
Shameless Ghost King Is My Husband!

“Ah! My… My husband…” "You, my dear wife, is the sweet I craved the most." “You know how to talk,” Ying Yue flushed and felt the bite to his lips. “Ah Yue,” a breathless deep chuckle made his body shivered, “The times I spent with you, touch you, and taste you will never satisfy me.” *** Ying Yue was Heaven’s Chosen, a person gifted to bring peace, balance, and rid the world of evil. He was full of pureness and hope! Only problem? He fell deeply for the shameless Ghost King, Wang Li. Wang Li, a person gifted to bring chaos and death, had waited centuries for Ying Yue. Now that he had Heaven’s Chosen, he would never let Ying Yue go. A beauty like Ying Yue was meant only for him. With their marriage, the truth of their love brought a curse and a prophecy for the Ghost King’s death. The worst part? Ying Yue was the one fated to kill his husband. What should he do to keep this love with Wang Li? What had to be sacrificed to preserve it? Was he willing to? That aside, He had also married a horny shameless king! And he… He dared to declare that he regretted nothing. “I want to take your innocence, your body, your heart, your lips. Everything, my beloved wife. I am not whole without you.” Yep, he regretted nothing. == *WPC 159- Gold Tier Winner* *SMUT starts chapter 16 and throughout future chapters.* Other TAGS: Fate, Death, Childhood Love

MichelleLeeee · LGBT+
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228 Chs

You Are Mine

Wang Li just stared at his wife having an inner turmoil, and he found his lips thinning. Reaching to cup the back of his neck, he ran his fingers over the skin to receive a shiver of the blonde's body. His fingers stroke the exposed skin for a moment, before running down the curved spine and down to his thigh.

"Ah Li?" Green eyes searched his face and he smiled.

"You are mine, Ying Yue," the raven-haired male leaned forward bringing the blonde down onto the mat, "I will keep you here forever."

His hand cupped in between those smooth legs, and his wife gasped. Fingers reached to grab his arms tightly as green eyes stared widely at him.

"Wang Li, we can't-" the sentence cut out with a surprised gasp as his hand stroke and rubbed.

His silver eyes took in the redness coloring the neck, cheeks, and ears. His hearing memorized the sound of his lover's panting, and his touch soak in every shiver of the blonde's skin. The Ghost King pulled back and pulled open his lover's robe, revealing flushed skin. His mouth itched to kiss, lick, suck every part of exposed skin. Lips started on those plump lips, drowning in them as he pulled down the blonde's pants.

"Ah, Ah Li… Li Li," Ying Yue panted out turning his head to part from those incessant lips, "Mm."

Lips moved to nibble down jawline, the curve of his milky white neck, and to his shoulder. Fingers wrapped around his lover's penis and thumbed the tip where precum was dripping. It earned him a whine from those lips and a thrust of small hips. Lips traveled down to play with his nipples, rolling his tongue over the buds. Mouth leaving light pulses, as he continued down toward his pelvis when hips were twisting from the movement of his hand.

Wang Li leaned back, watching his wife with his legs spread, chest flushed, nipples perked, mouth kiss reddened, and green eyes hazed. He felt himself hard and pulsing to be inside the blonde, to feel him wrapped around him once more. Licking his lips, he pressed his tongue at the base of the hard shaft in his hand. Licking the twitching member, he heard the loud panting of his beautiful wife. He slowed his pumping as he wrapped his mouth over the tip, using his tongue to spread the precum.

"Ah! Mmph," Ying Yue bit on the side of his hand to stop himself from screaming. Hips pushing forward into warm mouth, the blonde felt his eyes shut as those lips covered more of his shaft.

'So good, so good,' he thought as he groaned and moaned.

Then those heavenly lips pulled off and he mewled yearning for it again, but he gasped when he felt wetness against his hole. A drag of the long tongue made his hips twitched into fisted hand.

"Wang Li," Ying Yue cried out shivering, "Don't… that's… it's dirty, it's-"

He threw his head back when the fist pumped once more and then the tongue breached into his hole. Wet licks touched his walls and he felt his muscles tightened around it. It pumped in and out, just as fast as the fist was going, causing the blonde to writhe in place. Strands of hair plastered across his face as his back arched and hips bucked.

"Ah," Ying Yue came with a moan as he rode out his orgasm; his hips continued to thrust slowly. He felt the fist and tongue leave him, so he went on his elbow to look. He watched as Wang Li licked his fingers… the one that… was wrapped around his… licking the…

"Let me, let me clean it for you," he spoke up reaching in his sleeve for the handkerchief.

"Then clean them," Wang Li stated in such a cold tone that the blonde stared at him in surprise.

Fingers, dirtied by his pleasure, were pressed against his lips. Ying Yue felt disgusted and wanted to pull away, but the cold silver eyes of his husband froze him on spot. Up on his hands and knees bent over the king's hips, he looked worriedly at the man. He felt the king's pointer finger pressing against his lips for intrusion, and the blonde hesitantly opened them. Tasting his own cum was… not something he liked, but the finger in his mouth was… something he did not… not like.

Another finger joined and then another. He felt Wang Li's free hand grabbed his to wrap around the throbbing length. The king was… big and long… Ying Yue knew he was staring, but his green eyes drank in his husband's manhood. Fingers wrapped around it, he pumped, and he heard a groan from the silver eyed beauty. Green eyes moved to look at the face that continued to watch him suck long fingers. The blonde pumped faster wanting to see his lover come, to see him enveloped in pleasure.

Fingers jabbed into his mouth and he pulled away choking. Letting out coughs, he felt hands cupped his face as he tried to catch his breath. Silver eyes, no longer cold, looked worriedly at him. Tears that prickled at the corner of his eyes from the coughs, were wiped away by gentle thumbs.

"Ah Yue," Wang Li kissed his lips softly, "I am sorry."

"It is alright," he offered a smile, "I am fine."

The blonde tightened his hold on his lover's penis and pumped harder. He felt the hands on his face squeezed and he watched the parted wet lips. His eyes drank in the slight sheen on the beauty before him and how those silver eyes looked at him half lidded. He listened to the panting, the groaning, and felt the way those strong hips thrust forward. When Wang Li came, it was through a drawn out moan and kitten kisses on his face.

"Let me clean you," the Ghost King breathed out pulling back. Ying Yue was about to accept the offer, but his mind went back to when he offered.

"Ah, no, it is alright Ah Li," he quickly pulled his hand away, clearing his throat, and wiped his hands on the handkerchief.

Ying Yue pulled his pants on and fixed his clothing, before facing his husband.

"Should we keep reading?" The blonde questioned and Wang Li let out a soft laugh.

"I will step out for a moment," he told his wife, "I will return shortly."

"Is it the portal?" His green eyes watched as the man in soft blue stood, "I'm stronger now. I can come too."

"Why don't you patrol with Snow?" The Ghost King offered, "He must be lonely doing it alone."

"Oh, was that where Snow had been?" The blonde frowned, "But I still want to join you."

"Go with Snow or stay here," he stated and the air around them tensed and chilled. Catching himself, he shook his head and said, "You cannot come with me," he said more gently.

Ying Yue narrowed his eyes and nodded his head. He will ask next time, every single time the Ghost King left.

"I will go with Snow then," he said to see Wang Li's shoulders relaxed and a smile placed on those lips.

"I will see you soon," he kissed the blonde and walked out of the vicinity, his home, to find solace at the lake.

Leaning against the large tree, he covered his left eye as a pain throbbed against it. An itch underneath his skin was pulsing and he clenched his fists against the tree. This was too soon, it was much longer before, so why was this happening now? Upset, he let out a growl squeezing his left eye, pressing against the mark.

"A curse like this," he let out a cold laugh, "How could you call yourselves heavenly."

Closing his eyes, he took a few deep breaths and looked out onto the lake. A smile took over his lips as he remembered his lover, his wife.

"Soon you will know," he felt the breeze flow softly, "Will you leave me again, Ying Yue."

'Will I be alone once more?'

From the high to the low... I put these boys on an emotional rollercoaster... are you on the ride too?

Thank you for everyone for supporting me through everything! I absolutely love you all.

Love, Michelle

Special thanks to: Onyinye_Gift_8204, cadisle, and Bangtanphobia for voting! AND BIG BIG THANKS to cadisle for always commenting lol. I look forward to all the comments.

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