
Shattered Ascendance

In the midst of a world where magic and danger intertwine, Seraphina Montclair, a young heiress to a formidable lineage, embarks on a life-altering journey. Raised in the shadows by her family's legacy, she yearns for something more, something beyond the confines of her privileged upbringing. And so, with a heart eager for adventure and freedom, she steps forward into a destiny that will test her courage in ways she never imagined. But it is not just the physical trials that Seraphina faces. Along her perilous path, she encounters a soul who, in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, becomes a beacon of solace and healing. This unexpected ally, with compassion in their eyes and a touch that mends even the deepest wounds, finds a way to piece together the fragments of Seraphina's broken heart.

Burningnova13 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Beneath the Shining Facade

I looked up at the big, blue sky. "Hey, Daddy, Mommy... I'm hungry. Can I go find something to eat?" I grinned, showing my pointy teeth without even realizing. "I haven't had something yummy and raw in, like, forever!"

To my surprise, Mommy and Daddy exchanged uncertain glances, their expressions a mixture of concern and amusement. My Daddy chuckled nervously, his voice laced with a hint of caution. "Well, sweetheart, didn't you promise us that you would try to, um, refrain from certain...behaviors?"

I tilted my head, momentarily puzzled by their reaction. Then, with a small gasp, I realized what they were referring to. My grin faltered slightly, replaced by a sheepish expression. "Oh, right! I did promise." My voice carried a touch of disappointment.

Mommy, always quick to find a solution, leaned in close and whispered in my ear, her words a comforting reassurance. "How about this, darling? Let's enjoy some delicious roasted pinky peacocks for now. We'll save your...energy for when we're back at the estate, okay?"

I nodded eagerly, the idea of roasted peacocks sounding quite tempting. "Roasted pinky peacocks sound yummy too!" I exclaimed, my disappointment fading as I focused on the promise of a good meal.

In a flash, Daddy seemed to disappear and reappear, like magic, holding three servings of the mouthwatering roasted pinky peacocks. I blinked in surprise, marveling at his speed. He had a proud glint in his eyes, and I couldn't help but giggle. Daddy always had a way of making even the simplest things feel like an extraordinary feat.

"Wow, Daddy, that was so fast!" I exclaimed, my voice filled with genuine admiration. I eagerly took the skewered peacock he offered me, its savory aroma making my mouth water even more. Mommy received her portion too, and with a nod of gratitude, I held the delicious treat in my hands.

"Eat it while it's hot, my dears, and be careful not to burn your tongue," he said, his voice a mix of care and caution.

Daddy's words of caution made me nod in understanding. "Don't worry, Daddy, I'll be careful!" I assured him, eager to savor the food without any accidents.

As I took a nibble, the yummy meat melted in my mouth, and I couldn't help but make a happy sound. The taste was like magic, and I enjoyed every tiny bite, forgetting about anything else.

With the yummy peacock on a stick in one hand, I looked at what was happening around me. Lots of people were getting ready to join the group, their faces looking serious and excited at the same time. One thing I noticed was how much taller they were than me. They were like giants, so much bigger than me. It was funny to see, and I wondered how their adventures would be different from mine as they started their own journeys.

But guess what? Totally not like anyone thought, the group of people joining in started getting smaller and smaller, and, you know, our hopes of finding more friends like me kinda went down too... Nobody got in, and I, just like everyone else, had this totally surprised look on my face. is this why they didn't think I could pull it off? It felt like doing it right was, like, super hard or something!

Before I even had time to think real hard about what was happening, I got all jumpy 'cause of those not-so-good-at-it kids. There was something about their eyes that made me wanna go all huddle-up like a little armadillo and peek out from behind my mom and dad. Like, my gut feeling just knew they weren't too fond of me.

Giggles and hushed secrets began to hop around the bustling plaza, this time playing tag with the words of others. All at once, everyone's eyes pointed right at me, like a game of peek-a-boo. My tummy felt all wobbly, and I didn't feel very strong with all those eyes on me.

A reassuring touch landed on my shoulder, and I looked up to see Daddy's calm and steady gaze. My heart felt a bit lighter as he smiled at me before stepping forward. The plaza seemed to hush as everyone's attention shifted to him. There was something comforting about the way he commanded the space.

With a confident stride, Daddy walked to the center of the plaza, and I watched as all eyes followed him. The crowd's murmurs faded into the background, replaced by an anticipatory silence. It was like a magical aura enveloped him, capturing the attention of everyone present.

As he stood all tall and strong, like a giant oak tree, my heart swelled up with happiness. My daddy was like a hero, just like the ones in my bedtime tales. He was doing stuff that made me feel super special and strong too. I couldn't help but hold my breath, all excited to see what he'd do next and how it would make things even more awesome.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Daddy's voice rang out, firm and commanding, cutting through the murmurs that had begun to ripple through the crowd. "Let us be absolutely clear about one fundamental truth: I, too, bear the weight of noble blood coursing through my veins, and my station is equal to that of the esteemed Royal family."

His words carried a resolute determination, each syllable laced with unwavering conviction. As he continued, his gaze swept over the gathered individuals, a steely resolve in his eyes. The plaza seemed to still, the air charged with an undeniable gravity.

"I shall not permit nor endure any unwarranted scrutiny or adverse chatter directed towards my beloved child," Daddy continued, his voice unwavering. "The honor of my family name is as sacred as any crown, and I shall not falter in defending it."

A sense of pride swelled within me as I listened to my daddy's words. He was my knight in shiny armor, not letting anyone's mean words get to him.

"My child's innocence shall remain untarnished by the prying eyes and wagging tongues of those who dare cast shadows upon our household," he declared, his tone resounding with authority; It was a declaration that echoed through the plaza.

Daddy's resolute declaration seemed to have cast a spell over the plaza, silencing any potential contradiction. With a determined expression, Daddy scooped me up into his arms, and I nestled against him, feeling both safe and cherished.

"Hah, let's just get out of here," Daddy's voice held a tinge of frustration, showing his growing impatience with the situation. "Staying here will only bring more scrutiny to Seraphina."

Mommy nodded in agreement, her gaze meeting Daddy's with a shared understanding. "You're right," she replied softly, her voice a soothing melody. "Let's find a quieter place where we can enjoy the rest of the day together."

With that decision made, Daddy turned, carrying me in his arms, and together we began to make our way out of the bustling plaza. As we moved, I nestled closer to him, my small fingers clutching the fabric of his clothing.

When we were finally all alone, away from those nosy people in the plaza, it was like a big boulder fell on my chest. I felt tears sneaking up in my eyes, and they just kind of fell down my face, even though I didn't want them to.

I sniffled a bit, using my tiny hands to rub the wet off my cheeks. "I wish I was super big," I said, my voice all wobbly 'cause I was feeling so many things. "Then I wouldn't need Daddy to always be my shield." I let out a big sigh, like a balloon losing air. I really, really wanted to be strong, like hero strong, but I still felt like I wasn't good enough.

I took a deep breath and wiped my eyes with my sleeve, looking up at my parents with my eyes all serious. "I'm gonna get big muscles and grow super tall," I announced, my voice getting all strong and brave. "No one will ever dare to be mean to me, and I can protect you, Mommy and Daddy, all by myself."

The words bounced around in the quiet space between us, like a secret promise tucked in my heart. I really, really wanted to be super strong, not just for me, but for all the people I love. I wanted to make those yucky feelings of being helpless go away. I wanted to show everyone that I could handle any challenge, no problem!

I let out a big, heavy sigh. "I felt so bummed out after what happened over there," I confessed, my voice all shaky like a leaf. "I felt super weak, and guess what? They didn't even do anything! They just stared at me."

I felt all mixed up, like a puzzle missing pieces. Why did their stares bother me so much? That question bounced around in my head, even though I tried really hard to calm down. I peeked up at my mom and dad, my eyes begging them to get how upset I was, even if I didn't say a word.

"My dear, it wasn't your fault; it was those people and their greed that made you feel this way," Mommy's words wrapped around me like a comforting embrace, soothing the ache in my heart. Her presence felt like a warm blanket. "You are the only disciple who came out of the White Moon festival way before your Coming of Age ceremony. Naturally, they will resent you for it. There is nothing to be done about that."

I leaned into Mommy's embrace, finding solace in her presence. The weight of other people's expectations and their harsh looks began to feel a little lighter.

My Daddy's actions caught my attention, and I turned my gaze to him, watching as he pulled out his sword and planted it on the ground before kneeling beside me. His words held a quiet strength, a promise that resonated deeply within me. "The more someone shines, the more shadows will follow them. So, as your father, it is my duty to make sure no one can ever extinguish that light..."

He placed a hand on my chest, his touch gentle yet resolute. "I will make you shine so much that your light will cover every corner of the world, and those who approach you with evil intentions will be burned and blinded by it."

I looked between my parents, feeling a surge of love and strength coursing through me. In their presence, I found the courage to face anything, to overcome my insecurities and stand tall against the shadows that threatened to dim my light.

With a deep breath, I nodded. "Thank you, Mommy, Daddy," I whispered, my voice filled with determination. "I'll work hard, and I'll make you both proud. I'll shine so bright that even the darkest corners won't stand a chance."


Disgust churned within me as I observed the seemingly heartwarming scene playing out before my eyes. The Montclair family, bathed in their own manufactured glow of love. My gaze swept over them, taking in the orchestrated display of affection and determination. "Arnold De Montclair, Eleonor De Montclair, and..." My attention zeroed in on the source of my irritation, the focal point of their carefully constructed image. "Seraphina De Montclair..."

A bitter taste settled on my tongue as I watched their interactions, the saccharine promises of protection and devotion exchanged between them. My lip curled in a silent sneer, a mix of jealousy and disdain festering within me. They were playing their roles perfectly, like actors on a grand stage, performing for an audience that couldn't see beyond the facade.

I focused my gaze on Seraphina, that obnoxious child who seemed to be at the center of their universe. "Enjoy that happiness while it lasts." I thought, a cruel smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

The Montclair family may have their momentary happiness, but I would ensure that it was short-lived. I would make sure their illusions crumbled, their secrets exposed, and their world turned upside down. For in the end, no amount of strength or love could protect them from the chaos I intended to unleash.

With those malevolent thoughts taking root, the ominous figure dissolved into the shadows, leaving behind an unsettling aura of malice and foreboding. As the darkness swallowed them whole, an eerie silence settled in its wake.


"Daddy... I'm feeling tired after everything that happened," I mumbled, my voice tinged with exhaustion and lingering emotions. The events of the day had taken their toll on me, both physically and emotionally, and I wanted to go back to the comfort of our home.

Daddy looked down at me with a gentle smile, his eyes filled with understanding. "Of course, my dear," he replied, his voice soothing. "Let's head back home. You've had quite a day."

I felt a sense of relief wash over me as Daddy lifted me into his arms, cradling me against his chest. The warmth of his embrace enveloped me, easing the tension that had built up within me.

Mommy walked beside us, her presence a reassuring presence that added to the feeling of being cocooned in love. Together, as a family, we walked away from the plaza, leaving behind the prying eyes and judgmental whispers that had cast a shadow over our day.

In Daddy's arms, I closed my eyes, surrendering to the weariness that had settled in my bones. As we made our way back home, I allowed myself to drift into a peaceful sleep, knowing that tomorrow would be a new day filled with possibilities and adventures yet to unfold.

In the land of dreams, a magical world appeared right in front of me, like a big painting made from my thoughts and feelings. Rows and rows of shiny swords were standing tall, like brave soldiers, and They each had a pretty rose next to them! It was like they were saying, "Hey, we can be tough and gentle at the same time!"

Those swords were like something out of a fairy tale, sparkling all sparkly in the dreamy light. They looked like they had a thousand stories to tell about adventures and stuff. But even though they were all different, they stood straight and organized, showing how strong and united they were.

And right next to each sword, a colorful rose was blooming like magic! It was like the roses had their own special energy, just like the warriors who held the swords. Imagine, the swords being all sharp and strong, and the roses being all soft and pretty – it was like a dance between being tough and being kind, all in one dreamy place

Amidst the symphony of swords and roses, one solitary blade stood apart from the rest, devoid of the delicate companion that adorned his friends. This lone sword emanated an air of isolation.

My gaze was drawn to this singular sword, its presence puzzling and intriguing. It seemed to exude an aura of longing, as if yearning for its own counterpart to complete the dance of strength and beauty that the other swords and roses had embraced.

And then, out of nowhere, the air felt all different and stuff. Right next to the lonely sword, this tiny thing appeared—it was a cute rabbit with the whitest fur ever! The rabbit looked all innocent and curious, like it wanted to know everything. The rabbit and the sword seemed like they were, like, besties or something. The rabbit just stared at the sword, and I'm pretty sure they had, like, a secret language or something.

As I stared with big eyes full of wonder, the bunny just poofed away, and there it was—a shiny rose! The flower popped up like magic, its soft petals opening up all fancy and nice. I was really surprised, the lonely sword had finally met its match, and It was the little bunny.