
Chapter 27): Killer Carl (2)

Chapter 27): Killer Carl (2)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

[5+Chapters as a member on Buy-Me-A-Coffee/Flaminglines]


"So this is it huh?" Sophia asked as she wrung her hands sitting in front of her computer.

Carl had just finished editing the music inot the video, he was now showing it to Sophia first just in case she had anything she wanted to change about it last minute. He was hoping she didn't want to change anything though, he thought that it was pretty good if he said so himself, well at least for a video that he only had two weeks to finish, and spent about three hours a day on.

Carl hit play and sat back, he had already watched it himself, Sophia was to nervous and wanted to watch it alone so she didn't see it as he had completed it which just made no sense to him. But to each their own he guessed.

The video was actually the same as the original music video, though animated, he wanted to be able to get it as close to the original as possible. The people in the video were actually animated as older versions of him and her though, he just took a guess of what they would look like in the future, it was close enough.

Sophia would look mostly like her mom but a little taller thanks to her father, but since he didn't really need to worry about height since they were animated it still looked good in his opinion though.

Carl looked to the computer and saw Sophia smiling as she watched it, she was already half way done with it and she hadn't said anything bad so he took that as a good sign. As it came to a close the end had a sign of a Basilisk eating the words 'Basilisk Infinity Productions' something he was claiming as his own, he would put it in all of his videos and anything else.

There was a moment of pause as Sophia sat there as some credits went up, not much seeing as it was only him who did everything but they were there, he just stood by with a raised brow.

"That was--That was good Carl. Like really good!" She said in excitement jumping up and looking at him with those big eyes sparkling.

Carl let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, sure he had faith in what he was doing but at the same time he also wasn't sure how it would come across, then again Sophia was only twelve years old. The work put into the video he did was rushed but still decent so of course she would think it was his best work, if she really wanted to see his best then all she had to do was give him three months.

By that time he could make something that would be put up there with some of the best animation episodes on TV, nothing movie wise that might take at least half a year but he could do wonders in three months.

"Well I am glad you like it, now how about we go speak to your father then, huh? I am sure he is the one we need to impress." Carl said with a raised brow, the video was already up on their page so it could be viewed.

All of a sudden Sophia got nervous again as she heard him talking about showing her father, "Crap, I forgot about that."


"So do you have something to show me? I have prepared everything you need, but I am prepared to take it back if don't." Mr. Vegas said as they stood in front of him in the living room.

Mrs. Vegas sat next to him holding the baby with an encouraging smile, Carl could tell that it relaxed Sophia that her mom was there, she took a deep breath as she introduced the video. Carl let her take the reigns as he didn't feel like explaining it again, when she finished she pressed play on video and backed away.

As the song started Carl stared intensely at Mr. Vegas, the man made no facial expression as he watched the video, it was actually really unsettling to see him this way. Mrs. Vegas was completely different as she smiled seeing the video, she grinned as she watched the two characters play out the music on the screen moving on with their lives.

Finally it came to an end and the room went quiet as the video stopped, Carl and Sophia seemed to hold their breaths as Mr. Vegas was still looking at the screen his face unreadable as he sat there. Finally he let out a breath before looking at them, "I like it. You two did a real good job on this." He smiled slightly.

"Thanks dad! Does that mean we can have the things you bought for us now?" Sophia asked in excitement running to his side and smiling brightly at him.

He chuckled and nodded, "Yes, I will have someone help you set it up later. Carl you should probably head home now the school open house is soon."

Carl checked the time on his phone before nodding, "Yeah you are right. I will most likely see you all there tonight, so see you later."

Rushing out the house he headed to his own, he knew Fiona was probably freaking out about tonight so he should have been back sooner, but honestly with everything happening at Sophia's house it slipped his mind. When he arrived he walked in to find Fiona dressed more professionally, "Hey Fi, are you okay?" He asked.

"Carl! Hurry and get ready, I need you presentable today. I couldn't get Frank to come so I am hoping that they will be okay with me." Fiona fidgeted nervously in her outfit.

Carl seeing that she was actually worried sighed and did as she asked, he knew that things should be okay he knew that they were going for the fight but nothing else should be a problem. Getting dressed he quickly went back downstairs to see the rest of the family, minus Ian, standing there waiting on him.

Smiling they headed out the house, Kevin was nice enough to allow them to use his truck for the night, Fiona was driving but her knee bounced the entire ride. When they made it to the school it was packed with people, he honestly didn't expect that many to come tonight but it seemed parents actually cared how their kids did at this school, surprising really.

Going inside Carl stayed near the nervous Fiona, he knew she was also hoping that this would be a quick in and out thing for them, she was actually scared of him being on the brink of being expelled. Seeing as this was the only school nearby for him to go to then it would be horrible for that to happen, sending him anywhere else would cost them money they really didn't have to send him there.

"Alright guys, when we go in here we need to stand as a united front. We can't show them that we aren't a unit, it would just make them even more determined to kick Carl out." Fiona said as they stood outside the office.

"Don't worry Fiona we got this." Lip said with a smirk as he went to open the door.

Carl could see Sophia sitting inside too, the principal must have been waiting on both of them to show before talking, they were involved in the same fight so it did make sense that they would wait. No need to say everything twice. When the door opened her and her family looked over, Carl just winked at her making her roll her eyes but she sent him a smile.

"You're here." The secretary said seeing them, "Mr. Monroe was waiting on you before we sent you all in. Follow me."

They wasted no time following her into the room, inside was Carl's homeroom teacher Miss. Devlin along with Sophia's homeroom teacher, no clue why they needed to be here for this but they were. Everyone took seats, well Mrs. Vegas and Fiona did while everyone else stood behind them, "Are you the guardian for Carl?" Mr. Monroe asked.

"Yes she is." Carl said before Fiona could say anything else and have this drag on pointlessly longer then needed.

Fiona looked at him but went along with it anyway, "So what is happening here?"

"Well these two degenerates were caught fighting in the cafeteria last Friday, they were both beating up on three other students. Though when we asked them all about it, it was only Carl who was mentioned fighting, but the teachers caught Sophia joining in on the fight with them.

This has never happened before for Sophia, and some of the teachers are concerned about the influence that Carl is bringing to her. They have noticed her rapid improvement in school work, so we are concerned about the two of them hanging out with one another." Principal Monroe said while sending a subtle look to Fiona as he addressed Mr. Vegas first.

"Are you saying my brother is a bad influence? Cause I will have you know, the only reason Sophia is doing well is because he tutors her." Fiona said fiercely going into momma bear mode as she heard him talk about Carl.

Carl smiled as he leaned against the wall hearing it.

Mr. Vegas didn't say anything either as he knew it was the truth too.

"Be that as it may, this isn't Carl's first offense. He is a known bully in our school who fights at the drop of a hat for no reason." Principal Monroe spoke with a from tone.

"Well I wouldn't say no reason..." Carl trailed off as everyone in the room looked at him, though he had nothing to back up his statement.

It was true that his other self did hurt kids just to do it, while he didn't do that he couldn't just come up with random things to say, he was hoping to move this forward as he just really wanted to get this over with. Sophia was the only person who giggle making him roll his eyes at her, but he did send her a wink making the authority figures in the room go back to the conversation they were having.

Carl tuned them out even as Steve walked into the room, which he found really unnecessary as he didn't even want the guy here, he wasn't as close to the man as Fiona was, it was clear he was just here to impress her. Rolling his eyes he leaned back as they moved on to the talks about giving him another chance to get it right, which he would, as long as others didn't mess with him because if they did all bets were off.

Carl wasn't a saint after all.

Finally they were all let out the room and Fiona smiled brightly knowing that he wasn't going to be expelled, something he wouldn't care for either way since he would switch to online if it came down to it.

"Is that Frank?" Carl asked seeing him walk out of the room with Karen next to him they both were smiling.

Every followed where he was looking, Debbie seemed excited while Lip's expression was unreadable as he stared, though Carl saw his fist clinch so he knew he was mad. "Daddy!" Debbie said hugging the man who didn't seem to notice the tense atmosphere.

"So how did it go?" Frank asked brightly.

Carl scoffed and walked away, he wasn't going to entertain the man, he could show for someone he was living with but couldn't take the time to show for his actual son, it made him pissed. Walking off he went to look at some things around school, he wanted to cool off before he said or did anything that would come back up later.

After walking around for thirty minutes he took off home, he had gotten a message from Fiona that they already left, he wondered how Lip dealt with Karen, that must have really sucked. Skating along the road he breathed into his hands as he got closer to his house, he phone rang and he smiled seeing who was calling.

"What's up Kassidi?" He said his anger washing away as she spoke.

"Oh my gosh Carl, when..." As she kept talking his smile grew as his problems melted away.

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