

In a world where mirrors are gateways to a realm of cold logic, fifteen-year-old Ethan Specular shatters an ancient mirror to save his sister from a doppelgänger. This act awakens his power as a Reflector, able to traverse the Mirror World, but at a terrible cost: each use of his magic breaks off a piece of his soul into mirror shards. Fleeing to the hidden city of Vitreopolis, Ethan learns his father, a powerful Reflector, vanished into the Mirror World years ago. Alongside magical allies, Ethan battles the emotionless Shimmers and the world-swapping Obsidian Conclave. But his true enemy is his own reflection, Nahte, who seeks to claim his soul shards and take over. As war engulfs both worlds, Ethan discovers a horrifying truth: he's destined to become the Shattered One, a being of immense power born from his own broken soul. Now, he must choose between shattering his soul mirror to save both worlds or succumbing to his dark fate. "Shardbound" is a tragic odyssey of a hero whose every victory breaks him, leading to a sacrifice that will erase him from existence.

SwordScribe · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Weight of Humanity

Ethan's footsteps echoed hollowly as he followed Obsidian's shadowy form down winding corridors. The obsidian shard hung heavy around his neck, its cold edges a constant reminder of his tether to reality. Despite the cosmic energies thrumming through him, Ethan felt utterly human in that moment - small, vulnerable, and afraid.

They descended a spiral staircase that seemed to go on forever, the air growing colder with each step. Ethan's breath fogged in front of him, and he wrapped his arms around himself, wishing he had a jacket.

"Where are we going?" he finally asked, his voice echoing in the cavernous space.

Obsidian didn't turn or slow his pace. "To the depths where truth lies bare, stripped of all illusion."

Ethan swallowed hard, fighting the urge to turn and run back to Ava. He missed his sister's warmth, her reassuring presence. Down here in the cold and dark, he felt more alone than ever.

At last, they reached the bottom of the stairs. Before them stood a massive door of polished black stone, etched with intricate patterns that seemed to shift and move in the dim light.

Obsidian placed his palm against the door, and it swung open silently. Beyond lay a circular chamber, its walls lined with mirrors of every shape and size. In the center stood a single, full-length mirror framed in ornate silver.

"This is the Chamber of Unbound Reflections," Obsidian intoned. "Here, you will face the truths you've been hiding from yourself."

Ethan stepped into the room hesitantly, his reflection multiplying infinitely in the surrounding mirrors. Each version of himself looked slightly different - some older, some younger, some barely recognizable.

"What am I supposed to do?" he asked, his voice small in the vast space.

Obsidian gestured to the central mirror. "Look deep, and do not turn away from what you see."

Taking a deep breath, Ethan approached the mirror. At first, he saw only his own reflection - pale, tired, and scared. But as he stared, the image began to ripple and change.

Suddenly, he was looking at himself as a child, laughing and playing with Ava in their backyard. The scene filled him with a bittersweet ache, a longing for simpler times.

Then the image shifted again. Now he saw himself on the day of the fire that took their parents, smoke-stained and sobbing as he clutched Ava close. The pain of that memory hit him like a physical blow, bringing tears to his eyes.

"Do not look away," Obsidian commanded from behind him.

Ethan gritted his teeth and kept watching as the mirror cycled through more memories - both joyful and painful. He saw himself at school, struggling to fit in. He saw the moment he first discovered his powers, terror and wonder mingling on his face.

Then the reflections began to change, showing him things that had never happened. He saw himself older, wielding cosmic energies with ease, reshaping reality at will. He saw himself lost in the fractals of infinity, his humanity completely stripped away.

"What is this?" Ethan gasped, unable to tear his eyes from the mirror.

"Possibilities," Obsidian replied. "Paths you may take, futures that may come to pass."

The images kept shifting, faster now. Ethan saw himself ruling over vast realms, a god-like being of pure light. He saw himself broken and mad, locked away in some dark cell. He saw himself sacrificing everything to save Ava, and he saw himself abandoning her to pursue ultimate power.

"Stop!" Ethan cried out, his head spinning. "I can't... I don't want to see any more!"

But the mirror didn't stop. It showed him every possible version of himself, every choice he could make, every person he could become. The weight of infinite possibilities crushed down on him, threatening to shatter his sense of self.

Ethan fell to his knees, clutching his head. He could feel his grasp on reality slipping, his identity fracturing under the onslaught of reflections.

"Who am I?" he whispered, tears streaming down his face. "With all these possibilities, how can I know who I really am?"

He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Obsidian standing over him, face impassive.

"That, boy, is the question you must answer for yourself," the headmaster said. "Your power gives you the ability to reshape reality, to become anything you can imagine. But with that power comes the responsibility of choice."

Ethan struggled to his feet, legs shaking. He looked back at the mirror, which now showed only his own tear-stained reflection.

"I don't know if I can handle this," he admitted, voice cracking. "It's too much."

For the first time, Obsidian's expression softened slightly. "No one said it would be easy, Ethan. The path of a Reflector is fraught with peril, both external and internal. But you have strength within you - strength I've seen glimpses of during your training."

Ethan took a shuddering breath, trying to center himself. He thought of Ava waiting for him upstairs, of the promise he'd made to protect her. He thought of his parents, and the life they'd wanted for him.

"I know who I am," he said slowly, meeting his own gaze in the mirror. "I'm Ethan Specular. I'm Ava's brother. I'm the son of Jack and Maria Specular. I have these powers, but they don't define me. My choices do."

As he spoke, he felt something settle within him. The fractured pieces of his psyche began to coalesce, anchored by the core of his identity.

Obsidian nodded approvingly. "Good. Remember that, boy. Your power may reshape reality, but it's your humanity that gives you the wisdom to wield it."

Ethan turned away from the mirror, feeling both drained and somehow stronger. "What happens now?"

"Now, we begin your true training," Obsidian replied. "You've faced your reflections and emerged intact. That's more than many can say. But there are still challenges ahead - challenges that will test not just your power, but your heart and your will."

As they left the chamber, Ethan cast one last look at the mirrors. His reflections gazed back at him, infinite possibilities stretching out in every direction. But at the core of each was the same person - Ethan Specular, human and Reflector both.

They climbed back up the spiral staircase in silence, Ethan lost in thought. When they reached the upper levels of the academy, he was surprised to find Ava waiting for them, worry etched on her young face.

"Ethan!" she cried, running to hug him. "Are you okay? You were gone for hours!"

Ethan blinked in surprise. It had felt like mere minutes in the Chamber of Unbound Reflections. He hugged Ava tightly, grateful for her solid presence.

"I'm okay, Ave," he assured her. "Just... learned some things about myself."

Obsidian watched their reunion with an unreadable expression. "Rest now, both of you. Tomorrow, we begin a new phase of your education, Ethan. Be prepared."

As the headmaster strode away, Ethan felt a mix of anticipation and dread. He had faced his reflections and come out stronger, but he knew there were greater challenges ahead. The weight of his humanity, his connections to Ava and his past, felt both comforting and terrifying in the face of the cosmic powers he was learning to wield.

But as he looked down at his sister's trusting face, Ethan knew he would face whatever came next. Not as a god-like being of pure energy, nor as a fractured shell lost in infinity, but as himself - Ethan Specular, with all his human strengths and flaws.

The path ahead was uncertain, filled with both wonder and danger. But for now, Ethan was content to hold onto this moment of simple human connection, anchoring himself in the love he felt for his sister and the memory of who he truly was.