
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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55 Chs

Chapter 45): But Carl, I.... (1)

Chapter 45): But Carl, I..... (1)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}


{A/N: Haven't been posting these but I figured I would go ahead and put some more out on here.}

Carl got out the car and walked up to the door, as he got close it opened and seconds later a body was wrapped around his own, at that moment he broke as tears fell down his face as he held Kassidi close. His body shook with silent tears falling, Kassidi just held him tighter, the cold bit into the two of them but she didn't ask anything of him, just held him closer.

When he knew they had been out to long he pulled back some, "Thank you for letting me come over Kass. Are you sure your parents won't be mad at you?" He asked as she pulled him inside.

"No, they are gone until this weekend. Dad has some big meeting, and with mom being so close to her due date she is staying near him, apparently she doesn't want him to miss this birth like he did my own." She sighed while leading him to a grand staircase.

He nodded, "Well thank you for letting me come here, I have been having a rough night tonight."

She paused as they made it to the landing for the second flooring turning to look at him seriously, "Carl, don't ever thank me for anything like this. All you need to do is call and I will be there for you, anytime, anywhere."

Carl nodded pulling her a little closer as they began to walk down the hall, Kassidi didn't urge him to speak as they walked down the hall, she also didn't ask anything either.

They soon came across a bright baby blue door, Kassidi stopped and opened it up, he was deeply impressed, and if this was another time he would appreciate it a lot more. Now though his mind wasn't into it, he was still reeling from seeing Monica, it threw him for a whirl the amount of emotions that hit him, some not even fully his own until that moment.

He spent enough time around his family that he was use to the occasional thing, but seeing his mom that all but abandoned them and then come back wanting to take his brother had been a lot. Carl's life had a lot of memories of his family, from being so young, but he only and less then one hand worth of Monica, he didn't adjust well to this surprise.

"Nice room." He said softly but even to himself his voice was just a little hollow.

"Thanks." She beamed trying to throw some life into the room, but her eyes spoke volumes of the real emotions, she was sad for him and really wanted to help.

Carl licked his lips as he sat at the edge of the princess bed, it had warm colors on it, their was a giant 'K' carved into the he'd of the bed, what appeared to be glitter covering it. "So... What are you up to tonight?" He asked looking at everything around him.

"Nothing much, I was studying for a test we have tomorrow. They had given us the weekend to study, I love that, really shows who actually is smart or not." She grinned sitting next to him and taking control of his hand.

Carl nodded as he saw the giant teddy bears sitting on the side of the wall, their were three different ones each a different color of; Orange, Green and Blue.

"So what do you want to do? We can go to the theater room if you want to watch a movie or we could go find something in the game area?" She scooted closer not like his far away look.

Carl tilted his lips slightly, he was looking at the pictures of her younger in a gymnastics uniform, there were even some trophies and medals for wins she had gotten in competitions. Not just participation trophies either, no they actually ranked her first.

His eyes moved across the room more and he saw a violin with music sheets all about, the whole desk area next to it had music sheets, some which even looked like original writing. There was so much showing who Kassidi was in this room, and he realized that in the amount of time he had known her she didn't mention any of this at all.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked as he swept his arm across everything looking at her closely.

Her smile was shy as she looked down, "Well.. I wanted to get to know you first. Then when I knew you enough, well that's obvious I wanted to date you, I just figured you would learn everything else about me later. I thought to focus on you first."

A shaky smile went on to his face, at that moment it was as if everything cleared up, Carl could see Kassidi in a new light, she was shinning in front of him at that moment and he understood. There was always a reason he held back from Kassidi or Sophia ever showing affection, and it was because she put him first, something that made him really like her, because no one else every really put him first.

This was all hidden from him, just because she wanted to put him first, she was willing to put him first even before herself. He needed to ask what was really bugging him, something that was clawing at his throat which was slowly closing.

"Wh--why do you even like me?" He asked finally really addressing with her, no more skating around the word 'like' and meaning it more then just as a friend.

Her eyes got a little brighter, but not from happiness but because of the tears that were in them, "Because I saw we were the same. I don't mean it is on the same level, but it is still the same, it was more then you just being the new kid at the country club I could talk to, who didn't know me.

No, when I saw you I could tell just from the way you carried yourself, you are just another kid who had to grow up early. I could see myself in you, so I knew that if I could just talk to you once I could show you I can be the one to put you first, then maybe you would stay.

I would have someone who enjoyed having me around."

Carl had to wipe the tears from her cheek as she cried saying this, her hand squeezing his a little tighter as if she was afraid of him pulling away at that moment. He didn't though, he squeezed her hand back, what she said wasn't untrue and he couldn't hate her for it, he was a willing participant on allowing her to feed him the attention.

Because he himself loved it, he craved it actually a reason he actually liked having her around, it wasn't until now though that he knew what he truly felt for her. While Sophia was and would always be a good friend, the girl in front of him is the girl he knew he needed to be with and wanted.

"I'm sorry Kass. I was being and idiot that it took me this long to notice, all this time I have been taking you for granted. It won't happen again." There was conviction as he said that, his brown eyes meeting her blues staring into one another.

He leaned his forehead against her own as she gave a real smile, her eyes lit up happy to notice that he changed, that he was not pushing her away but growing closer to her. "It's alright Carl, I was determined to stay until you noticed, no matter how long it took." Their hands were intertwined in the middle of the two.

The room lapsed into silence that Carl wasn't ready to break, his heart felt full at that moment as he sat there with her, all his earlier problems pushed out of his head. All his attention was on the girl who was home alone, on a Sunday with no one else around her but worker, but she hadn't complained once to him instead ready to shoulder his burdens to when he was ready.

"You're to good for me." He whispered rubbing his forehead against hers.

"Well I think we are perfect for one another." She giggled liking the feeling of being on the same wave length as him. She still didn't know what had shocked him clear sighted tonight, but whatever it was she loved and hated it, loved because it brought this on, but hated it because it upset him.

Carl chuckled lightly, licking his lips he took a deep breath, "Kassidi, do, no, will you go out will me? You know, be my girlfriend and all."

From his position he could see the tears again and he knew he would need to get her something to drink soon, the way she was doing the water works she was going to dehydrate soon. He reached up clearing them again, his heart hurting as he saw her crying, he didn't know if these are happy or sad tears but either way it was hurting.

"Hey, come on Kass, please don't cry. It is hurting me to see you cry, even if these are happy tears?"

"Their happy tears," she got out making him sigh in relief, "But Carl, I..."