
Shattered Ascendance

In the midst of a world where magic and danger intertwine, Seraphina Montclair, a young heiress to a formidable lineage, embarks on a life-altering journey. Raised in the shadows by her family's legacy, she yearns for something more, something beyond the confines of her privileged upbringing. And so, with a heart eager for adventure and freedom, she steps forward into a destiny that will test her courage in ways she never imagined. But it is not just the physical trials that Seraphina faces. Along her perilous path, she encounters a soul who, in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, becomes a beacon of solace and healing. This unexpected ally, with compassion in their eyes and a touch that mends even the deepest wounds, finds a way to piece together the fragments of Seraphina's broken heart.

Burningnova13 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Unspoken Friendship

The library became my sanctuary, and the books within its walls were my guides, if my past self could see me she would be laughting at my actions right now. I immersed myself in history, economics, philosophy—anything that could provide insight into the world beyond the estate's borders.

With each passing day, my vision of the future grew clearer. I imagined a kingdom where justice prevailed, where the needs of the people were prioritized over the whims of the nobility. My group of like-minded individuals began to take shape in my mind, each person a vital piece of the puzzle, contributing their skills to our shared cause.

I walked through the bustling town, my steps purposeful and my head held low. I was Seraphina, but to the world, I was just another commoner, a girl lost in the flow of life. The dirt-streaked clothes and a makeshift scarf did their job well, concealing my true identity as I blended seamlessly into the crowd.

I couldn't help but listen to the hushed conversations that swirled around me. The whispers of hunger gnawing at the people's bellies, the fears of diseases creeping through the borders, and the stories of lives lost in the unforgiving northside. Every word hung heavy in the air, showing the kingdom's struggles that went far beyond its glittering façade.

As I moved through the market, I caught snatches of frustration, anger, and desperation in the words of those who had grown weary of the hardships. The very fabric of the kingdom was fraying, its people bearing the weight of adversity while the lavish life of King Daigo remained untouched.

Murmurs of his opulent banquets and extravagant parties pierced through the air, contrasting with the reality that surrounded the common folk. I saw eyes clouded with resentment, the tension woven into the very air we all breathed. The chasm between the ruler and the ruled was stark, and the growing discontent was a palpable force.

With each word I overheard, my heart sank further. The plight of the kingdom was more dire than I had feared. The hardships that plagued the common folk were the result of a ruler who had turned a blind eye to their suffering, indulging in excess while his subjects struggled to survive.

"I'm sorry..." I muttered. It's not like I don't understand their struggle or that I don't care, but right now, I can do nothing but watch helplessly on the sidelines. If it's this bad here, then what is happening at the northside? I shook my head. It's no use thinking about it; let's go back to reading.

As the time to enter the academy drew closer, I felt a mix of anticipation and nervousness. It would be my chance to expand my network, to seek out those who shared my ideals, and to gather allies who could help bring about change.

One evening, as I sat in the library poring over a book on diplomacy and negotiation, my thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on the door. I looked up to see Liam standing there, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

"Seraphina, still buried in these books?" he teased, stepping into the room.

I sighed, setting the book aside with a smile. "Someone has to be, or we'll be stuck with the likes of Daigo for eternity."

Liam chuckled, taking a seat across from me. "True enough. But you can't spend all your time in here. There's a whole world outside waiting to be explored."

I raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in my eyes. "And what makes you think I'm not exploring that world through these books?"

He rolled his eyes, a fond exasperation in his expression. "You know what I mean. There's more to life than just studying and plotting rebellion."

I leaned back in my chair, crossing my arms. "Oh really? Enlighten me then, Liam. What exciting adventures have you been having?"

He leaned forward, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, for starters, I found a hidden path that leads to a waterfall just beyond the estate's borders. It's a perfect spot to escape to, away from all this noble nonsense."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite myself. "A hidden path, you say?"

He nodded, his grin widening. "Yep. And I was thinking of exploring it tomorrow. Care to join me?"

I hesitated for a moment, torn between my studies and the prospect of a real adventure. Only for a moment. Say what you want, but there is no way I would ever choose a book over running outside and stretching my limbs. Besides, too much reading is bad for you, right?

I smiled, nodding at Liam. "Alright, you've convinced me. A day away from these books might be just what I need."

His grin grew even wider, his excitement contagious. "Great! We'll meet at the main entrance after breakfast."

The morning sun cast a warm glow over the estate as I made my way to the main entrance. Liam was already waiting, his expression a mix of anticipation and his usual carefree demeanor, a backpack slung over his shoulder and a grin on his face.

"Ready for an adventure?" he asked with a grin.

I chuckled, a sense of eagerness tugging at me. "You have no idea how long I have waited for someone to say those words to me."

He laughed, his green eyes sparkling. "Well, I aim to please. Let's get going, we are burning daylight."

As we set off on our journey, leaving the confines of the estate behind, a sense of freedom enveloped me. The path Liam led me on was a winding one, hidden from view and shielded by the dense foliage. The air was alive with the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves.

We walked in comfortable silence for a while, the sound of our footsteps creating a rhythm that echoed the beating of my heart. It was a refreshing change from the usual routine, a break from the books and the concerns of the estate. For the first time in a long while, I felt truly present in the moment.

Eventually, the path led us to a clearing, and my breath caught at the sight before me. A waterfall cascaded down from the rocks above, its crystalline waters glistening in the sunlight. The pool at its base sparkled like a gem, inviting and irresistible.

"It's beautiful." I whispered, unable to tear my eyes away from the mesmerizing sight.

Liam grinned, his expression filled with pride. "I knew you'd appreciate it."

Without a second thought, I kicked off my shoes and waded into the cool water, the sensation sending shivers up my spine. The water was invigorating, and felt just about right against my skin.

Liam joined me, his laughter echoing in the air as he splashed water in my direction. We laughed and played, splashing water around without a care in the world. This is just what I needed; my face was starting to resemble Father's after pulling an all-nighter in his study.

"Seraphina, you call that a throw?" Liam teased, his grin infectious.

I scoffed, water droplets glistening in my hair. "Oh please, Liam. I've seen better throws from a baby."

He splashed me, water spraying in all directions. "Careful now, Sera. Wouldn't want that wit of yours to get waterlogged."

I retaliated with my own splash, aiming for his face. "At least my wit is better than your swimming technique!"

Liam pretended to clutch his heart dramatically. "Ouch, Sera. That one hurt." He tilted his head before giving me that infuriating grin of his.

"Seraphina," Liam called out with a mischievous grin, "I heard you tried to bake a cake yesterday. Is the kitchen still standing?"

I rolled my eyes, splashing a bit of water in his direction. "Oh please, Liam. At least I can cook something other than burned wood..." I covered my mouth. "Oh, sorry, maybe it was their... unique appearance, but I forgot they were actually skewers."

I tilted my head to the side, avoiding a splash that was aimed at my face, and grinned. "Your aim is as accurate as a blindfolded donkey's."

Liam's eyes widened in mock surprise. "A blindfolded donkey? Now that's just cruel, Sera."

As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm and golden hue over the surroundings, I finally admitted defeat in our splashing contest. "Alright, alright, you win this round," I conceded with a grin.

Liam raised an eyebrow, a triumphant smile on his lips. "I knew my superior splashing skills would prevail."

I rolled my eyes playfully, water droplets clinging to my lashes. "Don't let it go to your head."

We waded to the water's edge, our laughter subsiding into contented sighs. As we lounged by the water's edge, the sun began its slow descent toward the horizon. Shades of orange and pink painted the sky, casting a warm glow over everything. I leaned back, resting on my elbows, and gazed up at the changing colors.

"You know," Liam mused, his voice soft, "sometimes it's easy to get lost in books and responsibilities. But moments like these remind us of the beauty that exists beyond those walls."

I turned my head to look at him, a smile tugging at my lips. "You're right. I needed this." We fell into a comfortable silence, the sounds of nature enveloping us in a sense of serenity. The waterfall continued its steady cascade.

And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the world around us, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for this little adventure my friend invite me to take part in. As we eventually made our way back to the estate, I felt a renewed energy within me. After burying myself in books and training for so long, I really needed this. The little boy sure knows how to make himself useful.

After returning to the estate, I turned to him at the gates. "Say..." I started to get nervous, and my hands trembled a little before I clenched my fists. "Do you want to go with me to the town? There is this fair that just so happens to be passing through town this week." I could feel my face heat up a little. This isn't like me at all. What am I getting all shy and innocent maiden for?

Liam looked at me for a moment, his gaze distant as if lost in thought. Then, he finally nodded with a faint smile. "Sure, Seraphina. Going to the fair sounds like fun."

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment at his response. It was as if he was agreeing out of obligation rather than genuine enthusiasm. The change in his demeanor left me wondering if something was bothering him, if there was something he wasn't saying.

"Great!" I tried to sound enthusiastic despite my own mixed emotions. "We can try some of the games and maybe enjoy some of the food they have. It'll be a nice change of pace from all the studying and training."

Liam's smile remained, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Yeah, it sounds like a good way to take a break."

As we walked back towards the estate, there was an unspoken tension between us. It was as if we were both trying to find the right words to bridge the gap that had unexpectedly formed. I stole a glance at Liam, wondering what could be bothering him. Had I said or done something to upset him?

"I'm looking forward to it." I said, my tone a mixture of eagerness and uncertainty.

Liam's gaze met mine briefly, his eyes softening for a moment before he looked away. "Me too, Seraphina."

Despite his words, there was an underlying layer of sadness that I couldn't ignore. I wanted to ask him what was wrong, to reassure him that he could talk to me about anything, but I hesitated. We had always been so open with each other, and this newfound distance was unsettling.

As we reached the estate, I couldn't shake off the feeling that something had changed between us. The air was heavy with unspoken thoughts and unexpressed emotions. And as I prepared for the fair, a mix of excitement and concern churned within me. I hoped that our time at the fair would help us reconnect and bridge whatever gap had formed between us. But deep down, I couldn't shake off the feeling that things might never be quite the same again.