
Shattered Dreams And Fated Redemption

In the glittering heart of Shanghai, superstar Su Mo's life is brutally cut short when he is murdered. As his life slips away, a desperate wish takes hold - to turn back the clock and uncover the truth behind his demise. In a twist of fate, Su Mo's plea is answered, and he finds himself transported back in time, mere days before the fateful betrayal.

jennifer_owusu · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 10: Confronting the past

Li pulled out a folder, filled with documents and photographs. "You're a genetically engineered being, created by a secret organization to be the perfect actor. Your DNA was designed to make you charismatic, talented, and adaptable. You were meant to be a superstar, a puppet for the organization to control and manipulate."

Su Mo's mind reeled as he stared at the documents. It couldn't be true. He was a person, not a creation. Fans and Li were just playing with their minds to confuse them. Su was even more determined to uncover the truth behind their sinister plot. As they faced off, Su Mo noticed something strange. Fang and Li seemed... different. Their eyes seemed to flicker, their movem

"What's going on?" Su Mo asked, his instincts on high alert.

Fang smiled, his expression eerie. "We've been upgraded," he said. "The organization has been experimenting on us, making us more efficient, more loyal."

Xue Jing's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?"

Li's gaze seemed to glaze over, her voice taking on a mechanical tone. "We've been implanted with advanced AI chips. We're no longer fully human."

Su Mo's mind reeled as he stared at the two former humans. They were now cyborgs, their humanity stripped away.

Fang's smile grew wider. "And you, Su Mo, are the key to their next phase. Your genetic code holds the secret to creating the perfect actor, one who can be controlled and manipulated at will."

Su Mo felt a chill run down his spine. He was a prototype, a test subject for a sinister organization that sought to control the entertainment industry.

Xue Jing stepped forward, his eyes blazing with determination. "We're not going to let them get away with this. We're going to expose them, and we're going to stop them."

But as they prepared to take action, the room began to shake. The walls trembled, and the lights flickered. A low hum filled the air, growing louder by the second.

"What's happening?" Lin Wei asked, her voice trembling.

Su Mo's eyes locked onto Fang and Li, who seemed to be... uploading. Their bodies began to glow, their eyes flashing with code.

"They're hacking into the system," Xue Jing realized. "They're going to take control of the entire production company."

Su Mo knew they had to act fast. As they faced off, Su Mo's mind raced with questions. How could he, a prototype, possibly take down two cyborgs?

But then, something strange happened. A memory flashed into his mind, a fragment of a forgotten past. He saw himself as a child, sitting in a lab, surrounded by scientists in white coats. They were teaching him, training him, programming him...

Su Mo's eyes widened as the memory faded. He felt a surge of adrenaline, a sense of purpose. He knew what he had to do.

"I can hack into the system," he said, his voice firm.

Xue Jing and Lin Wei stared at him in shock. "How?" Xue Jing asked.

Su Mo's eyes locked onto the computer screen in front of him. "I don't know," he admitted. "But I remember something. I remember being taught how to do this."

With a newfound confidence, Su Mo began to type, his fingers flying across the keyboard. Code streamed across the screen, a complex web of 1s and 0s. Xue Jing and Lin Wei watched in awe as Su Mo worked his magic.

"How are you doing this?" Lin Wei asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Su Mo's eyes never left the screen. "I don't know," he repeated. "But I remember. I remember being taught how to hack, how to bypass security systems."

The room fell silent, the only sound the hum of the computers. Su Mo's fingers moved with a life of their own, guided by a memory he didn't even know he had.

And then, it was done. The system crashed, Fang and Li's control broken. The two cyborgs slumped to the ground, their AI chips destroyed.

Su Mo leaned back, his chest heaving with exhaustion. He looked at Xue Jing and Lin Wei, a sense of wonder on his face.

"I did it," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I remembered."

Xue Jing smiled, his eyes warm. "You're more human than you think, Su Mo."

Su Mo's eyes locked onto his, a sense of hope rising in his chest. Maybe, just maybe, he was more than just a prototype.