
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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55 Chs

Chapter 7): Frank The Plank (2)

Chapter 7): Frank The Plank (2)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}


Read advance Chapters there!! Up to Three as a Supporter and Up to Five as a Member.]


Later that night Carl made it home still in some pain from the fight, he walked into the house to see the family sitting in the living room, Veronica was there too along with Karen. Lip, Ian and Fiona all turned to look at him and all went wide eyed seeing his appearance, they jumped up rushing to him all speaking at once.

"What happen?" "Are you okay?" "Whose as do I need to kick?" They all spoke over each other while looking him over.

"I'm fine...well mostly. Don't worry about it, just some idiots at school. They will get what's coming to them." Although he wasn't a psycho that didn't mean Carl didn't believe in getting even, Little Hank and his friends would get theirs.

The boys seemed to accept this while Fiona stared into his eyes, "Are you sure?" She asked.

He nodded and she relented before walking back to the couch, he honestly didn't want to watch the deadliest catch, just wasn't something he was interested in really so he went out the kitchen instead. Opening his backpack he took out the dozen donuts he made at the Vegas house, he had to fight for them though as that family had taken most of the ones he had made.

Shaking his head he groaned while making his way upstairs, going into his room he frowned as he walked into the room, the place still just reeked of boys who had B.O problems. He really didn't like sharing the room with two others, it reminded him to much of his time when he was in the boy group home, there was just no privacy what so ever.

The house was big enough but just not a lot of open rooms, the only open room that was available was the one downstairs in the basement, even then he knew it was still trash down there completely. It would take some money to fix it up to be liveable, so for the moment he would need to asses the situation then he could come up with a plan.

Fiona also couldn't deny him this either, mainly because it was a free room and seeing as in a couple of years Debby would want her own room Liam couldn't stay with her forever.

With a sigh he threw his backpack on his bed before making his way downstairs again, "Hey Fiona I---" Carl stopped as he saw the mayhem that was happening.

Apparently Frank had just headbutted Ian in the face, the two of them both had blood on their faces, "You're drunk Frank!" Steve yelled pushing him away from Ian who was holding his nose.

'He's always drunk.' Carl thought rolling his eyes as said man walked right past him and into the kitchen.

"Nobody even asked me if I was okay." He said with a beer in his hand that he got from the fridge, Carl was the only one to hear him though.

"That's because you just hit Ian Frank, no one is going to care about you when you act that way. Well maybe Debby, even then though she will be split about it." Carl said rolling his eyes as his father looked over at him.

"Yeah well then he should learn who to not mess with, that crazy bastard Eddie did this to me for whatever he did to her daughter." Frank said in anger.

Carl rolled his eyes as Fiona walked into the kitchen with them, she sent him a small smile before glaring at Frank, "Never hit one of my kids again Frank." She growled.

"What? They are my kids..." He started but Fiona was serious and he could see that in her eyes.

"Never again." She sounded final too, Carl had no doubt she would do something to serious if he tried touching one of them again.

Frank lowered his beer as she took his shoulders leading him out the kitchen, he didn't think it was a good time to mention that he was going to move to the basement, there was already enough tension in the room. That didn't mean he didn't notice the way Steve was watching Frank, though most people looked at the man that way so he didn't say anything.

Instead he sat on the couch and finished watching the show with them, though the mood was kind of killed thanks to Frank, which is why Karen left soon after with Lip going upstairs. Carl shrugged and saw it was getting later so he went upstairs too, he was so glad the weekend was starting tomorrow after school, that place was super boring.


The next day Carl was just finishing his tutoring with Sophia when their house phone got a call, she stood to answer it, "Vegas house....yes he is still here..uh huh...okay...I will tell him." Sophia said to whoever was on the phone.

She hung up before walking over to him, "That was your sister, apparently Frank is missing and they are going to look for him. She asked you to head home immediately when we were done here."

Carl nodded, though he wasn't to concerned Frank had gone missing weeks before, "I'm sure he will turn up soon." Carl said shrugging.

"Oh yeah, she said remember that it is the first Friday of the month." Sophia said looking over to him.

Carl froze a moment, well that changed things a lot, if it was the first of the month and he was missing that meant it was something serious, he sighed while packing his things. They were done for the day anyway, he just wanted somewhere to do his work peacefully, but it seemed he needed to actually go out and help look for the man, Frank never missed a pay day.

"Is everything okay?" She asked taking notice of him leaving.

Carl shook his head, "It is disability check day. Of he isn't there to get it that means he really is missing, Frank never missed a pay day."

"Oh, well do you want some help? Four eyes are better then two after all, plus I will be bored here alone." Sophia said with a sigh, her mom was at work while her father was taking care of the baby at the moment.

Carl nodded, "Sure thing, as long as your father agrees."

Sophia smiled and rushed out the room, she was back moments later with her coat on, "He said it was fine. He just told me that you need to bring me back later, also if I am hurt any way he will hurt you."

Rolling his eyes Carl nodded after packing his things, they both then left the house with him pushing her from behind as she stood on his skateboard, it was becoming a normal thing for the two of them to do. Sophia giggled as she held his hands that were on her hips, Carl didn't mind doing this as it helped him work out, plus Sophia's giggles were cute.

When they made it to his house everyone was on a phone calling someone, Carl was directed to go out and start looking even as Sophia let him use her phone to call around too. Though he didnt call many people as the family has already called most, instead he was looking in alleys of bars and under bridges, Frank was basically a hobo after all.

After two hours they headed back to the house where the rest of the family met them, apparently there was a man who was found dead who they thought was him but it turned out to be someone else. Tony had come in soon after telling them how he was in Canada, which made Lip question Steve about his night at the Alibi with Frank.

Carl just tuned them out though as him and Sophia were playing a game on her phone, after they learned that Frank was fine he didn't see a reason to worry about the man anymore. Sophia was never worried, he could tell she was just happy to be out the house and that they were hanging out somewhere other then their house.

"Does this happen a lot around here?" Sophia asked as she watched Fiona and Lip lay into Steve about what he did to Frank.

Carl sighed but nodded, "Not in the sense where someone my sister dates kidnaps my father. But yes it is as if we are in some TV show or something sometimes around here."

Sophia giggled, "Hey better then mine. The only real troubles at my place are when my grandfather visits or if something happens with my father's business."

"Hmm, well it is getting dark, I think I should get you home." He said checking outside to see the sun was going down.

She pouted but nodded her head, "Yeah you are right."

The wall back to her place was relaxing, though it was cold as hell seeing as it was night time, he really needed to hurry this up so he could get home and get into the warmth. As they appeared at her house it was calm like every other day, nothing like his chaotic house that seemed to have wya to many people in it.

"So I will be over tomorrow afternoon to go to the movies right?" Sophia asked with a smile as they stood at her front door.

Carl nodded blowing hot air into his hands, "Yeah I will waiting."

"Good. Goodnight Carl." She smiled leaning over kissing his cheek before happily skipping inside.

Carl shook his head with a smile before taking off back home.