
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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55 Chs

Chapter 9): The Movies (2)

Chapter 9): The Movies! (2)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}


Read advance Chapters there!! Up to Three as a Supporter and Up to Five as a Member.]


Sitting in the dark theater Carl had to admit the movie was great, the plot was actually something that he liked since it was the cliche of the woman getting caught up in her old life feelings, nope it was a pure blood bath. He actually couldn't take his eyes away the more he watched, the blood curling screams were actually something he really enjoyed, especially when the pretty girl died.

Okay, maybe he was still kind of a psycho after all.

"And when she plunged the scissors into the neck of the lead girl, that was amazing. I am glad this one ended without them killing the main villain, that would kill it for me." Sophia said in excitement as they exited the theater talking about the movie.

"I know! And when she licked the blades afterwards, that was just great acting and writing." Carl said nodding in agreement.

They were the only children who were walking out, and some people gave them looks for the things they were talking about but left them alone, Zach shook his head at them. "Do either of you need to use the bathroom before we leave? You didn't go at all during the movie." He asked.

Sophia frowned from him jumping in between their conversation but nodded her head, "Yeah I really do need to go. I will be right back." She said before rushing into the bathrooms they passed.

Zach looked at him and he shook his heads "Nope, I don't use public bathrooms."

"Alright well wait out here for her. I need to go and do my own business." The man said and it was clear he meant more then just taking a piss.

Carl nodded and leaned against the opposite wall, he noticed a teenager with dyed blue hair standing a little further down waving his friends off but didn't think much of it. Instead he looked at some nearby movie posters but none of them seemed that appealing to him, mainly because most he had seen in his other life, the scissoring was the only difference he had seen so far.

Carl didn't have to wait long before Sophia skipped out and moved to stand in front of him, "Zach still in there?" She asked standing next to him.

He nodded, "Yeah we should probably--"

"Hey Sophia." A teenage voice spoke interrupting Carl in the middle of what he was saying.

Carl looked over and noticed it was the same teenager who was down the hall earlier talking to his friends, it seemed he had been waiting for Sophia to come out to talk to her. Narrowing his eyes he moved closer to her, he didn't like the way the guy was looking at her, his eyes just screamed what a creep he was.

Sophia shuddered some looking at the teen, "Larry." She said coldly.

"Oh come on Sophia, no need to be so cold. Is that how you speak to your favor tutor." He said with as wide smile while reaching out to touch her face.

Carl saw her flinch so before he could touch her he hit the teens hand away making him scowl, "Could you leave us alone please. It is obvious she doesn't want to talk to you."

Working his jaw Larry scowled as he looked to Carl, "Well why don't you beat it and leave me and Sophia alone. I am sure she wants me here, right Soph?"

Instead of answering she got behind Carl, it was the first time he had seen her so small, and he was now sure that her father didn't let this guy go just cause he looked at her funny. It was something else, and since she was Carl's only friend there was no way he would allow anything to happen to her.

"Just walk away, she doesn't want to talk to you." Carl growled glaring at the teen.

Ignoring him Larry spoke again, "Come on Sophia, we can go play on the arcade, there is a game I want to show you."

He went to reach around Carl but that was a stupid idea of him, like mentioned Carl was still a little psycho, which is why the next moment Larry and a pocket knife sticking in his arm. Before he could let out a scream Carl wasted no time kicking him with all his might in between the legs, Larry let out a silent scream while falling over.

Taking Sophia's hand Carl led her to the lobby, the hallway was to clear and he didn't need anything else happening, he wouldn't forgive himself if something happened to Sophia after all. Sophia didn't have a problem with it either as she let herself be pulled along, although she was upset earlier there was a small smile on her face now as they walked away.

He didn't ask anything as they sat down at a table in the lobby, Sophia did move her chair closer to him though as they waited, "He was the tutor before you," Sophia said catching his attention, "It wasn't just the looks though that made my dad fire him.

He tried to touch me...it was when my parents had to run out because my little sister was sick. They both trusted him to watch me while they took her to the hospital for a check up, hell I trusted him.

What I didn't expect was for him to try something not to long after they left, it was subtle, you know? He didn't immediately try it but tried to work up to it, little at first by moving closer to me under the rise of tutoring me better." Her voice got a little shaky here.

Carl wrapped and arm around her as he shuddered, and the more he heard the more he wished he had stuck the knife in the man's throat not just his arm like he had done. People like 'Larry', what kind of name was that anyway, needed to be wiped off the face of the earth they were scum.

"Anyway, he didn't get far before one of my dad's guys had a gun to his head. After that day I never saw him again, he knew that if he stepped into the Southside again he was a dead man, he took that warning serious." She said leaning into his side.

Carl knew she didn't want him to talk but just held her, "Someone want to tell em why a guy back there is purple in the face with a knife in his arm?" Zach said walking up to them with a raised brow, though seeing Sophia his smiled dropped.

"Nope, is my dad here yet?" She asked but didn't leave Carl's side.

"Yeah he is waiting outside for you two, come on." Zach acknowledged knowing better then to push her.

They trio walked out but failed to notice someone watching them, unlike the last gaze though this one was heavily on Carl, it was a kind of gaze that made Carl instinctively shiver feeling it. Looking back he couldn't figure out who it came from though, he shrugged it off though seeing that it wasn't the punk from earlier though.

Standing at the edge of the arcade a little girl who was the same age as Carl and Sophia stared longingly at his back, her blue eyes held a possessiveness that shouldn't be seen in someone's eyes so young. She bit her lip looking at him but pout some when she noticed he didn't even notice her, but her smile brighten quickly, "I will just have to keep looking for him then."

Carl left the building with Sophia and Zach not knowing sooner or later he would have a stalker that would put to shame all stalkers.


"So how was the movie?" Mr. Vegas asked as they entered the car.

Sophia's mood instantly brightened as she went into a rant about it, they both already knew what to get her for a Christmas present this year, each giving the other a look in the mirror. Mr. Vegas glared at Carl when he didn't relent, he would be father of the year getting this movie, but it seemed Carl was determined to fight him on it.

There was still ten months until Christmas anyway so they each had some time to come to something so they wouldn't need to fight over the same thing. Carl didn't even realize it but he had placed her as someone important in his life, what she would fully come to be he didn't know yet, but she was quickly becoming his best friend.

"Alright Carl, enjoy the rest of your weekend. I will see you at school on Monday." Sophia said with a smile as she waved at him as he got out the truck at his house.

"Yeah see you then. You have a good rest of your week end, see you later Mr. Vegas." While Sophia smiled brightly Mr. Vegas just grunted.

Rolling his eyes Carl made his way into his house.