easing. "Eventful would be an understatement."