
Shattered Ascendance

In the midst of a world where magic and danger intertwine, Seraphina Montclair, a young heiress to a formidable lineage, embarks on a life-altering journey. Raised in the shadows by her family's legacy, she yearns for something more, something beyond the confines of her privileged upbringing. And so, with a heart eager for adventure and freedom, she steps forward into a destiny that will test her courage in ways she never imagined. But it is not just the physical trials that Seraphina faces. Along her perilous path, she encounters a soul who, in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, becomes a beacon of solace and healing. This unexpected ally, with compassion in their eyes and a touch that mends even the deepest wounds, finds a way to piece together the fragments of Seraphina's broken heart.

Burningnova13 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

The price one must pay

Seraphina's determination burned like a flame within her as she began the arduous climb back up through the treacherous dungeon. With her father's sword in hand and his lifeless body strapped to her back, she ascended step by step, her muscles aching and her heart heavy with grief and vengeance.

As she ascended, the memory of her father's sacrifice echoed in her mind, his words and his love serving as a driving force. She was determined to avenge his death, to make those who had wronged them pay for their actions. The werewolf that had caused this tragedy was still out there, and Seraphina's heart burned with a need for retribution.

The climb felt endless, the passage of time blurred as she focused solely on the task at hand. She pushed through the exhaustion, the pain, and the emotional turmoil, but seh continued climbing. With each foot of progress, she felt a step closer to her goal, a step closer to facing the creature that had taken her father from her.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Seraphina's fingers grasped the edge of the cavern's mouth. With a final burst of effort, she hoisted herself over the edge and onto solid ground. She lay there for a moment, catching her breath and allowing the reality of her situation to sink in.

With a deep breath, she rose to her feet, her eyes steely and filled with hatred. She adjusted her father's body on her back and tightened her grip on his sword. The werewolf's scent still lingered in the air, and she knew that she couldn't rest until she had confronted it.

Her steps were purposeful as she began to make her way through the familiar terrain of the dungeon. She moved with her mind focused solely on her goal. Her grief had transformed into a burning need for destruction, a need to avenge her father.

"I'm sorry... Father." Seraphina gently placed her father's body on the ground, just before entering the portal room. Her eyes were glowing crimson, and her cheeks were still damp, but the look on her face was one that could freeze hell's flames.

As she navigated the labyrinthine corridors, the scent of the werewolf grew stronger, mingling with the stale air of the dungeon. The sounds of distant growls and echoing footsteps filled the silence, and Seraphina couldn't help but smile viciously the closer she got to her target.

At last, she reached the chamber where she had faced the werewolf before.The creature's predatory eyes fixed on her as it emerged from the shadows, its hulking form casting a menacing silhouette.

A tempest of emotions raged within Seraphina. Grief and anger churned within her, a maelstrom of pain that threatened to consume her entirely. As she faced the werewolf, her father's killer, her heart pounded with a fury that matched the intensity of the battle ahead. Her father's soul now coursed through her veins, granting her a strength that equaled that of the creature that had taken his life.

The air was thick with tension as Seraphina and the werewolf locked eyes, both bearing the scars of their past encounters. Cuts and bites marred Seraphina's body, showing the relentless struggle that had brought her to this point. The werewolf, missing an arm, bore the marks left behind by her father. As they circled each other, the cavern seemed to hold its breath, anticipating the clash that was about to unfold.

"You took everything from me," her voice was cold, each word dripping with a venomous anger that cut through the air. "You took my father, my protector, and my heart. And now, I'm here to take everything from you."

With a primal roar, Seraphina lunged forward, her fists a blur of anger and determination. Her sword remained sheathed, her hands becoming her most potent weapons. Each punch and kick charged with her grief.

The werewolf lunged, its remaining arm a blur as it aimed to land a powerful blow. But Seraphina's grief-fueled strength matched its ferocity. She deftly sidestepped, her movements fluid and calculated. With a primal roar, she unleashed a barrage of punches, each blow fueled by her anguish. Her fists crashed into the werewolf's torso, driving it back, the cavern echoing with the resounding impact.

In return, the werewolf's claws slashed through the air, narrowly missing Seraphina's face. She ducked and rolled, her agility and speed reminiscent of the creature she now faced. Rising to her feet, she channeled her fury, her father's memories a burning presence in her mind.

Their movements were a dance of collision and evasion. Seraphina launched a high kick that the monster deflected with its remaining arm, its strength undeniable even in its injured state. The beast retaliated with a brutal swipe, its claws grazing Seraphina's shoulder, leaving a trail of crimson.

But the pain only fueled Seraphina's rage. She surged forward, her hands no longer trembling as she hammered punch after punch onto the werewolf's body. The beast staggered, its growls mixing with the sound of the cavern's distant echoes.

With a primal howl, the werewolf lunged again, its maw snapping inches from Seraphina's throat. She twisted aside, her body a symphony of controlled aggression. Using her sword had become secondary; her hands, her fists, were now her weapons. She aimed her blows with precision, targeting the werewolf's injured arm, the fury in her heart matched only by the force of her strikes.

The cavern seemed to pulse with their battle, the walls a silent witness to their struggle. The werewolf's strength wavered, its movements growing sluggish as its own injuries weighed it down. Yet its resilience remained, its primal instincts refusing to yield.

As the cavern walls reverberated with the force of their collision, Seraphina's vision blurred with tears that mingled with the sweat on her brow. She could feel her father's presence within her, guiding her every move. With a surge of strength that defied her own physical limits, she delivered a mighty blow that sent the werewolf crashing into the rocky walls.

The cavern was illuminated by the soft glow of crystals, casting an ethereal light on the scene. Seraphina's grip tightened around her sword, her knuckles white with both exhaustion and the lingering remnants of adrenaline. Her eyes, a reflection of the tumultuous emotions within, remained fixed on the werewolf, a once-ferocious adversary now reduced to a wounded creature.

The werewolf's claws scraped against the rough cave floor as it attempted to push itself upright. Its fur was matted with dirt and sweat, and its muscles quivered with the effort. The cavern walls seemed to amplify the sound of its labored breaths.

As the werewolf's growls of pain filled the air, Seraphina's voice cut through the air, her words laced with venom. "This is revenge... for taking my father from me." Her voice trembled with the weight of her emotions, memories of loss and pain flooding her mind.

The werewolf's attempts to regain its footing faltered, its breath ragged and its movements weakened. It seemed to comprehend the gravity of the situation, the inevitability of its impending fate. Seraphina's grip on her weapon remained firm. "But... I'm not a monster like you, so your death will be a swift one."

The cavern's shadows danced across her face as she spoke, her eyes locked onto the struggling werewolf. With a sense of finality, she raised her weapon, her stance poised and resolute. She had faced the beast that had torn her world apart, that had stolen her father's life, and only she remained.

As the blade descended, the air seemed to hold its breath, the clash of metal against hide ringing out through the cavern. The werewolf's struggles ceased, replaced by a final, pained cry. Its form crumpled to the ground, life slipping away as Seraphina exacted her vengeance.

As the adrenaline of battle began to ebb away, the weight of all that had transpired settled upon her shoulders. She looked down at the creature at her feet, her expression a mixture of relief, grief, and a profound sense of emptiness. The vengeance she had sought had been achieved, but it did little to fill the void left by her father's absence.

With a trembling hand, she withdrew the sword from the werewolf's body. The blade was stained with both her own blood and the dark fluids of the creature. She wiped the blade clean on the werewolf's fur, her actions mechanical and detached.

"I did it, Father," her voice was barely more than a whisper, the words spoken more for herself than anyone or anything else. "I avenged you."

Tears welled in her eyes as she knelt beside the werewolf's lifeless form, the emotions she had held at bay now threatening to consume her. She ran a hand through her sweat-soaked hair, her fingers trembling with a mixture of exhaustion and overwhelming sorrow.

"Was it worth it?" she mused aloud, her voice carrying the weight of a conversation with her father's memory. "Did I do right by you?" The cavern walls offered no response, the stillness remained all around Seraphina.

She remained there for a while, lost in her thoughts and grappling with the complex tangle of emotions within her. The memory of her father's sacrifice, the agony of their separation, and the need for vengeance had all converged into this moment. But now that the battle was won, a new reality set in.

Shaking her head and suppressing her emotions for now, she decided to collect the 'spoils.' Seraphina placed a hand on the werewolf. 'Your soul is not enough compensation for what I had to go through... Liam, you are next.' A red gem that barely fit into her hand materialized in her palm.

'The soul of a werewolf... it looks just like father's... but it's bigger.' Without wasting any time, she crushed it with her hand, and energy flowed from the gem into her body. She quietly retraced her steps to her father's body, secured it on her back, grabbed a chest, and exited the dungeon through the boss room's portal, leaving herself in the secret chamber where everything had started.

Seraphina emerged from the portal, her father's lifeless body strapped to her back, a stark and somber sight. The portal room's eerie glow contrasted with the natural light outside, casting an otherworldly aura around her. The knights and servants who had been waiting watched in stunned silence, their expressions a mixture of shock and concern.

Time seemed to stand still as they took in the scene before them. The air was heavy with unspoken emotions, the weight of Seraphina's journey and her father's sacrifice palpable. The realization that the Duke had not returned alone, that he had faced a fate worse than death, hung in the air like a heavy fog.

Finally, one of the knights stepped forward, his voice tentative but full of empathy. "Lady Seraphina... What... What has transpired?"

Seraphina's eyes, tinged with exhaustion, met the knight's gaze. Her father's sword still hung at her side, feeling heavier than the whole world. She took a deep breath, her voice steady despite the emotions that threatened to consume her.

"I ate his soul. I committed the greatest taboo, an act banned by the gods from the past and the whole world." Seraphina's face looked completely drained of any energy, and her voice sounded more like a whisper. "Feel free to curse my existence..."

Seraphina's gaze shifted to the servants who had served her family for years, her voice softening. "Please prepare a place of honor for my father. He deserves a proper farewell." Her words, more like a request, sounded like a plea.

The room seemed to hold its breath as Seraphina spoke, her words a heavy admission of the unthinkable act she had committed. The knights, the servants, and even the air itself seemed to freeze in response. The weight of her actions, the breaking of a sacred taboo, was a revelation that left them all stunned.

The knight who had spoken earlier exchanged a glance with his companions, their faces a mixture of shock, sorrow, and a hint of understanding. While the act Seraphina had described was indeed forbidden and taboo, it was clear to them that she had been driven to it by circumstances they could only begin to comprehend.

The servants, though taken aback, nodded in unison at Seraphina's request. With somber determination, they set about preparing a place of honor for the Duke, a final resting place that would reflect his noble lineage. The somber energy in the room was palpable as they moved with silent purpose.

As the preparations began, another knight stepped forward, his voice gentle. "Lady Seraphina, we may not fully comprehend the depths of what you went through, but your father was a respected and wise leader. His legacy will live on, even as we grieve his passing." His words held a note of reassurance.

Seraphina's gaze remained fixed on the preparations unfolding around her, her eyes tinged with a mixture of grief, exhaustion, and a touch of guilt. The room was filled with a heaviness that seemed to press down on her shoulders.

"Thank you." her voice was a fragile thread, a mere whisper amidst the silence.

As the place of honor for her father began to take shape, Seraphina's gaze turned to the armor and weapons she had collected from the dungeon. They were inside the chest and would surely be powerful, considering how potent the boss was... but what did it matter now?

With a heavy sigh, Seraphina stepped forward, her footsteps echoing in the room. She placed her father's sword on a nearby table, the clang of metal against wood breaking the silence. She looked at it for a moment, the hilt worn from years of use. She traced her fingers over it with a hint of affection showing in her eyes.

She turned to the knights, her gaze steady despite the tears that threatened to spill over. "I will accept whatever consequences come my way for what I've done," she said, her voice firmer now. "I will bear the burden of my actions, but I will also honor my father's memory."

While Seraphina looked at the ground, Cedric stepped forward. "And to ensure there are no complications, no one is to speak a word about what happened today. The world won't be as understanding as us." He gazed at Seraphina.

Seraphina twitched. 'Yes... "The Duke's daughter ate his soul." That would surely be just what Daigo needs to finish the Montclair.'

The other knights and servants in the room exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the severity of the situation. The understanding in their eyes reflected their loyalty to the Montclair family and their commitment to protecting its reputation, even if it meant keeping the truth hidden.

Cedric's voice held a note of authority as he continued. "We will ensure that the world only knows what we want them to know."

"Thank you," she said softly, her voice carrying the weight of her emotions. "I will do whatever it takes to protect my family's name, even if it means bearing the burden of my choices alone."