
Shattered Ascendance

In the midst of a world where magic and danger intertwine, Seraphina Montclair, a young heiress to a formidable lineage, embarks on a life-altering journey. Raised in the shadows by her family's legacy, she yearns for something more, something beyond the confines of her privileged upbringing. And so, with a heart eager for adventure and freedom, she steps forward into a destiny that will test her courage in ways she never imagined. But it is not just the physical trials that Seraphina faces. Along her perilous path, she encounters a soul who, in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, becomes a beacon of solace and healing. This unexpected ally, with compassion in their eyes and a touch that mends even the deepest wounds, finds a way to piece together the fragments of Seraphina's broken heart.

Burningnova13 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Et tu, Brute?

As we made our way through the Montclair estate, I took a moment to subtly observe Liam's demeanor. He moved with an air of confidence, as if he was familiar with the terrain and the paths we were taking. It was almost as if he had done this before, which only added to my suspicion.

I gazed at Liam, his grin still infectious but tinged with an enigmatic quality. "Liam," I began, my tone serious despite the glint of excitement in my eyes, "this sounds intriguing, but I need to know something. Why are you so invested in this rumor? What's in it for you?"

Liam's expression shifted, his playful demeanor giving way to a more guarded look. "Hey, don't get me wrong. I'm just as curious as you are. But I've got my reasons for wanting to check it out."

I arched an eyebrow, my curiosity intensifying. "Care to share those reasons?"

He hesitated, his gaze flickering away for a moment before returning to meet my eyes. "Let's just say that if there's something valuable or powerful hidden down there, it could change a lot of things for me."

I leaned back slightly, studying his face for any signs of deception. "Change things how?"

Liam's lips quirked into a wry smile. "Let's just say I've got my own ambitions, Seraphina. Secrets like these can open doors that were previously locked."

"So you want me to guide you there to steal this powerful artifact? let me guess, only a Montclair can open it, right?" I subtly clenched my hand while keeping Liam at eye contact. "I might be an idiot but that doesn't mean i'm gullible. Moreover I don't trust you, little boy."

Liam's expression shifted, his grin fading as he sensed the skepticism in my words. He leaned back, his hands raised in a gesture of innocence. "Hey, hold on a second. I never said anything about stealing or forcing you to do anything."

I maintained my gaze, unyielding. "Liam, don't play games with me. You're clearly interested in what's hidden there, and you've got your own reasons for it. But if you think I'm just going to be your minion, you've got another thing coming."

Liam's expression turned serious, his demeanor more earnest than I had seen in a while. He sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly as he met my gaze. "Seraphina, you're right. I shouldn't have been so secretive about this. And I definitely shouldn't have assumed you'd just go along with it."

I crossed my arms, still maintaining my guarded stance. "So, are you finally going to tell me what this is all about?"

He nodded, his gaze steady. "Look, I've been dealing with some... complications. Things that are beyond my control. There's something I need to find, something that could help me navigate through these issues. But I can't do it alone. I thought that maybe, just maybe, if you were willing to join me, we could uncover this together."

I raised an eyebrow, my skepticism still lingering. "And why me? Why do you need my help?"

Liam took a step closer, his expression sincere. "Because you're smart, resourceful, and you've got the Montclair spirit. I know you don't trust me right now, and I understand why. But I promise, Seraphina, I'm not using you. I want us to be partners in this, to face whatever's down there together."

I studied his face, searching for any signs of deception. There was a vulnerability in his eyes that struck a chord with me, a vulnerability that mirrored my own uncertainties. I uncrossed my arms, my demeanor softening slightly.

"Alright, Liam," I said, my tone less confrontational. "I appreciate your honesty, even if it's a bit late. But you're right, I don't trust you fully right now. If we're going to do this, we need to be equals, partners. No secrets, no hidden agendas."

He nodded, a mixture of relief and determination in his eyes. "Agreed. No more secrets, Seraphina."

I sighed, a weight lifting from my shoulders. "Good. Now, let's uncover this hidden chamber together. And after that, we can have that serious conversation."

Liam's smile returned, genuine and relieved. "Deal."

"I trust you Liam, you wouldn't betray me right? I promised you I would make you the strongest adventurer after all." Let's stop treating Liam so baddly, there is no way he would have any bad intentions, he is still my friend despite his failings.

Liam's gaze met mine, his eyes reflecting a mixture of surprise and sincerity. "You... trust me?"

I nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Yeah, I do. We made a promise, remember? And I don't break my promises."

Liam's surprised expression softened into a small smile, and I could see a hint of genuine appreciation in his eyes. "Thanks, Seraphina. I appreciate that, and I promise I won't betray your trust. We're in this together, remember?"

I nodded, a genuine smile of my own forming. "Yeah, we are. And I'm serious about helping you become the best adventurer you can be."

He chuckled, the tension between us seeming to dissipate further. "I'll hold you to that, big sister." Liam grinned, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "This is going to be interesting, isn't it?"

"Definitely." I agreed, feeling a little excited after not doing anything with Liam for so long. "If it's under Montclair State, then we have to be careful. Use that trick from before to make yourself invisible while I act as if nothing is wrong. Push me to where the entrance is." I feel like we are doing something we shouldn't be doing, but Father trusts me, so I'll make sure nothing bad happens and enjoy this little adventure with Liam.

Liam nodded. "Got it, just try not to do anything stupid, or get carried away, just feign ignorance if they get suspicious of you."

I gave Liam a confident nod. "Don't worry, I've got this. I'll be right behind you, invisible and ready to react if anything goes wrong."

Liam's expression shifted from cautious to determined. "Alright then, let's do this."

We proceeded with caution, both aware of the risks involved. I walked slightly ahead, trying my best to act casual and blend in with the estate's staff and visitors. The estate was bustling with activity, people going about their business, and the air was filled with a mixture of excitement and anticipation for the upcoming Moon Harvest banquet.

I caught snippets of conversations as I moved through the crowd, keeping an ear out for any mention of the hidden chamber. Meanwhile, Liam, invisible to all, followed closely behind me, occasionally tugging at my dress to guide me in the right direction.

As we reached the area that led to the hidden chamber, I felt Liam's subtle tug on my dress, indicating that we were on the right path. My heart raced as I glanced around, making sure no one was paying too much attention to me. The stone archway that marked the entrance to the chamber stood before us, its intricate carvings casting shadows in the torchlight.

Liam's voice whispered in my ear, his tone hushed. "We're getting close, Seraphina. Keep your guard up."

"A graving of a wolf?" Of all the things I was expecting to be the switch for the hidden room, this was not one of them. "Is this it, Liam?" I brushed the graving.

Liam's voice floated into my ear once more. "Yes, that's it. Give it a push, but be prepared. We don't know what's waiting on the other side."

I felt Liam's invisible presence beside me as I brushed my fingers against the intricately carved wolf engraving. There was a tense moment of silence, and then a low rumbling sound filled the air. The stone wall before us began to shift, revealing a narrow passageway that had been concealed all along.

Liam's voice whispered in my ear, a hint of excitement in his tone. "You did it, Seraphina. The entrance is opening."

I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride as the hidden passage was revealed. "Looks like you were right, Liam," I whispered back, a triumphant grin on my face. "Let's see where this leads."

As we stepped inside, the wall shifted back and closed itself. The passageway was dimly lit, torches lining the walls casting flickering shadows that danced in the narrow space. I kept my senses alert, every step echoing with anticipation.

The air grew cooler as we ventured deeper into the hidden passage. The walls seemed to close in on us, the stone bearing the weight of secrets untold. I couldn't help but wonder what lay at the end of this mysterious path – a powerful artifact, as Liam had suggested? Or something else entirely?

Liam's voice broke the silence once again, a mix of caution and curiosity. "Just a little further, Seraphina. Stay close, and stay sharp."

I nodded, my hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of my sword. I wasn't entirely sure what we might encounter, but I was determined to face it head-on. The passageway took a slight turn, and as we followed its winding path, a soft glow began to illuminate the corridor ahead.

The source of the light soon came into view – a chamber bathed in an ethereal radiance. My breath caught in my throat as I stepped into the room, my eyes widening in awe. Before us lay a mesmerizing sight – an intricate, otherworldly portal.

Liam's voice held a note of wonder as he spoke, the invisible excitement in his words palpable. "Seraphina, this... this must be it. The artifact we've been searching for."

I couldn't tear my gaze away from the portal's shimmering surface, a kaleidoscope of colors and patterns swirling within. It was a thing of beauty and power, a gateway to realms unknown. The air crackled with energy, and I could feel the immense potential that emanated from this enigmatic creation.

"Liam," I whispered, my voice filled with a mix of reverence and determination. "We've found it. This is what we've been seeking."

Liam's invisible presence seemed to stand beside me, sharing in the moment. "Yes, Seraphina. This is the key to unlocking your potential, to becoming stronger than ever."

Just when I was about to touch the portal, I shivered and retreated my hand, For the first time, I was glad I read some dusty books in my lessons. "Liam... this is a dungeon, we are not ready for this in the slightest. we should fall back before it's too late."

When I turned around I saw Liam, now visible wearing an apologethic face. "Forgive me for this, I have no choice." He had his hand pointed at me and I could feel magic gathering on it.

My heart raced as I turned to Liam, my eyes widening in realization and disbelief. "Liam, wait!" I called out, my voice laced with urgency, but it was too late. With a sudden and forceful gust of wind, I was propelled forward, my body tumbling into the portal.

As I stumbled forward, a sense of disorientation washed over me. The world seemed to twist and turn, colors and shapes blending into a dizzying whirlwind. I reached out, trying to steady myself, but my hand grasped only empty air. Panic gripped me as I felt myself being pulled into the swirling vortex, a sensation of being torn away from reality.

Then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the sensation ceased. I found myself standing on solid ground, my surroundings drastically different from the chamber we had just left behind. The air was thick with a damp, musty scent, and an eerie glow illuminated the space around me. I was in a vast underground chamber, its walls lined with pulsating crystals that cast an unsettling light.

My heart raced as I tried to process what had just happened. Liam had pushed me into the portal, leaving me alone in this eerie and dangerous dungeon. Anger and betrayal churned within me, mixing with the fear that gripped my chest.

"Liam!" I shouted, my voice echoing through the cavernous space. There was no response, just the eerie silence of the underground chamber. My fists clenched at my sides, and I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. I couldn't afford to panic, not now.

Taking stock of my surroundings, I realized that I was truly on my own. The glow of the crystals cast long, haunting shadows on the walls, and the air was thick with an otherworldly energy. I tightened my grip on my sword, my knuckles turning white. If Liam had betrayed me, then I had no choice but to face whatever challenges awaited me in this dungeon.

I began to cautiously explore, my footsteps echoing in the quiet. Every creak, every distant sound set me on edge. I knew that escaping this place wouldn't be easy – Not unless the boss is defeated.