
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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55 Chs

Chapter 35): Frank Gallagher: Loving Husband, Devoted Father (2)

Chapter 35): Frank Gallagher: Loving Husband, Devoted Father (2)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

(14+ advanced chapters out on Buymeacoffee/flaminglines)


Carl sat watching television while waiting for the food to get cooked, after the whole robbing the truck for meat thing they brought a lot of it home, it was split between them and the Milkovich kids since Mandy was there to help them. Fiona was also gone for the night as Steve took her out, he had also dropped Liam off with Shelia so no one had to worry about him for the night.

Carl had just finished hanging out with Sophia earlier, her admission about more then likely being sent to Saint Michael's Academy threw him off, he was trying to rack his brain to figure out how he could get himself there. The yearly tuition being two hundred and fifty thousand made it hard, he had looked on line and saw that even with him testing for the scholarship it would still be one hundred and fifty thousand, and that was yearly.

He couldn't make that in a year no matter if he sold weed or not, it would take him selling pounds of the stuff daily for him to make enough to get him through the school years, cause that didn't factor in school trips and lunch. He could only groan, he would have to see what life handed him, he was hopeless at this moment.

"Carl food!" Lip shouted from the kitchen making him get up immediately, Ian was at work so it was only him, Debbie and Lip at the house at this moment.

"What's on?" Carl asked as he walked to the table.

"Tomahawk Steaks." Lip said grinning, the plates already held them along with some more set to the side.

"Any A1 sauce?" He asked licking his lips.

"Nope, but you can run to the Kash and Grab and get some if you want. Mind getting me some chips and drinks too?" Lip asked.

"Sure no problem. Want anything Debs?" He asked while slipping on his jacket.

"Candy! Oh and I need flour, sugar and butter too." She said excitedly.

He nodded knowing her fondness for cooking, "Alright well I will be back soon."

Carl rushed out down the street on his skateboard, he was hoping to be there and back soon so that his food didn't get cold, heated up steak wasn't the best, nothing wrong with it but it was better when freshly cooked. So there really was a time limit on how long he could be out, he had out tin foil over it so that it could stay heated before he got back.

Thankfully he was able to take alleys as shortcuts before he made it to where he needed to be, he shyly waved at the passing Mandy who blew him a kiss making his cheeks flush from more then just the weather. Stopping in front of the store he opened the door to Linda's yelling, walking inside he saw her yelling at her husband Kash who wasn't even saying anything back.

"Yo, do you have any A1 sauce?" He asked smiling at them.

Linda glared a little but pointed to it, "You better have money, just because your brother works here doesn't mean you get free things."

Carl laughed as he filled the carrying basket with everything he needed, Linda was behind the counter when he went to pay a scowl still on her face, he sighed.

"Kash, you are one lucky man." Carl stated and then explained as they both looked at him as if he was crazy, "What? You have a beautiful wife who is strong willed and good at business. You hit the jackpot with her man, I hope you are treating she right. Wouldn't want someone to steal her." He finished with a wink.

Linda blinked but she was smiling as she looked at him now, "That will be $26.75, you little charmer."

"Here you go," He said handing over the money, "And if you ever need anything do be afraid to as Linda. Not you Kash, just her."

Linda actually laughed as she handed him over his change, "I will keep that in mind. Have a good night...I am sorry what was your name again?"

"Guess angel's aren't perfect, my name is Carl. You two have a good night." He said with a laugh as he walked out proud of himself for getting a bigger smile out of Linda. That woman was to stressed, it was clear that Kash wasn't having sex with the woman she was to wound up, just a big ball of stress and he wasn't helping.

A quick ride home and he was able to his meal, "So who took you to the game again?" Lip asked trying to be a good brother, Debbie was paying attention too.

So Carl explained to him his whole thing with the country club, Lip actually looked impressed as he finished making Carl feel prideful as he got praised for getting an account to the club in an illegal way. It might have been something weird to be praised for, but seeing as Lip knew that they needed to scam and lie to get what they needed he was proud of Carl, the ruffling of his hair proved that.

As they were digging into the food Frank stumbled into the kitchen, "Okay, which one of you at some point in your life has wanted or wished me dead?" He asked rushed.

Carl raised a brow but didn't move as he slowly chewed his food.

"Come on don't be shy, hands up." Frank said making them all raise a hand as he clapped, "Excellent, so who wants to plan my funeral?"

"Sounds fun." Carl said grinning.


The next day Carl was getting ready to go out and get flowers, that was his job in this whole plan, that plus he needed to get some things that would usually be seen at a funeral, he hadn't been to so many so he didn't know all they needed. As he was about to head out Kassidi called him, "Hey Kassidi, what's up?"

"Nothing much. Just wanted to see what you are doing, will we be seeing you this weekend?" She asked a smile in her voice.

"Not sure yet. Most likely not though as me and Sophia are thinking up plans for our video." He said as he struggled to put on his boot.

"Sophia huh?" Kassidi muttered, "Do you think I could be there?"

Carl blinked as he laced his boots up, "Hmm, I don't see why not. Let me run it by her first, we are going to be doing it at her house. Hey, maybe you two will even become friends."

"Yeahhh....friends." Kassidi said but Carl didn't notice the difference in her voice, instead she went back to talking to him about random things as he went out to get flowers.

He went to the local flower store and asked them for just any flowers used at funerals, he also got a something with RIP Frank across it, he felt it was a good use of his money. After buying all that he headed back to the house, he was he first back so he set everything to the side and went to make donuts, he hadn't had any in awhile.

As he was waiting for the deep fryer to heat up Sophia showed up, "Sup Carl!"

"Hey, how did you get in here?" He asked surprised.

"Well your doors aren't locked and I knocked but no one answered, so I just walked in." She explained shrugging.

He nodded, "Well then...." He further explained what was happening today and she took it in stride while throwing a look over to the flowers he had.

"Can I have the hydrangeas after you are done with them? I love the blue pink combo it is cute."

He nodded, "Sure thing."

After sending him a big smile she asked, "Hey, can you make some apple bacon maple donuts? Those were good last time."

Nodding he made the dough and began to fashion them just as the others were getting back, Debbie was quick to get into conversation with Sophia who didn't mind as they talked a lot. Veronica had just sent Kevin off to the Alibi room in case the thugs came looking for him there, while Lio and Ian were setting up the coffin.

While they waited for the men to show Carl finished his donuts and Fiona showed up with Liam freaking out, Debbie explained things to her making her calm down and accept it all. Sophia was actually sticking around for it to 'show support' for Carl which made him smile, he was sure that the Northside kids wouldn't do this at all.

Finally the men showed after a call from Kevin who told them they had left moments ago from finding out about Frank's 'suicide' which he actually could believe Frank would do if he got in enough trouble.

"Sorry for your loss. he has just been under a lot of stress lately." The reasonable one said after his partner had just slapped Frank while trying to get him to stop acting.

Carl actually had to stop himself from laughing, Sophia pulled him into her neck hiding his face so they wouldn't see his giant smile, "We could take the girl, she is ten or eleven, not much of a looker." The continued while talking on the phone with his boss.

Everyone panicked and Fiona sent Carl a look which he nodded at and snuck out the back door while the men were distracted, he missed what was happening inside but took a baseball and rushed towards their truck. Throwing it as hard as he could he broke the window before rushing back to hide as his front door was thrown open, he watched with a smile as they checked the now broken window.

Going back towards the house he helped the family take the rotten meat and put it inside the coffin, he gagged at the smell, Sophia was covering her nose with his jacket rolling her eyes. He just wiggles his eyebrows at her.

"Alright, let's get him out of here." Fiona said as they all took a side and picked up the coffin. Carl was glad he had been working out because the coffin was heavier with the meat they had put inside of it.

"Here let me help you," the first thug said seeing them struggle, "God he already smells terrible."

They put the coffin in the back of the Hurst and then drove to the cemetery, Lip had found a hole that had been dug earlier, it cost them a little money but he convinced them to allow them to use the hole for two hours. It would be filled and when they left they would just dig it up, since it was paid for they wouldn't need to stick around and watch that part.

Carl faked his sadness as the casket was lowered, as the first of the dirt was thrown on top they all began to make their way out of the graveyard, the men following them to the alibi room where the wake was taking place. He could see the entire time Sophia was smiling in her eyes at this all, he just stick his tongue out at her making her giggle some, since they were in different cars they could do as they please.

"I'm taking those flowers when we get back, help me take them home?" She asked with a bright smile.

"Sure thing." He nodded.

Kevin got up and got himself a drink before moving in front of the TV while tapping his ring on his cup, "Uh, Frank Gallagher. Loving husband, devoted father.Truly respected and cherished member

of this community. He was a good friend

and a good neighbor and he will be sorely missed. I just hope that in the afterlife...they treat him as kindly as he treated us. To Frank."

"To Frank!" Everyone followed raising their glasses, quiet a few people in the room fighting hard to keep the smile off of their faces.

Carl sat around drinking a virgin Pina Colada, he didn't care for it but he was drinking it since he wasn't allowed real alcohol, Sophia was taking sips of it too as they shared it Kevin not wanting to waste drinks. Sophia giggled as the men finally left and everyone busted out in a cheer, Carl just rolled his eyes as he started to message Kassidi, he was over this.

He rolled his eyes harder as Frank came out and started to cheer with them, he also criticized some people who weren't sadder about his death.

It was his own fault though, the guy wasn't really well liked and he should know that by now. The last time Carl saw Frank he was getting really drunk, but since that was normal he didn't pay much attention to it and went ahead and started talking to Sophia.

"Ready to go?" He asked her as he popped a chip in his mouth.

"After you grab my flowers, yes." She said with a smile as she shooed him to get them.

Doing as she asked he grabbed the hydrangeas and then proceeded to walk her home, he was sure to the outsiders around them that they looked like a couple of kids who just got out of a date or something.