
Shattered Dreams And Fated Redemption

In the glittering heart of Shanghai, superstar Su Mo's life is brutally cut short when he is murdered. As his life slips away, a desperate wish takes hold - to turn back the clock and uncover the truth behind his demise. In a twist of fate, Su Mo's plea is answered, and he finds himself transported back in time, mere days before the fateful betrayal.

jennifer_owusu · Urban
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10 Chs

The Faithful Night

The city of Shanghai glimmered like a jewel in the night, its towering skyscrapers and neon lights casting a mesmerizing glow over the bustling streets. At the heart of this dazzling metropolis stood the Grand Shanghai Theatre, a monument to the city's thriving entertainment industry and the dreams of countless aspiring artists.

It was on this fateful night that Su Mo, a rising superstar whose dazzling talent and magnetic charm had captivated audiences across the country, took to the stage for what would be his final performance. Dressed in a sleek, designer suit that accentuated his lean, muscular frame, he commanded the stage with an effortless grace, his soulful voice weaving a spell over the enraptured crowd.

As the thunderous applause subsided and the stage lights dimmed, Su Mo slipped backstage, his heart still racing with the thrill of the performance. Pausing to catch his breath, he allowed himself a moment of quiet reflection, savoring the rush of adrenaline that came with being the center of attention.

But the tranquility was shattered by the sudden sound of a door slamming open, followed by the frantic cries of his assistant.

"Su Mo! Su Mo, you have to get out of here! Quickly!"

Su Mo whirled around, his brow furrowing in confusion at the sheer panic in the young woman's voice. "What's going on?" he demanded, his heart beginning to race for an entirely different reason.

"Someone... someone is after you," the assistant gasped, her eyes wide with fear. "They're coming, Su Mo. We have to get you out of here, now!"

Before Su Mo could even process the gravity of the situation, a sudden movement in the shadows caught his eye. Whirling around, he felt a sharp, searing pain in his abdomen, and he crumpled to the ground, his vision blurring as the warmth of his own blood seeped through his shirt.

Gasping for breath, Su Mo desperately tried to make sense of what was happening, his mind racing with a thousand questions. Who had attacked him? Why? As the darkness began to creep in at the edges of his vision, he heard the sound of footsteps retreating, leaving him alone in the eerie silence.

With the last of his strength, Su Mo reached out, his fingers grasping for the lifeline of his phone. With trembling hands, he managed to punch in a single number, the familiar voice on the other end a beacon of hope in the darkness.

"Xue Jing..." he rasped, his voice barely above a whisper. "Help... me..."

And then, everything went black.

* * *

The world around Su Mo was a blur, the sounds and sensations all muted and indistinct. He felt as if he were floating, trapped in a limbo between life and death, his consciousness slipping in and out of focus.

Somewhere in the distance, he could hear voices – frantic, urgent. He strained to make out the words, but they seemed to be spoken in a foreign language, their meaning lost to him.

Then, like a flicker of light in the darkness, a familiar voice broke through the haze.

"Su Mo! Su Mo, can you hear me?"

Xue Jing. The name reverberated in Su Mo's mind, a lifeline in the endless void. With a monumental effort, he forced his eyes open, his gaze finally settling on the face of his longtime friend and colleague.

Xue Jing's features were etched with worry, his brow furrowed as he pressed a hand against the wound in Su Mo's abdomen, stemming the flow of blood. Su Mo tried to speak, to convey the urgency of the situation, but his voice caught in his throat, a ragged gasp the only sound he could muster.

"Don't try to talk," Xue Jing murmured, his tone soft yet filled with a steely determination. "The ambulance is on its way. Just hold on, Su Mo. You're going to be alright."

But even as Xue Jing's words echoed in his ears, Su Mo knew the truth. The pain was too intense, the darkness too overwhelming. He could feel the life slipping away from him, his body betraying him with each labored breath.

In a desperate final act, Su Mo reached up, his fingers trembling as he grasped Xue Jing's sleeve. "Please..." he whispered, his voice barely audible. "Find... out... who..."

The words caught in his throat, and Su Mo felt the last vestiges of consciousness slipping away. As the world faded to black, he uttered a final, silent prayer – a plea for a second chance, a chance to uncover the truth behind his own demise.

And then, everything went dark.

* * *

The sensation of falling, of plummeting through the void, was disorienting and overwhelming. Su Mo's eyes snapped open, his heart pounding in his chest as he found himself in an unfamiliar room – his own bedroom, he realized with a start.

Disoriented, he sat up, his gaze darting around the familiar surroundings. How had he ended up here? The last thing he remembered was the agonizing pain of the attack, the desperate plea to Xue Jing. And now, he was... alive?

Scrambling out of bed, Su Mo rushed to the window, his breath catching in his throat as he gazed out upon the glittering skyline of Shanghai. It was the same view he had seen countless times before, and yet, something felt different – the city seemed to shimmer with an almost unnatural vibrancy, as if he were seeing it through new eyes.

Turning back to the room, Su Mo's gaze fell upon the calendar hanging on the wall, and his heart nearly stopped. The date – it was three days before the fateful night of his performance, the night he had been brutally murdered.

"It can't be..." he whispered, the words echoing in the silence of the room. "How is this possible?"

Realization slowly dawned on him, a spark of hope igniting in his chest. Had his desperate wish been granted? Had he been given a second chance to uncover the truth behind his own demise?

Filled with a newfound determination, Su Mo began to pace the room, his mind racing as he tried to make sense of the impossibility of his situation. He had been given a second chance – a chance to right the wrongs that had led to his untimely end. And this time, he would stop at nothing to find out who had orchestrated his murder and why.

With a resolute nod, Su Mo strode towards the door, his steps filled with a sense of purpose. The road ahead would be treacherous, the challenges seemingly insurmountable, but he was no longer the helpless victim. This time, he would be the master of his own fate, the architect of his own redemption.

Whatever lay in store, Su Mo was ready to face it head-on. The hunt for the truth had begun.