1 How I became a shipshafter

I was sitting in the nice summer air when suddenly I started to feel tired which was weird because I had just woken up. I decided to take a nap on the green grass. When I woke up from my slumber I started to feel cold... That summer air that I knew became a blistering cold breeze. My eyes widen when I saw what was all around me.

What I saw was unimaginable. There was snow. Pink snow to be exact. The park I was familiar with was no longer its original self. I was freezing because I had my summer dress on, I decided to find shelter before a blizzard hit or something bad happened. As I was walking I saw lights in the distance. I thought to myself, "Is this the end?"

But then I realized it was just town lights I felt very stupid proceeding to give myself an ol' slap on the head. I start making my way to this unknown town. When I got there, there was a tall gate around the town. With two guards on both sides of the entrance or shall I say what looked like the entrance. I hesitantly walk up to the guards who looked tall and strong. I was a bit intimidated. When I walked up to the guard they pointed their weapon at me and said "Who are you?" The guard said in a harsh voice.

I didn't know what to say when I was about to start to say something he squinted his eyes and said, "Queen Alexandra is that you?!".

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