
Chapter 1 - Xanders last Mission

Commander Xander? We thought we had lost you there! We have Lancasters ready with the Dam buster bombs, but we need to know the target is correct. Was the mission successful?"


"Commander Xander do you....."

"God damn you to hell Sir! The mission is successful! If by that you mean we were able to establish the Hydro dam was a distillation station. It fucking is! If you mean, on the other hand, did anyone make it out, then no, no they did not. All were taken out by some snot nosed little Nazi.....Who I am about to make pay for every life he took. Go ahead with the Lancasters, I am above the water level, right outside the Snipers little nest"

"Solid copy Zykes, just keep in mind the kid will be a witness, he has to go!"

"Believe me, that will not be a Problem Sir! Commander Xander out"

Zykes smiled, and he meant every word. Now stood here, finally. He listened in on the little shit, who had company. But what he heard, it may not have been what he wanted to hear, that would clearly have been how much the little NAZI enjoyed this endeavor. But, Zykes was not a bad man. Seeing the boy up close, he had that sinking feeling.

In exactly 4 hours, and 26 minutes the dam that holds all that water, luckily deep down in the ravine, would be blown up. It was a perfect drop, Zykes had measured the length of the lake, and it was perfect to release the bomb at the mid point, the two jumps would see it smash into the dam. Perhaps it was no mistake that this side was Poland, that side Germany.

Zykes wasn't sure if it was a bad thing, many would die here, on both sides. He could not warn the Polish, they were riddled with Nazi spies. He definitely didn't wanna warn the Nazi scum. Maybe he could push the Sniper in the flood....

"Absolutely not! These two worms are just the scapegoats. Don't get attached to them, they may be kids but they are serving the war effort, they knew what this was. Well, actually we lied to them, as we always do. If they knew we planned to leave, and let them remain behind to face the PLF, they'd not be here would they? I know I wouldn't. Besides, the little shit has gotten a bit too protective over this Polish family. We planned on executing them. If we do that, we may find Stefan and Kai, the little cissies they are, may no longer want to stay"

"Then Sir, how can we be sure? Shouldn't we kill the two Snipers too?"

"No! Look, this whole plan is reliant on us having THREE CLEAR DAYS in which to get the entire Nazi SS officers who matter, out of Poland, let them have their crappy country. But, Stefan and Kai will not be feeling so welcomed when the PLF come to get them. Do you think they'll care about how kind they were to the little family? Will they fuck? No, they will do to those two, what was supposed to be for us. Plus think how mad they will be, realising we have been evacuated. Fuck them"

It was as Zykes sat under the window listening to the conversation, he made perhaps the biggest mistake of his career. He was still dressed as the officer he'd been hiding as right in plain sight in Germany. Of course, he would not find himself so well esteemed here.

It was just at the moment he realised he knew these two. He remembered them, because he sent them here. Not deliberately, he'd never have done that to kids. But he was the commandant of TREBLINKA CONCENTRATION CAMP, and those poor kids were assigned to be Overwatch there.

People so often forget, Soldiers are people too. Those two spent the whole week boarded with Zykes. He could not make them see sense, which meant he had to keep them hidden. They were so upset over seeing the gas chamber do as it was made to do; a feeling Zykes could only too well relate to. The pair were no good to him. Any real Nazi would have done what he should have done, kneel them in front of a ditch, blow out their brains and kick them in.

You would be forgiven for thinking this made him angry at them. But he wasn't. He was happy they were still alive, and still good kids.

It was at that exact moment he hears the click of a pistol, and he knew who would likely he holding it. Polish freedom fighters. He put up his hands, and turned.

"Well shit! What the hell do we have here? Huh? You Sir, are on the wrong side of that river. A mistake I doubt you will live to correct"

"Ich gebe auf. Bitte tu mir nicht weh"

It was a second mistake, the sarcasm. She knew this man wasn't scared, and that irritating tone she heard before but could not place it.

"Daj mi jeden dobry powód, aby tego nie robić. Nazistowskie szumowiny"

Zykes really wasn't taking this very seriously, he was more concerned with the dam in four hours, and now these two.

"Zrobię to lepiej. Dam ci wszystko, czego zapragniesz. Żadne przesłuchania nie są konieczne. Mam tylko dwie prośby. Pierwszy, Musisz nas zabrać gdzieś powyżej tej linii wodnej, a nie dolnej, górnej. Po drugie, dwóch Snajperów w tym budynku. Myślę, że nie wiesz, że tam są. Zostaną pozostawieni jako kozioł ofiarny, który ich pobłogosławi. Nie zasługują na to. Czy wiesz, kto to robi? General brygady Wraz ze swoim wstrętnym małym pieskiem. Oba SS. Schwytaj dzieci bez szwanku...''

It was getting painful for Ace to listen, at first she thought he was deliberately bad at polish. But he was just bad. Also, she couldn't quite say why, but Germans made specific grammar errors. His sounded more like a native English speaker. She assumed he'd been a spy in London.

"Hey....Let's use English. I think murdering Jews is bad enough, let's just leave my wonderful language alone shall we?"

"Well, maybe I don't spe.....You know what, screw you! So what if I speak English? The Brits are worse than you lot....."

Ace shook her head. She smiled at him.

"I wanna know what the deal is with you? You hold the rank of some of the worst war criminals in recent history, you hob nob with those same people"

"I'm...well I am actually not denying it. I told you "

"I know you did. But this... wanting me to capture little NAZIs for you...."

Zykes actually punched her. She might have done it back, but the look on his face, it wasn't hatred or anger. It was despair. She was yet to encounter a Nazi SS officer who had a heart.

"What if I go kill them for you, right now? Would that get this worry off your mind"

Zykes looked down, he was trying to stop her from seeing that he did care, and deeply about them. But he could not stop the tear from dripping down his face.

"Please, don't do that. I know that you likely think they have some critical intel, but if that were the truth, I'd want the officers, not the two nobodies protecting them. I give you my word, and I guess these days that won't mean much, but it's all I have. If you arrest them, protect the PAIR of them, I want both Kai and Stefan. Do that, and you can do what you will with the SS, but this is a border hub, those officers have more intel than you will see in a lifetime"

She looked confused. She was, and such that she made the point of clarifying.

"So I can have the two who any Polish soldier would give anything for, and all you want is ....Wait you know them by name?"

Zykes gave her a look, and she could not see there being a downside to this. The man had some reasonable,if not unusual requests.

Zykes put one hand on her shoulder. He looked right at her.

"If you do this, I promise you, with all my heart, you will be happy with the outcome. Just do not report anything I've asked or said for today. I can't tell you why, just that it serves your cause too. Bring me those two, and to a prison that won't make them suffer for the actions of people they are too Frightened to stand up to"

She took his hand away. He may seem nice, but he was a Nazi. But she was having doubts on that too.

"I will do as you ask. I shall capture you, those kids too. By the way, the SS officers are above my pay grade, however killing them, I'd sign my own death warrant. But, alive ...I appreciate it, I think....."

She shook her head out of the clouds. She was thinking how it was such a shame, a man such as this could be caught up in what he did.

"Let me be clear. Until I get what you promised, my weapon is aimed at the little NAZIs first. If you screw me, I will sell them, to whomever most wants to make them pay, you understand my meaning right?"

"They are Germans, but I very much doubt they are Nazis. They don't deserve the alternative here. Let's assume I know exactly what you're planning next week. Still, I've told no one. I hope thats enough, do what you need to do, protect them, I'll keep my end"

Ace smiled and waved

"Then goodnight Nazi...."

She hit him with the rifle stock. Knocking him out. Then set about sending him back with half her squad, then going hunting.