

I am Rose Weasley. I shouldn't be with a Malfoy, but I am. Scorpius Malfoy is the best thing that has ever happened to me. it's our seventh year at Hogwarts and it's our second year being a couple. We are the heads this year, and that means we share a common room,and we have our own dorms. Most nights we sleep in the same room. we do this because it helps with nightmares. Scorpius gets nightmares of losing me the same way he lost his mother. His mother was really sick and died in our third year. None of the healers knew what was wrong with her so they took her to a muggle doctor. The muggle doctor said that she had a muggle disease called cancer. I knew a little bit about muggle diseases because my mum is a muggle born,so I knew she wasn't going to last that long. she only lived for three months after they diagnosed her with it. Scorpius has had nightmares since then, but now he also has nightmares about losing me. I have nightmares of losing him and the rest of my family too. The point is, that we don't have nightmares if we sleep in the same room. We don't share the bed, but I wish we could. I don't want to do anything but cuddle. I think Scorpius wants the same but we had secretly agreed to not share the bed. I have tried to take turns with Scorpius but he always says that I should have the bed because I need to get a good night's sleep. So Scorpius always ends up on the little cot that isn't very comfortable. Its been half of a school year and Christmas holiday was coming up. The whole Potter-Weasley clan that still went to Hogwarts were staying at Hogwarts this year, so that meant a party was going to be thrown in the Gryffindor Common Room. All of the Potter-Weasley clan were invited and we were aloud to bring a plus one. I asked Scorpius and he said that he had gotten an invitation from Albus. Then he told me that we could be each others plus ones. I happily agreed and on the night of Christmas we got ready and left our common room. We got to the Gryffindor Common Room, and there were already people snogging everywhere. We quickly found Lily, Hugo, Lysander, and Lorcan on one of the sofas having a chat. we walked over and we knew something was up with Lily and Hugo. Both of them were giggling a little. "Why are they giggling?" I asked Lysander. "They're giggling because of a joke." I didn't believe him so I asked, "What's the joke?" "Well I can't say," he replied. "Why is that, may I ask?" "Well, its about you." "What?" "Its-" " I heard you, now what's so funny about me?" I inquired. "They bet you wouldn't snog Scorpius in front of us." he answered. I turned a shade of red that could rival my hair. Scorpius also went a bit red but no where near as red as me. "What's wrong Rosie?" said Hugo. "Are you scared?" asked Lily. "I most certainly am not scared." I answered. "Then what are you waiting for, Rosie, just do it. Snog Scorpius." I hated the words coming from my little brothers mouth right now and I hesitated a bit before I turned around to see Scorpius' face now a red that was more intense than it was before but still not as red as my face or hair. I didn't hold back anymore. I ran into his arms and kissed him. It was soft and slow at first, but then it eventually turned into a full on snog. All four of them cleared their throats, and we broke apart and started giggling. Then they giggled a bit. after a minute or two of giggling we all composed ourselves. Someone brought us a tray of butter beers, and they were spiked. We drank the butter beers regardless of them being spiked, and I didn't get onto Lily, or Hugo, or the Scamander twins because it was Christmas and we were having fun. Lily got tipsy after a few drinks from her glass and she decided to go to bed. Hugo stayed a little longer than she did but went to bed after also getting tipsy. the Scamander twins fell asleep on the couch leaned against each other. There were still a lot of people awake and there was more butter beer so Scorpius and I continued to drink. We were a little drunk when we both decided to go back to our common room. We went in and instead of going into my bedroom to sleep we went to Scorpius' bedroom. He went and changed in the bathroom, and when he came back he was shirtless. He looked great without a shirt on. "Wow" I muttered. It seems he didn't hear me though. I went to go change and I came out in a pair of sweatpants and one of Scorpius' tee-shirts. "oi! where did you find that?" he asked "I didn't find it I took from you."I said. "oh ok" he said with a smile showing on his eyes. He drunkenly ran to me and picked me up and put me over his shoulder. I started to laugh and told him to put me down." You want me to put you down?" he asked playfully. "Yes!" I exclaimed. He carried me to his room and lay me on the bed. He looked at me and jumped onto the bed beside me, and started tickling me. I laughed so hard I couldn't say anything. after a while he stopped and let me get some air. "I love you." he said. My breathing calmed for a second, then I realized what he said and sat bolt upright. "What did you say!?" I asked. "I love you." he said. I became relieved "I love you, too." I laid back down. He turned his face towards mine and we started to kiss. It quickly became passionate, then we broke apart and smiled at each other. "Lets sleep in here tonight. I'll summon the cot." Scorpius said. "How about we just sleep in the bed together." I said. Scorpius shook his head no and tried to grab for his wand,but I got it first. "Please" I asked. "Fine" he said. He kissed me again, but we didn't break apart he slowly moved on top of me as we kissed. I felt his hands travel to the hem of my shirt. I didn't stop him from pulling on it. He got the shirt over my head and then he stopped. "What's wrong?" I asked. "We're drunk and I just...I don't know. Do you want to?" "Yes" I said "Ok. But first we have to take protective potions, okay?" he said. "Okay." I said. we drank the potions and then we started kiss again. He started to take off my pants and I took off his and now we were in nothing but our under garments. He started trail kisses on my neck and toyed with the clasp of my bra. He was struggling so I reached behind my back and undid it. He slid it off my arms and said, "You're beautiful, Rose." I felt a little exposed, but the feeling eventually passed. I took off his boxers and he got a little too excited and ripped my underwear to shreds. We were both completely naked now and there was no turning back. I grabbed a handful of Scorpius' hair as he did what he did and I loved the pleasure that I got from it. The rest of the night he left love bites on my collarbone. it was a fun time that I would remember forever....after all it was my first time.

The next morning I woke up in strong arms and I was naked. I was a bit freaked out at first but then memories of last night came flashing back, and I was aware that this pair of strong arms belonged to Scorpius. "Good morning Rosie." he said. I jumped not knowing that he was awake. He scared me. " We skipped just sharing a bed for the first time didn't we?" I asked. "I think so" he responded.