
Beginning of the helpless boy's practical life

It was September 3, 2003 when a helpless boy's life took a twist after losing his mother and other relationships. He took her luggage with him and went out in a rented room. He spent nights there then he felt that he should do a job to fulfill his expenditures. After struggling hard he could not find any job. Then he realized that life is to enjoy but not to waste in doing cheap jobs so, he started friendships with older women and started having sexual engagements with them. In the biginning the older women used to give the boy money for living. In this way the boy started to go deep in their relationships and couldn't do anything for himself at his own. After three years of enjoying the life with those women the boy was too tired so, he realized that now he should choose a woman for marriage. He did find a woman in the park and proposed her she accepted his proposal then both did marry each other in March,2006. Now the boy started to do a job in the academy and he was so confident that he can do anything for living. Unfortunately there had been no kids and the boy after the 15 years of his marriage realized that he should marry another woman to make his family complete for this purpose he found a woman on Facebook. She promised to marry him. So the boy told her that it was his first marriage. So the boy rented another house for her in the Same city. On September 5, 2021 the boy went to the other city for second marriage so he did so. The boy told his first wife that he is going to her sister house. The excuse was accepted. When he came back to the city with his second wife he could hardly live with her lass than 13 days. So he gave divorce to his second wife and returned to his first wife. Now he is living happily with his first wife. Lesson: Never lose your first partner.