
calista's departure

Calista met his gaze with steely determination, her voice steady despite the turmoil raging within her. "I'm here to finalize our divorce," she said, her words ringing with a finality that sent a shiver down Andrew's spine.

Andrew's heart sank at her words, a wave of regret washing over him as he realized the magnitude of what he had lost. But he knew it was too late for apologies, too late to undo the damage that had been done.

As Calista turned to leave, her movements measured and resolute, Andrew felt a surge of indignation rise within him. How dare she waltz in here and demand a divorce as if she had any right to do so? The arrogance of her presumption left a bitter taste in his mouth, a bitter reminder of just how far they had drifted apart.

"You can't just walk away from me, Calista," he protested, his voice laced with a hint of superiority as he struggled to maintain control of the situation.

But Calista didn't so much as glance back, her indifference cutting through him like a knife. With each step she took, Andrew felt the chasm between them widen, a gulf of silence stretching out before him.

As he watched her pack her belongings with cool detachment, Andrew's mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions. Anger, resentment, and wounded pride—they all swirled together in a maelstrom of self-pity and denial.

"You may think you have the upper hand here, but you're mistaken," Andrew asserted, his tone dripping with arrogance as he attempted to assert his dominance once more. he never thought that she was serious about divorce, he thouht that it was only her way to attract more attention from him, but oh boy how wrong he was, there was no more a meek little girl who would be wrapped around hiis finger, who adored him so much that she could endure his cold shooulder, his families arrogance, who had her eyes shining at seeing himm. now he looked in her eyes and saw only disdain, indiference, hurt, but what was more importand determination and strenght.

Calista remained unfazed by andrew's words. she knew that he could't hurt more than he had already done. with the baby gone there was gone their last hope, hope that they would be still together, hope that she could still continue loving him.

she started walking towards her room, yes her room, they never lived in a same room, he always said that sleeping baside another person was something he could never do. she never had set foot in his room, the night they spend together was only from obligathion.

'he propably thought that it was his obligation to sleep with me fulfil his family's wishes to have a baby sooner. isn't this why they tolerated me in the first place? person who wasn't worthy of their andrew.' thought calista.

she walked towars the wardrobe, her movements methodical and precise as she packed her belongings into a single suitcase. She took nothing from his family, only what she had bought with her own money—a stark reminder of just how little she had to show for their years together.

As she turned to leave, her gaze cold and unyielding, Andrew felt a sense of defeat wash over him. He had lost her, he realized, lost her to the depths of his own arrogance and indifference.

And as he watched her walk out the door, her footsteps echoing in the empty office, Andrew knew that things would never be the same again. He had pushed her away one too many times, he realized, pushed her beyond the point of no return.

But even as the weight of his regrets threatened to crush him, Andrew couldn't bring himself to admit defeat. He may have lost Calista, but he refused to lose himself in the process. And as he stood alone in the empty office, a sense of determination settled over him—a determination to learn from his mistakes, to grow and change in ways he never thought possible.