
Shattered Ascendance

In the midst of a world where magic and danger intertwine, Seraphina Montclair, a young heiress to a formidable lineage, embarks on a life-altering journey. Raised in the shadows by her family's legacy, she yearns for something more, something beyond the confines of her privileged upbringing. And so, with a heart eager for adventure and freedom, she steps forward into a destiny that will test her courage in ways she never imagined. But it is not just the physical trials that Seraphina faces. Along her perilous path, she encounters a soul who, in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, becomes a beacon of solace and healing. This unexpected ally, with compassion in their eyes and a touch that mends even the deepest wounds, finds a way to piece together the fragments of Seraphina's broken heart.

Burningnova13 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Forge Your Path

"Seraphina, you stink." Liam remarked with a scrunch of his nose, clearly unaffected by any sense of politeness.

I stopped in my tracks, my hands on my hips, and gave him an incredulous look. "Excuse me? Did you seriously just say that to me?"

He chuckled, seemingly unfazed by my reaction. "Hey, I'm just being honest. We've been running around, hunting monsters, and not exactly taking spa breaks."

I felt a flush of indignation rise to my cheeks. "Well, sorry if I don't smell like roses in a field of daisies! We're in a forest, Liam. It's not exactly a fancy ballroom."

He laughed even harder at my flustered response. "Alright, alright, calm down, big sister. I was just teasing."

I huffed and crossed my arms. "Teasing or not, that was rude."

Liam raised his hands in mock surrender. "Okay, okay, I apologize. You don't stink. Happy now?"

I grumbled but couldn't help but crack a small smile. "Fine, apology accepted." I wrinkled my nose as Liam's words echoed in my mind. Do I seriously smell that bad? I shot a sidelong glance at myself, suddenly self-conscious about my smell. Deciding that it was best to address the issue, I turned to Liam and prepared to give him a piece of my mind.

Before I could unleash my verbal retaliation, a mischievous idea struck me. A playful grin crept onto my face as I balled my fist and aimed a 'love tap' at Liam's arm. My intention was just to lightly nudge him, I swear! The tap had a bit more force behind it than I had intended. Liam went down like a sack of potatoes, which I definitely hadn't expected.

"Oops, oh well, serves you right, little Liam. No one insults me and gets away with it." Chuckling at the unintended outcome, I decided it was time for a little revenge. I grabbed him by the leg and started dragging him along, scanning our surroundings for any sign of a river or stream. It wasn't long before I spotted a glimmer of water through the trees.

With a triumphant grin, I tugged Liam toward the water source. "Come on, Mr. Complainer, time to give you a taste of your own medicine."

Liam groaned but didn't put up much of a fight as I hauled him closer to the riverbank. Once we reached the water's edge, I plopped him down unceremoniously and then proceeded to splash some water on my own face. It was refreshingly cool and invigorating, and I let out a contented sigh.

Turning to Liam, who was still sputtering and trying to regain his composure, I raised an eyebrow. "Feeling a little less stinky now?"

He shot me a playful glare, water dripping from his hair. "You're enjoying this way too much."

I grinned and shrugged. "Maybe just a little."

As Liam finally managed to sit up and shake off the excess water, I gestured to the river. "Come on, get yourself cleaned up. Can't have you complaining about your own smell too, can we?" He rolled his eyes but didn't protest, scooping up some water in his hands and splashing it on his face.

I smirked mischievously at Liam as he finished splashing water on his face. "Liam, I have a little favor to ask. Be a good little servant and fetch me the soap from my bag, will you?" I added a teasing tone to my voice.

Liam shot me a mock glare, his eyes narrowing. "Oh, so now I'm a servant, huh? You're really milking that whole 'taller than you' thing, aren't you?"

I chuckled and gave him an innocent look. "Well, someone has to make sure you're useful around here."

He rolled his eyes but then sighed dramatically. "Fine, fine. I'll get the soap." With a theatrical bow, he stood up and rummaged through my bag, eventually pulling out a small bar of soap.

I grinned triumphantly, leaning back against a tree. "Thank you, kind sir. Your services are most appreciated."

He chuckled and shook his head, but his eyes held a glint of amusement. "You're lucky I'm in a good mood today."

Liam handed me the soap, and I took it with a playful curtsy. "Why, thank you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some important bathing to attend to."

As I turned to head toward the riverbank, I heard Liam mutter under his breath, "One day, Seraphina, one day."

I laughed and waved him off. "Sure thing, Liam. Just remember, I'm the big sister here!" With that, I made my way to the river to finally get myself cleaned up. With a refreshed feeling and the scent of soap lingering in the air, I found a suitable spot by the riverside to set up a new camp. The gentle sound of flowing water and the cool breeze rustling through the trees created a calming atmosphere. I spread out my adventurer gear and made myself comfortable, taking a moment to enjoy the tranquility of the surroundings.

The sun's rays danced on the surface of the river, casting a shimmering reflection that was almost mesmerizing. As I settled in, I couldn't help but let out a contented sigh. This was the kind of peaceful moment I had been looking forward to in my private hunting grounds.

I leaned back against a fallen log, my eyes scanning the area around me. The chirping of birds and the distant rustling of leaves were the only sounds, making me feel like I was in my own little world. It was a perfect setting for relaxation and contemplation.

I reached into my bag and pulled out some snacks, munching on them as I stared at the gently flowing river. The cool water beckoned, and I had half a mind to dip my feet in. But before I could do so, a playful thought crossed my mind.

"Hey, Liam," I called out, looking in the direction of the campfire. "You want to join me by the riverside? It's a nice view."

I heard a faint rustling of leaves, and soon Liam emerged from the shadows, a small smile on his face. "Yeah, why not? It does look peaceful."

He settled down next to me, and together we sat in comfortable silence, watching the stars emerge in the night sky.

"Seraphina... have you ever felt like no matter how hard you try, it's meaningless?" I gave Liam a sidelong glance after hearing his words and quickly suppressed my brain in time to prevent myself from saying something foolish. Liam sounded serious, so I had to give a serious answer.

"Yeah, I think I know what you mean," I said softly, my tone reflective. "Sometimes, no matter how much effort you put into something, it feels like you're just running in circles. It can be infurating and disheartening."

I looked back up at the stars, feeling a sense of wonder. "But Life is full of twists and turns, challenges and surprises, even when things seem tough, there's always a chance for growth and discovery."

Liam remained quiet for a while, and I could tell he was mulling over my words. Finally, he let out a thoughtful sigh. "Who the hell are you?" He spoke bluntly. His exasperation was clear, and it seemed he was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that I could be both playful and smart.

"Who am I?" I repeated, feigning an air of mystery. "Well, I'm Seraphina De Montclair, the future dragon tamer, adventurer extraordinaire, and all-around expert in having a good time."

Liam raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying my exaggerated introduction. "Dragon tamer, huh? And an expert in having a good time, you say?"

I nodded with a mischievous grin. "Absolutely. I mean, who else do you know that can take down a pack of wolves one minute and then have a heart-to-heart about life's complexities the next?"

Liam shook his head, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "You're something else, Seraphina. I'll give you that."

"Damn right I am!" I exclaimed, striking a dramatic pose for emphasis. We both burst into laughter again.

But even so... there is this one thing still bothering me. I turned around and placed both hands on Liam's shoulders. "Liam, do you hate me? Resent me?" I looked into his eyes so he couldn't hide anything from me. "While I'm still a little girl, I can do all these amazing things, while you struggle with the most basic of things... maybe hate is a strong word. Do you dislike me and the luck I had when I was born? I'm a Montclair; even if I hadn't received a blessing, my life would have been easy."

I could see the conflict in Liam's eyes as he struggled to find the right words. He seemed torn between his feelings and his desire to be honest with me. After a moment of silence, he finally spoke.

"Seraphina, it's not that simple," he began, his voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and resignation. "I don't hate you. I don't even dislike you. It's just... well, it's hard not to feel envious. I see you effortlessly doing things that I can only dream of, and it's frustrating. But I know it's not your fault."

I let go of his shoulders and took a step back, giving him space to express himself. "I understand, Liam," I said softly. "And I appreciate your honesty. It can't be easy for you, especially with everything that's expected of me. But I want you to know that I don't think any less of you because of it. You're still important, and you have your own strengths and qualities." I grabbed my chest... it still hurts, will i ever find someone who doesn't dislike what Seraphina De Montclair represents?

Liam let out a sigh, his shoulders slumping slightly. "I know, Seraphina. It's just... I have my own dreams and ambitions too. And sometimes, seeing you being handed everything on a silver platter makes me doubt if I can ever achieve them."

I took a step closer, my hand gently reaching out to touch his arm. "Liam, I don't want you to feel that way. I'm not your competition, and I don't want you to compare yourself to me. You want to do something? go all out and do it, who cares about the consequences?"

Liam's lips curled into a small smile. "You really are something else, Seraphina." His smile seemed a little less sad.

I chuckled. "Damn right I am! Now, let's focus on making the most of our time here and training together. Who knows? Maybe you'll surprise yourself with what you're capable of."

Liam nodded, his smile growing a bit wider. "Yeah, you're right. Let's make the most of it."

I turned around and grabbed my sword, making sure my bad was safe before turning around. "What is your dream, Liam?"

Liam looked thoughtful for a moment, his gaze distant as if he were contemplating something. "My dream, huh?" He let out a sigh before turning his attention back to me. "Well, I guess my dream is to prove myself. To show everyone that I'm capable of achieving something great."

He paused, his eyes narrowing slightly as he continued. "I come from a family of adventurers, you know. My parents, my older siblings—they're all accomplished in their own ways. And then there's me, the youngest, struggling to even handle basic tasks. It's like I'm living in their shadows, always trying to measure up."

He chuckled softly. "It's also about proving something to myself. I've always been... average, I guess. I want to prove that I can excel at something, that I can be more than just a background character in my own story."

I tilted my head. "If it's something like that then I will help you." Liam is average? i'm just going to feed him all the souls he needs to stand out.

Liam's eyes widened in surprise at my response. "You... you'd do that for me?"

I nodded, giving him a determined smile. "Of course! Friends support each other, right? And if becoming an amazing adventurer will make you happy, then I'll be right there by your side, cheering you on."

Liam seemed touched by my words, a grateful smile forming on his face. "Thanks, Seraphina. You're really something else."

"Hey, what are friends for?" I said with a playful grin. "Now, let's get back to training. Who knows? Maybe someday you'll be the strongest adventurer out there, and I can say I helped you on your journey."

Liam's determination seemed to burn even brighter, and he nodded eagerly. "Yeah, I'll work hard. And maybe one day, I won't be that 'background character' anymore."

I gave him an encouraging thumbs up. "That's the spirit! Let's make sure your story is one that stands out." we continued our training with renewed energy and a shared sense of purpose. As we faced challenges and pushed our limits, I knew that our friendship was becoming stronger. Maybe, just maybe, when he becomes a strong adventurer he will stop looking at me with fear.