
Sharply Cold at Zone

After losing the yearly competition for the best school of the year, the school Avion Seven Academy. Appointed a new Director: Omura Kojuro. The school has put its full trust in him to compete again for the top spot that the school had for many years. A month passes after the new school year and a problem occurs that can lead to the school's loss in the competition, to prevent that from happening. He plans to change the behavior of the most popular girl in the school, to achieve that he needs the help of a certain ‘cold’ student.

pro_nage · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

The Creep


The following days we have been coming to our team room after school to talk about the upcoming tournament.

"Don't walk that fast," Sakai-san said to me while we were walking to our team room.

I didn't respond and continued. I'm a fast walker; I don't see the need to walk slower for others.

"Hey!! I said to walk slowly!" She said.

I stopped and turned to face her.

"Just tell me," I said.

"What do you mean?" She replied as if I didn't know she wanted to talk about something bothering her.

She wouldn't mind my walking speed because she doesn't like me. I would just arrive faster at our destination, and that would be the end of it. This was our daily routine, so today was different.

She finally came clean and responded, "It looks like you're familiar with the other two girls. I'm the Captain, so I must know the details about my teammates."

I became a little bewildered from hearing that question but kept my cool.

"I see. You being the Captain of the team, you will have to know any deep connections between your teammates."

Usually, I would have turned around and ignored her as she had no right to know my standings with anyone. But her being the Captain, she does have some responsibilities.

"As I said, Kojima-san and I are just old friends. And about Sashi-san—" I waited a couple of seconds while looking in a different direction to continue my talk. "She is just a person I have lunch with," I explained.

She looked at me with her hand on her chin. Almost like she figured me out or something.

Ladies have complex minds; they think you lie to them when you are telling the truth. It's called insecure.

This was a chance to ask her about something.

"Do you have any male friends?" I asked her.

Immediately after my question, her mood changed from thinking to angry.

"WHAATTT?!— Me having male friends never! They're all little boys and stupid I hate them! They only think about perverted stuff and watch me wherever I go. I don't see the need to befriend a boy." She replied with a harsh tone.

I didn't know this about her. So basically, she doesn't like boys because she only encounters childish boys.

"How about dating? I've seen plenty of rejections from your side, are they really all the same? In how you act to boys, you seem more interested in girls?" I asked a sensitive question because I felt she would tell me the truth.

She looked me in the eyes and quickly redirected her sights to the floor while blushing.

Is she ashamed of such a question?

"I have a completely different type, and no, I am not attracted to girls," she replied while she quickly walked past me.


"I have news for you all. The tournament next week will be athletic. That means that we will have to prepare for it. So you will no longer take your regular classes but will join our booth camp for endurance and strength training for a whole week." The secretary explained.

So the first tournament will be Athletic.

"Go home and take a good rest because tomorrow, our unique training will begin."

We all left the school.

I saw Sakai-san leaving the school's port before me this time; she was alone. Normally Nura-san would accompany her home.

After some time walking, I noticed a boy being a little cautious. He was following her from a distance. He stood out by doing this in the open.

I followed closely from a safe distance so he wouldn't notice my presence.

When they entered a small alleyway in a neighborhood, I hid behind a corner because I saw him closing the distance between them.

"AHHH!!" Sakai-san yelled.

The boy held her arm, and after she yelled, he put his hand on her mouth so as not to scream.

"Wait, wait, don't scream. I want to talk to you.—" She looked up from her side to at his face. "Can you be my girlfriend? I like you a lot." He continued.

She immediately shakes her head to imply that she doesn't want to be in a relationship with him.

He then changed his expression to a creepy one.

"Well, if you don't want to be my girlfriend, then I will make you."

I recognized him when he changed his stand. It was the boy that she rejected. She threw his gift in the bin, and he saw that from behind the window when we were in our classroom the other day.

A creepy stalker.

I saw him unzip his pants while tightly holding her. She couldn't free herself and gave up from all that trying.

She fell unconscious by the sight of him in his underwear.

He lay her down on the ground and started unbuttoning her shirt. I saw him smirk at the sight of her pink bra.

The moment he put his hands on her skirt to undress her, I took hold of his arm. And threw him on the ground away from her.

"What! Why are you here!" Kazuya-kun said, completely surprised by my appearance.

"This is sexual assault. Do you have any idea what you just got into?" I replied.

"Nothing happened. I just found her here on the ground and wanted to check on her and help!" He said.

I showed him a video that I took while he was gripping her and unbuttoning her shirt.

He didn't expect me to record everything and became hostile.

"YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR THAT!" He screamed while running towards me.

He trowed a punch. I dodged that and bowed down to punch him in the stomach. He immediately fell down to the ground.

"Uhh, huuh, uhh, you killed me." He said while gasping for air.

I called the police for Kazuya-kun. At the same time, I was checking on Sakai-san. She woke up half crying while she still was lying on the ground.

This was the first time I saw a girl cry.

In a split second, Kazuya-kun stood up and ran towards me, I couldn't dodge, and he jumped on me, making me hit the ground hard.

He punched me in the face. After that, I put all my strength and threw him off me. And I began smacking his face like a punching bag.

I heard the sirens and saw him losing consciousness. I got up from him and headed towards the surprised Sakai-san.

I felt some pain in my arm. But I didn't care. And helped her stand up.

"Are you fine?" I asked her.

"Y-yes, I am." She replied, bewildered at what just happened.

The police arrived with the ambulance employees and came towards us. And saw Kazuya-kun.

I told them what had happened, and the police took Kazuya-kun to the police station after the doctors had a look at him.

Then the doctors had a look at me.

"You have a hole in your uniform. Let me see your arm." A doctor said.

I rolled up my sleeve, and I saw a big scratch. It must have happened when Kazuya-kun tackled me.

They disinfected the wound. And put a bandage on my elbow.

"Do you feel pain when I press on it?" He asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"It's bruised. You have to let it rest, so don't do any extreme activities."

I immediately thought about the upcoming contest. This will affect my performance in a bad way.

Sakai-san heard this and was starting to worry.

I calmed her down, "Don't worry, it will heal on time for the contest."

She looked at me, and I could tell she was stressed.

I don't know if it will fully heal but making a big deal out of it when it already happened is also a bad thing.

This all happened because of her unthoughtfulness. If she had rejected the guy, respectfully, this would've never happened in the first place.

She crushed his spirit when he saw her throwing away his gifts in the bin. He wanted some kind of satisfaction.



I, Sakai Rumi, was brought home by the police.

I went straight to my room while the police explained what had happened to my mom.

I was scared. This was the first time I truly was frightened. I didn't know what to do.


Why could I not defend myself from such a creep? If Nage-kun wasn't there to safe me from that stalker…


I would have been raped.

If that happened, I don't know what I would do.

He saved me…

Nage-kun saved me.

Who had some sort of the same experience?

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