

"Becca please, I'm begging you. Femi is not a good choice. He has been spotted many times at the brothel even after he Confessed or should I say claimed to love you! His family doesn't like you, especially his mother. You can't get married into family where your in-laws won't even treat you accordingly.

I know you're feeling bad about the death of your exfiancé. It came as a rude shock to you, I understand and you're depressed. The relationship you have with Femi won't last at all. Please my dear think about this carefully."

" I don't understand why everyone is against me getting married to Femi. He says he loves me and even though he is a fan of girls, he has promised me to stop those charades once we get married. Besides, even I love him. Who cares if his mother doesn't like me? I'll make her like me. Even Femi won't let his mother bully me.

Grandma please, I know it's just a year since Richard died, but I know and you believe that I'm in love with Femi. This relationship has gone too far for me to just end it and look Grandma, Femi already proposed to me."

I replied grandma proudly showing off my engagement ring. I hope that will make her change her mind.

"Rebecca, don't let his sweet words get to you. Your mother isn't here to advise you and you might think that she doesn't care about you, but please adhere to my advises."

Grandma went futher trying to make me consider what she was saying, but I was bent on making her change her mind about Femi.

"Maami, I understand all you're saying. I'm sorry I have to go now. Femi and I have a date today and I don't want to be late for that ."

I stood up quickly and let her room to avoid the conversation going futher.

Oh my gawd!

I have to make sure I look good. That bitch Bisi just won't get her eyes off my Femi, I just hope we won't run into her today like we always do.

I stripped myself off the clothes I was wearing and I went to the bathroom while humming a song by my favorite artiste, Simi.

After two hours, I was done dressing and applying my make up. I was wearing a black shimmering ball gown and a wine coloured wig. I saved Soo much for my attire and I think now is the right time to wear it. I checked myself over using my dressing mirror and I was satisfied with my look.

Yeah yeah! Now let's go make some guy horny.

Grandma's POV

Oh my God!, this bastard already succeeded in binding my grand daughter with his empty promises.

What to do now? She's just twenty and not ready for marriage.

How do I tell her that his mother already arranged for a girl for her son. This girl will be the end of me!

Well all hope isn't lost. I wish I was still vibrant enough to stop her.. oh God, please open Rebecca's eyes to see the truth.

How do I get Ruth to at least show some love to her daughter? She just left the poor girl all alone and now the girl is making huge mistakes and it must be as a result of the lack of parental care.

Oh Lord please have mercy on this poor soul.

I cried till I fell asleep out of exhaustion.