
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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Chapter 38): It's Time To Kill The Turtle (1)

Chapter 38): It's Time to Kill the Turtle (1)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

[15+ Chapters ahead on Buy-meacoffee/Flaminglines]


Carl looked at the video for their truth or dare video they put out, at the moment it was doing well, it had been a week and they were at five hundred views and growing, slowly but still growing. He smiled, nowadays he was stepping more and more away from the thoughts of selling drugs, he was actually loving this internet vibe they were doing, plus he enjoyed singing, painting and graphic design.

He tapped his finger on the new laptop he had just bought, he was thinking of maybe learning animation, he could design everything himself and he had seen some movies that weren't created yet in this world he could make. The top three major ones he noticed were; *Toy Story, Frozen and Wreck it Ralph

He knew that those would make a lot of money, and he could save on a lot of things if he made it himself, he could just use his friends as voices for the movies, although their voices are young they would mature. They were close to hitting puberty anyway, and with the time it would take him to learn animation their voices would be at the mature stage for them to record it all, he could also probably find enough people for voices.

"Hey going to the store, need anything?" Fiona asked as she walked down the stairs some, his door was open when he was awake and not doing anything.

"Yeah actually, I need more toothpaste I am down to the last of mine and we need more toilet paper." Carl said while reaching into his wallet and taking out a hundred for her, "Here this should help some."

She smiled while taking it, "Thanks, I only had thirty five and my check from the temp agency isn't in yet."

"It's fine. Also I won't be home as early today, I am going to Robbie Rebello's, birthday paintball party."

"Really??," She questioned shocked.

"Yeah, I was just surprised as you. I guess doing better in school and not fighting as much gets you invited to more places." Carl said with a smile as he stood to get ready for school.

"Good for you. Do you need anything for?"

"No I am good."

After nodding she took off, Carl slipped on his boots before picking up his backpack, thankfully it was almost time for school to end, he needed his summer break and to relax. Going upstairs he got ready for the walk to school, he had heard Steve leave earlier and knew that he didn't have a ride for this morning.


"Why are you pouting so much, it is weird and upsetting to see. Do I need to fight someone?" Carl asked looking at Sophia who had been pouting all through lunch, which was weird.

She shook her head while letting out a sigh, "No. It is just that I also want to go to Robbie's party, but he said 'No girls allowed' since it is a paintball party."

"Oh. Yeah, nothing I can really do about that. Why don't you text Kassidi, maybe the two of you can do something together huh?" 

Sophia's face changed and she sighed while picking at the salad in front of her, "I don't know, Kassidi doesn't seem to like me much, and I don't want to force this on her."

"Don't worry about that, and she likes you. Just show her you really want to be a friend to her, if you do that then you will definitely become friends."

"Yeah, I guess you would know her best. Fine, I will message her and see."

Carl smiled as she took out her phone and began typing in it, he knew from her schedule that Kassidi would be heading to her next class at the moment, so it was fine to message her. This was something that needed to happen sooner or later, especially if Sophia did end up going to Saint Michael's Academy, because this would help her when she got there, and gave Kassidi a friend.


"Glad you could make it Carl." Robbie said with a smile, he was a scrawny kid with glasses and red hair. Carl wouldn't call him the coolest kid in school, but he is at the moment since he got his parents to agree to have his birthday at the paintball place.

Carl could see all in the minivan were what was 'The Cool Kids' chatting and laughing inside the car, none of them were really speaking much to Robbie but they were still along for the ride.

"Well thanks for the invite. I didn't expect it at all." Carl said giving a nod.

Robbie smiled sheepishly, "Honestly, I didn't think anyone would come. It wasn't until I told them that it was a paintball party that they even came. I also invited three others but you were the only one who could afford to go."

Carl nodded, Robbie was from a middle class family, they had way more money then Carl's but at the same time not enough where they could send Robbie to Saint Michael's, which was the only other nearby school. Well there was the other one but it was even deeper into the Southside then the one they went to now, it was also closer to closing down then theirs.

"Is this your first time?" Robbie asked as they had sat there in a moment of silence that got awkward.

"No, I have been three other times." Carl said, mainly thinking about his past life this was his first time in this one though.

"Awesome, well then I won't need to explain it to you. I just hope the group we are facing aren't older, it would suck to face adults." Robbie said shaking his head as if he had experienced it before.

Carl could understand, some places made you face who was there if you didn't rent the time out or didn't bring enough people for two teams, and since there were only five of them the teams would be uneven. They had no choice but to play who ever was there to play them.

Soon they finally arrived at the paintball park, the other three ran out before even Robbie and Carl, Ms. Rebello sighed as she looked exhausted at even the thought of being here today. Single mother and had to take care of five over active boys at the moment, actually it makes a lot of sense for her to look tired this would be hell on any single parent.

Carl didn't ask about his father they weren't close enough for anything like that.

"Okay boys, well it cost $27 to get in and another $25 to rent the equipment. You brought the money right?" Ms. Robello asked as she led them all in.

"Yes." They all chorused, Carl didn't think it would cost that much seeing as Robbie only told him about entry cost, he didn't say anything about renting. Though he should have known seeing as they didn't come with anything.

Walking forward they all paid then were led to get their equipment, Carl was glad he had extra money on him, he didn't fancy being shot in the face or anything with a paintball, it was not fun. There were some people who even brought their own equipment and sometimes their guns would shot the paintballs a lot faster and harder then the ones they had.

"Robello party? Good to see you, you are in luck today as there is another party here today so you will be playing their team." An emy said as he walked over and smiled at them.

Carl looked to the team he was gesturing yo and groaned, standing there was no one else but Brandon, and he seemed to have noticed him to as a huge smile crossed his face, the kid sauntered, literally sauntered over to him.

"Well, well well, if it isn't Carl, ready to lose today Carl?" He said with a smirk as he stood there.

Carl looked at him blandly blinking real slow, "I'm sorry did you say something CF, crap sorry I mean Brian."

"It's Brandon, not Brian or CF!" He clenched his teeth seething.

"Oh sorry, my bad." Carl smiled at him as if he truly did forget and needed to be reminded.

It made Brandon mad to no end, in the end he didn't say anything else but decided to let his paintballs to the talking, Carl just shrugged his shoulders, it was fun messing with the kid. He seemed way to tightly wound, and plus it was funny as he saw him as a rival, Carl didn't even see him that way.

"Gallagher, Robello, if you can't help us out then hide. Don't drag us down." Hayden, the leader of the popular kids said as he looked over at them when they were set to go inside.

Carl just rolled his eyes while Robbie nodded along, which he didnt really need to do, it was his birthday after all, he wouldn't be mentioning that though.


"So what was that about hiding if you were going to bring us down?" Carl said forty minutes later when they stood back in the lobby, they had played three rounds with Hayden and his boys being the first out each time. Hayden glared but said nothing.

Brandon walked over paint on his suit with a smirk, "Well, if it wasn't for your team you might have done better, maybe."

"Is that a compliment?" Carl asked as he tilted his head to the side, he only got shot twice the entire time and that was in the very last game, he had stayed up otherwise.

"Whatever." Brandon said turning away to join his friend again.

"Alright, boys let's eat some pizza then you can go play some more." Ms. Robello said while herding them to the food court area.


*Toy Story, Frozen and Wreck it Ralph--- These all belong to the Disney corporation I own none of them. I will not have Disney after me, no thank you.