
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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Chapter 39): It's Time to Kill the Turtle (2)

Chapter 39): It's Time to Kill the Turtle (2)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

[15+ Chapters ahead on Buy-meacoffee/Flaminglines]


"See you later Carl!" Robbie said with a wide smile as Carl was the last dropped off at his house.

"Yeah see you later man. Thanks again for the invite to the party." He answered back waving to the kid who was hanging half outside the minivan.

Going inside he smiled, he had a fun day today that didn't have anything to do with the people he usually hung out with, plus he got to 'shoot' some people which let off a lot of the steam he had been holding in. Going inside the place wasn't as chaotic as it usually was, Carl walked into the kitchen to see Fiona getting dinner ready, "Hey Carl, how was paintball?" She asked.

He walked to stand next to the counter, "It was fun, I had a good time."

"That's good I am glad you were able to go. Go wash up, Kev and V are bringing over their foster daughter in a while to have dinner here." She said lightly pushing him out the kitchen.

He nodded and headed downstairs, going into his room he checked his messages which he had been ignoring since he was trying to have some fun, and there were two messages from Sophia, one from Jordan and ten plus from Kassidi. He could only shake his head seeing all the one frome Kassidi, he texted her back first seeing as she would make the biggest deal of it all if he didnt message back soon.

"Hello to you to Kass." He said answering the phone as she had called him the moment he messaged her back.

"Carl!" She whined, "Why did it take you so long to message me back?"

"I was out Kassidi. I went to play paintball with some friends, so I wasn't really paying attention to my phone at that moment." He answered while grabbing out some clothes to get comfortable in.

He chose some baggy sweats, an old worn long sleeve sweater that felt heavenly and some boxers before heading back upstairs to take a shower, he was half he bought multiple bottles of body wash or he would have cursed for not asking Fiona to buy him some. Kassidi complained as she didn't want to stop talking, but he promised to call her back after he got out the shower.

Rolling his eyes he quickly hopped in, when he got out he dried off and called her back, she immediately began asking about his day and telling him about her own doing a complete one-eighty to what she had been doing. She Was going to cause him whiplash if she kept that up, but he didn't blame her or anything, he allowed her to do it, but he would need to calm that down sooner or later.

Walking down the stairs he saw Fiona making the sauce for spaghetti, "Hey, V and Kev are on their way now." She called to him as he went back to his room.

"Yeah, don't worry I will be up here." He called back while listening to Kassidi complain about her homework.

"What's happening at your place?" She asked hearing some of the conversation.

"Oh just some family friends took in a foster child and we are meeting them today at a family dinner type situation." He explained while putting away his dirty clothes.

Going to his computer he put her on speaker as he was going to work more on animation, since he was a total newbie at it he wanted to put as much work as possible into it so he could get his plans done. Kassidi hummed and went quiet as he began working on it, he did need to stop some times to answer a message from Jordan or Sophia but other then that he was sucked into it.

Which is why he was shocked when Fiona came to the top of the stairs yelling for him, "Carl! Didn't I tell you to be up here by the time they got here?! It's to late now but come on they are here, plus one of your friends is at the door."

"Sorry Kass, looks like I need to go see who this is." Carl said knowing it couldn't be her as she was on the phone with him and she would have told him.

"Okay, well I will talk to you soon then." She said before ending the call.

He paused looking at the phone and sighed, walking upstairs he got his first look at the foster girl, "Carl, this is Ethel our foster daughter." Kevin said proudly showing her off.

Ethel blushed some as she curtsied to him, "Hello." She spoke softly.

He nodded and moved past them to get to the door, that girl was weird as hell, he could tell she came from some cult type place just from then way she was dressed, no doubt she was really religious too. Going to the door he opened it and wasn't shocked at all, standing there was Kassidi, he knew she got off the phone to easily, "Kassidi."

"Carl!" She squealed wrapping him up in a hug, her cold cheek pressed against his own as she snuggled into him.

Carl wrapped his arms around her while looking at the street, a town car was there before taking off the moment she was pulled inside with him, guess they just waited for her to get inside. He didn't bother asking why she was there, to be honest he didn't mind her showing up, his friends didnt really need invitations in his opinion.

As long as they wanted to hang out, well if he was home they just needed to show up.

"What are you not surprised?" She asked pulling back as he closed the front door.

"Nope. I knew something was up the moment you let me off the phone without a five minute back and forth." He said smiling as he took her coat and hung it up.

She giggled, "Oh Carl, you know me so well."

Taking her hand he led her into the living room where at the moment Frank and Debbie were acting as if they were on some type of high, "Umm, what is wrong with those two?" He asked while looking at the pissed Lip.

"Dad's sober, something about some money he is going to win. Look buddy I don't..." He started but Carl held up a hand.

"Lip it's fine. I gave up some time ago, while a small part of me will always care for Frank, he is our father after all. I won't fall for things like this, it's to later for that." Carl gave a half smile that was obviously kind of forced.

"Sorry buddy. So who is your friend here?" Lip said gesturing towards Kassidi who was still beaming as she held his arm.

"This is my friend Kassidi, she has been here before but none of you were home besides Fiona. Kassidi this is my eldest brother Lip and his Paramore Karen." Carl introduced still not liking anything about Karen.

He heard enough about the girl, he really couldn't understand why his brother was with the girl, the sex couldn't be that good, and he heard from both of them already that they weren't dating.

Karen smiled and waved not minding as Lip laughed nodding to Kassidi who waved at the both of them, "Nice to meet you" she said sounding shy.

Carl looked at her and he could see while she wanted to be her outgoing self she was holding back, she actually looked shy as she was faced with the rest of the family and friends looking at them. "Let's play a game!" Frank said drawing attention back to himself.

Carl rolled his eyes while giving Kassidi the only available seat and sitting at her feet, one of her hands immediately going into his hair and playing with it as they watched the rest set up some weird relay race thing. He didn't go play with them when Frank tried to get him to, he rolled his eyes and leaned back on Kassidi's legs, who was at the moment cheering for Fiona and Debbie.

When they did when she cheered while kissing the top of his head, Carl winced as Lip got upset by it all then offered to walk Karen home, he couldn't blame him for it either, he would do the same. The only reason he didn't with Kassidi, is because he was sure they would get hypothermia or something walking from his home to her own.

Which reminded him.

"Kassidi, when do you need to be home?" He asked as they sat at the table eating spaghetti.

"Oh don't worry, my driver will be coming for me in two hours. I got to stay out later as my parents are at some dinner tonight for my dad's company" she said brushing it off.

"You didn't have to go?" He asked a little surprised.

"Nope. No kids at this event." She shook her head.

He hummed, he didn't mind her being herre it was just the fact that it was getting a little late and he didn't expect her to still be here, he thought she would have taken off by now or been called home. It made more sense now seeing as she would be the only person home, she would feel lonely there, although he didn't know how big her house was he expected her to feel empty there.

He rubbed her back giving her a smile which she returned laying her head on his shoulder as he understood her reasoning.

"Why is she staring at us?" Kassidi asked as she looked over at Ethel who had been watching them since even before that game began.

Carl looked at Ethel who blushed and turned away noticing she had been caught staring, he also saw Kevin giving him a smirk and nod as if he should know what was happening. It took him only a moment for it to connect, Ethel was crushing on him, from the way she stared to the way she blushed when he looked at her it was obvious to see.

He didn't know what to think though, he knew she was only a few months older then him so it wasn't that bad, but at the same time he did not know the girl, so all he could be was flattered. Looking to Kassidi she was glaring at Ethel now, he chuckled while standing and taking her hand with him, taking their plates to the sink he led her down to his room after.

She calmed down as they walked into his room, "So what do you want to do?" He asked as he led her over to the couch.

"Hmmm... How about we watch something? I don't really mind if you want to do something else though." She said after thinking it over a moment.

"No that is fine. Let's watch some *FlixNet then." He said with a smile.

"Yay! Cuddles?" She asked with her arms spread as she looked at him pleadingly.

He chuckled as he nodded his head, "Sure thing, get in here."

In an instant she was laying in his arms as he started a scary movie that they both agreed on, he drooled a little when he saw Scream was on it all up to four, they were his favorite thriller movies. Snuggling deep into the couch he got comfortable with Kassidi being as close as possible before they both got sucked into the movie.


*FlixNet--- Netflix of this world, obviously.