

In the ominous realm of Eldoria, where shadows whisper ancient secrets and magic pulsates with a malevolent force, Ronan Mors is thrust into a harrowing quest. His sister abducted, Ronan treads a treacherous path through landscapes tainted by an encroaching darkness. Each chapter unravels Eldoria's grim reality as Ronan, grappling with the realization of his latent magical abilities, aligns with the enigmatic Adrian. Their journey exposes a world teetering on the brink of cataclysm, where prophecies paint a bleak destiny, and artifacts wield power that can either save or doom the realm. The narrative, dark and twisted, peels back layers of Eldoria's history, revealing conspiracies spun by Kyra, a shadow-weaver skilled in arts forgotten. In the depths of black markets and forbidden realms, Ronan encounters an ancient egg, a relic that might hold salvation or unleash unparalleled chaos. As Ronan's powers burgeon, a menacing entity, the Shardguard, emerges, forcing him into a vicious struggle against an adversary that transcends mortal comprehension. The boundaries blur between morality and survival as Eldoria's denizens face the harsh consequences of wielding magic born from forbidden knowledge. The saga takes a somber turn when Ronan confronts moral quandaries, betrayal, and the insidious tendrils of a resurging Dark Lord. Different perspectives fracture the once-unified narrative, exposing characters to the cruel machinations of fate, and the cost of wielding magic that defies the natural order. Against the backdrop of Eldoria's decaying beauty, Ronan becomes a pawn in a grimmer tale. The choices he makes reverberate across realms, revealing the fragility of alliances and the depths one must plunge to defy an ancient malevolence. shrouded in an atmosphere of relentless gloom, explores the inevitability of sacrifice, the erosion of hope, and the thinning line between salvation and damnation. In this grim fantasy, Ronan's journey is an odyssey through desolation, where every step forward unravels the enigma, bringing the realm one step closer to eternal night.

Aftodelse · Fantasy
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7 Chs

A Meeting of Destiny

His journey led him to Varenhall, a city known for its scholars and researchers. The city was nestled between towering mountains, and its architecture boasted a blend of ancient and modern design. Ronan hoped that among the researchers, he could find someone who could teach him how to harness this gift that was unwillingly given to him. 

He got past the river that separated the two states but there was only one problem. The state had tight security that Ronan did not know how he would get past. Things would have been so easy if he was still a part of the military then he could just show his badge and call it a day. They would have been begging to let him through or that's what he hoped. It only made sense that things would be difficult. 

He had to sneak past the guards or he would be thrown out and a ten thousand dollar fee for breaking into the promised land. Even though the risk was high this was his only option as the people in Varenhall worship the Tarnished. People who can tap into outworldly power sources. No one but high officials or the Tarnished church priests really know how their powers work. Pushing past the last bush in his way Ronan found himself on the road rethinking life choices. He was about to break the law just for some knowledge and a half baked revenge plan. 

He made his way to the imposing gates of Varenhall, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of anxiety and determination. The guards stood tall, dressed in polished armor and armed with weapons, their watchful eyes scanning the approaching individuals with a hint of suspicion.

He observed their movements, looking for any signs of vulnerability or distraction that he could exploit. After all, his own life had been a testament to overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds. As he pondered his options, a commotion erupted nearby, drawing the guards' attention away from the gate momentarily.

This was his chance.

With a surge of adrenaline, Ronan seized the opportunity and darted towards the gate, blending in with the crowd of people entering and exiting the city. He kept his head down, his movements swift and inconspicuous, avoiding direct eye contact with the guards.

As he neared the gate, a guard called out, "Hold! State your business in Varenhall."

Ronan's heart raced, but he maintained his composure. He had rehearsed his response in his mind, hoping it would be convincing enough. Fortunately it wasn't his time yet. The guards were talking to someone else. The discussion caught his attention.

"I am a researcher seeking an audience with the Tarnished Church," A pale woman replied, her voice steady and confident. "I carry valuable information regarding the recent surge in Shardborn activity. It is of utmost importance that I share my findings with the church's scholars."

The guard eyed her suspiciously, her gaze lingering on the worn clothes and dusty appearance that belied her true intentions. The air was tense for a moment, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on her.

The guard snorted "Give us your registration card". The woman had a small smile on her face and reached into her pocket pulling out a card that kaladin could see had her name, age and number with a photo of her on the side of the card on a small corner. 

After what felt like an eternity, the guard nodded curtly. "Very well. The Tarnished Church is on high alert. They may be interested in your knowledge. Proceed, but be warned that any false claims will be dealt with severely."

Ronan exhaled a silent breath of relief and continued onward, his steps quickening as he made his way into the heart of Varenhall. The bustling city enveloped him, its vibrant streets alive with the chatter of scholars, the aroma of parchment, and the hum of intellectual pursuit. He didn't carry any weapons with him into Varenhall this reason was quite simple if he did the wards around the entrance would flair. Carrying a weapon or anything that is considered contraband.

He felt smart just being in the area. Looking around he saw little dust on the ground. The concrete was smooth concrete. So far he hasn't seen any strays on the side of the road. In his homeland strays would always be in the alleyways fighting over food or some other meaningless objective. There were men and women dressed up in a uniform at the ends of every street.

Looking at them he had to think about

His first destination was the Tarnished Church, a grand structure that dominated the cityscape. Its walls were adorned with intricate carvings, depicting scenes of ethereal power and spiritual enlightenment.

Later he was resting next to the fountain in a peaceful courtyard within the Tarnished Church's premises. The sound of trickling water soothed his weary mind as he contemplated his next move. Ronan couldn't help but overhear a familiar voice approaching the fountain, and when he turned, he saw the woman who had caught the guard's attention earlier.

She noticed Ronan and offered a warm smile. "You were there when I was being questioned by the guards, weren't you?" she asked, her voice carrying a melodic tone.

Ronan nodded, grateful for her successful diversion. "Yes, I was. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to slip through unnoticed."

The woman extended her hand. "I'm Minerva. I must insist on asking you but are you different from the average traveler. There's an air of purpose about you. Care to share your story?"

Accepting her handshake, Ronan introduced himself. "I'm Ronan. Pleasure to meet you, Minerva."

Ronan hesitated for a moment, unsure if he could trust her. But there was something genuine in Minerva's demeanor that put him at ease. But he needed to give her something since she was the person who distracted the guards for him. He suggested that they should get tea. 

Ronan mustered a smile and said, "Minerva, your intuition is great. I believe we have much to discuss, and what better way to continue our conversation than over a cup of tea? There's a charming teahouse not far from here that I've heard great things about. I've saw it on the way to the fountain Would you be interested?"

Minerva's eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "Absolutely, Ronan. Tea sounds delightful, and it would give us the opportunity to delve deeper into our shared interests. i'll Lead the way.``

Ron and Minerva made their way through the winding streets of Varenhall, their conversation flowing effortlessly as they walked. The teahouse they arrived at was a cozy establishment with an inviting ambiance, adorned with warm colors and soft lighting.

They settled into a corner table, and a friendly server approached to take their order. Rodan chose a soothing herbal blend, while Minerva opted for a fragrant black tea. As they waited for their tea to arrive, they engaged in lively conversation, sharing their experiences, hopes, and dreams.

" Are you tarnished"? She had an inquisitive look on her face. " I could feel it, you know it's like an Acid dripping down my skin ready to melt anything in its way".

The waiter came back with their tea. Ronan took a sip of his tea and placed it down and looked at Minerva's words, surprised by her perceptiveness and the intensity behind her description. He had tried to hide his abilities, but it seemed that his inner turmoil and the power simmering within him had not gone unnoticed by her keen senses.

He took a moment to collect his thoughts before responding, his voice filled with a mixture of uncertainty and curiosity. "Yes, Minerva, I guess I'm tarnished now. I recently acquired this power, but I don't understand it at all. It's like a storm within me, surging and unpredictable. I can feel its strength."

Minerva's eyes shimmered with a mix of curiosity and determination. She paused for a moment, contemplating her next words before she made a proposal to Ronan.

"Ronan, I have a proposition for you," Minerva said, her voice steady yet filled with a sense of eagerness. "I can see that you possess a unique potential, but unlocking and understanding that potential requires careful study and guidance. In exchange for allowing me to study your abilities, I offer to train you on how to control and harness your powers."

Ronan's eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and intrigue. He hadn't anticipated such an offer, but the thought of having a mentor who understood the complexities of the Tarnished intrigued him. He weighed the risks and benefits, realizing that this could be an opportunity for both personal growth and the ability to get revenge and his daughter.

After a moment of contemplation, Ronan nodded, accepting Minerva's proposition. "I agree, Minerva. If studying my abilities can help me gain control over this power and prevent harm to others, then I'm willing to be your subject. Teach me, guide me, and together we can work towards a better understanding of these powers and their potential."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Minerva's lips, reflecting her satisfaction with Ronan's decision. "Excellent. Our partnership will be a mutually beneficial arrangement, Ronan . I will dedicate my knowledge and resources to studying your abilities, seeking answers to the questions that plague us both. And in return, I will teach you how to navigate the storm within you, to channel it with purpose and control."