
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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55 Chs

Chapter 26): Killer Carl (1)

Chapter 26): Killer Carl (1)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

[5+ Chapters for members on Buy-meacoffee/Flaminglines]


[Happy New Year!!!!]

Carl yawned as he walked down the stairs, he was checking his phone and saw ten messages from Kassidi alone, he chuckled at that finding it cute. Walking into the kitchen he saw the family moving around, well Debbie was making breakfast and feeding Liam, Ian and Lip were talking at the table about something.

Going to the fridge he opened it up and took out his plate that was covered in foil, taking it off his moth watered at the honey-peanut butter chocolate donuts he had sitting on the plate. As he set them on the table hands reached out to take them he could only sigh as half were gone in an instant, though he did feel a little proud seeing that his family enjoyed them so much.

"So I have four lined up for you, two are this Saturday but they are hours apart so it will be fine." Ian said to Lip after taking a bite of the donut, they were talking about his SAT's that he took for others.

Carl thought about that and considered taking them himself, he wanted to know the level of difficulty in this world for it, the first time he took them in his other life he only got a 1150. This time he was aiming for something higher, he did plan to go to college after all no matter what he was planning to do he was going to get a college degree.

He would set it up before the end of the school year, he was in no rush to get it done now not like he was off to college next year or anything.

After replying to a message from Kassidi and Jordan Carl rose to get a drink, as he opened the fridge suddenly the lights went out, "CARL!!!" Fiona shouted from upstairs.

He threw his hands up while looking at he window, "It wasn't me!! Hector's at the pole again. Didn't you give her the rest of the money yesterday Lip?"

"Yeah, she said she would pay it. I gave her the rest for the bill." Lip said frowning as Fiona came running down the stairs with Steve right behind her.

Fiona and Debbie both headed outside while the boys stayed in, not like they all needed to go talk to the man, Hector knew them well enough that he would either extend it for them or come by at the end of the day. Soon they walked back into the house and he could see the look on her face that it would be later for them to be on, lucky they would be at school then.

Fiona just needed to go pay it now, or give the money to someone else and they could go pay it.

"Alright monkeys go to school have a good day, Carl I will try and find Frank to see if he will go to your school tonight." Fiona said to them as they made their way outside.

"Don't break your back trying." Carl called out waving, he got into the range Rover after Debbie.

Sitting down he messaged Sophia, he had only talked to her once over the weekend which was to talk about the video, he only had a little more that he needed to fix on it before it was ready. He already animated everything he needed to, all that was left now was to add the music they sung and it would be ready to show her dad so he can see how well they would do.


"So where were you the other day?" Sophia asked him as they walked the halls.

"Ahh country club on the other side of town." He said seriously as he played a racing game on his phone, the day was

Sophia started laughing hard as she heard him, then slowly began to slow down when she saw him being serious, "Wait your serious? What were you doing there? How did you not get kicked out?"

"Well I went just to check it out, maybe scam some people but..." Carl went to explain what he did after that, about meeting Jordan and Kassidi along with the basketball game.

"Wow, so what is it like living a double life or something? I mean come on, you live here on the Southside. How long do you think it will take before the novelty of you wearing off."

Carl sighed as he finished his race, he knew she was right about that, he didn't have a lot of thoughts about being bff's with them or anything, but he would use them while it lasted. He just didn't say it out loud because it didn't hurt to pretend either, hopefully it would be a while before they lost interest maybe by then he could scam money from them.

"Well okay then. So are you sure the video will be ready, I want everything to be perfect. My dad won't settle for anything less." She said as they walked into the cafeteria taking their seats at the table.

"And as I have said multiple times, it will be ready and he will love it. We can do this after school if you want too. All I need to do is match the words with the video and we will be ready." Carl said rolling his eyes as she passed him some of her lunch.

"That's fine. And I am sorry, I am just really nervous, we are about to make it big after all." She said throwing him a smile.

Carl shook his head, he didn't know about making it big, it would take a lot of work but he did know that they would actually be able to start after this, he did put a lot of work into it after all. "So what did you parents say about the teacher meeting tonight?"

She paused a she went to take a bite of her food, sighing she looked down, "Even though I told them what Little Hank said they still grounded me. Apparently fighting isn't the option they wanted me to take, they want me to 'do better.' in their words."

Carl just shook his head, if they really wanted that then she shouldn't be going to this school, well really she should be keeping her head down and just passing her classes. He wouldn't say anything though, he knew that before he was even eighteen he would be in multiple fights in this place, it was just something that couldn't be avoided for him.

Plus he figured that the more he was a menace the more people would leave him alone, they did it enough here in middle school but it would get worse when they moved to the high school section of the school. There he would need to deal with school work and people who were in gangs but came to school to find future users or people to join them.

Really it was an all around bad thing, Sophia would be able to avoid it seeing who her dad was but it would be harder for him as he didn't have anyone like that in his family. Which was also a reason he wanted to sell drugs, but he wanted to do it the smart way, until he got the full details he would have to wait.

"And what did you say to them?" Carl asked knowing she didn't just sit back and let them say that.

She shrugged, "I told them it was impossible to do that. So my dad talked about transferring me over to Saint Michael's, my dad has been saving to send me, and now with your tutoring they know I can get in."

That was a surprise to him, if you didn't pay the yearly fee then the month to month was $20,000 not monopoly money here but real life dollars that someone paid for school. Even getting their scholarship cut that by half, so you would still need to pay ten thousand that is how exclusive this school was, though it was worth it for the things they did there.

You could learn multiple languages and they took more school trips then any other school, they went all over the country for them visiting different places staying in the best hotels. All the students had to pay out of this was anything they did not part of the school trip, which was anything they did like going out to eat or hanging out somewhere.

If Carl had the chance he would choose that place over this one in seconds, even if he did need to wear that stupid uniform.

"Let's go Mr. Thoughtful guy." Sophia said pulling him by his shoulder as lunch was over, he didn't even notice as he had been lost in thought trying to figure his problems out.

Rising up he followed her out, seeing that signs of the parent teacher meetings tonight just made him groan all the more, he didn't feel like hearing what they had to say tonight. To bad Fiona would make him go to it no matter what, passing by little Hank who was still supporting a black eye made it worth it though.