
The Chosen Insane.

Now, let us jump ahead to modern India and meet a teenager who doesn't know yet, that the spirit which sleeps within him, is going to light up this world.

Today, a world of good and evil;

A new battle for Shambhala is beginning.

And this hero destiny is going to lead him into it!

Crowd cheering, RP, PR, RP, RP,........

Akki murmured:- I don't think that RP knows about him.

Person 1:- whom are you, talking about?

Akki:- shut the mouth out, and just see the fight.

Rp took the first chance to hit him, but he dodged the attack and he launches the upper hook on RP's face. then with one blow, Rp was knocked out.

Then the group of RP was raised and shouted at the Bloody punk.

Punk replies, "Come on, you cowards! I'll take you all on! Let's see if you're as tough as you look!"

The punk, stood in the center of a crowded hall in the basement, surrounded by a group of angry people. They shouted at him, demanding that he leave and never come back. Punk refused to back down. He knew he had every right to be there.

"I'm not going anywhere," he said, his voice low and steady.

"This is my battlefield, and I'm the king of this". the punk replied

The people around him scoffed and sneered. One man stepped forward, his fists clenched.

"You're nothing but a troublemaker," he spat. "You don't belong here. Get out before we make you."

Punk didn't flinch. He stood his ground, ready to fight for his way.

The man lunged forward, swinging his fists. Punk dodged and weaved, his reflexes honed from years of street fighting. He fought back, landing a series of punches and kicks that sent his attacker reeling.

The punk again said, "Ha! You call that a punch? My grandma hits harder than you!"

"I don't care how many of you there are! I'll take you all down with my bare hands if I have to!"

The other people in the room stepped back, lesening his mad world. the punk totally appeared as a lunatic.

some of the members of the Rp were standing there, their faces seemed to be twisted into snarls of anger and aggression.

their eyes glinting with malice. One by one, they attacked, throwing punches and kicks with abandon. But the punk was fast and agile, dodging and weaving as he fought back with a vengeance.

He landed a series of hard blows, knocking several of the men to the ground. But the others kept coming, undeterred by their fallen comrades. Punk was outnumbered and outmatched, but he refused to give up.

Punk talks to himself, "You can try to beat me down, but I'll never back down! I'll keep coming at you with everything I've got!"

The fight raged on, and each man was determined to come out on top. The sound of fists and boots connecting with flesh echoed through the walls, punctuated by grunts and shouts of pain.

The men lay scattered around him, groaning and clutching their wounds. Punk stood tall, his chest heaving with exertion.

The punk Shouted, "I'm not afraid of you! You're just a bunch of posers who think they're tough because just have a muscled body!"

Akki shouts, there are some of the officers coming to the basement.

As they heard the sound of police sirens getting closer, Punk and Akki knew they had to act fast. They were in a deserted part of the city, surrounded by tall buildings and narrow alleyways.

Punk by seeing the area said:- "hey brother are you ready".

Akki:- always man.

Without a moment's hesitation, Mad Punk and Akki sprang into action. They jumped up onto a nearby wall and ran along it, using the momentum to leap across a gap to another building. As they landed on the roof, they saw two police officers scrambling up a fire escape on the building across from them.

Without stopping, Akki and Mad punk ran across the rooftop, jumping over vents and dodging obstacles. They could hear the sound of footsteps behind them, and they knew they were gaining ground. Punk motioned to Akki to follow him, and they leaped off the edge of the roof, tucking their bodies into tight rolls as they landed on the fire escape below.

The police officers were close behind, but the punk and Akki were already halfway down the stairs. They used the railing to swing around corners, dropping down a level and then jumping up to the next one. It was a dizzying blur of movement, and the pun's heart was pounding in his chest.

They reached the bottom of the fire escape and burst out onto the street. They ran through the alleyways, jumping over garbage cans and sliding under low-hanging pipes. The police officers were still behind them, but they were getting tired. Akki and the punk could hear them panting and struggling to keep up.

Finally, they saw an opening - a gap between two buildings that led out onto a main street. Without hesitation, they sprinted towards it, using all their remaining energy to make the final jump. They soared through the air, their arms outstretched, and landed on the other side.

For a moment, they were safe. They looked back and saw the police officers standing on the other side of the gap.

Akki was laughing after seeing the scenario and the facial expressions of the police officers.

Akki:- "I think this is going to be my coolest adventure in this summer"

Punk:- " ya, maybe yes", eventually this is the time for us to enjoy, we have completed 12th."

Akki:- "ho, shit,shit,shit. see ahead"

Punk:-"Madharchod"! { translation:- what the fuck! }

Police officers surrounded them with cars, they do not have any space to run away. the "CI" came out of the car and arrested the both.

they were taken to the police station and were been interrogated by the CI.

CI sat at the table, staring intently at the two young men sitting across from him. They were both dressed in ripped jeans and leather jackets. Akki was sitting on the left, fidgeting nervously, while the Punk had a defiant look in his eyes.

CI asked the punk about his looks and also asked about the Tatoo on his shoulder, that have an optical design of a wolf, but if a person sees it clearly it seems like two wolfs standing to oppose to each other.

"So, gentlemen," CI, "care to explain what happened at the fighting club?"

Punk:- Maby nothing.

CI:- It seems that you are the main one in the fight.

Punk:- yes.

Ci:- why did you take the fight?

Punk:- it's a single agenda, "I live for the thrill of the fight!"

CI:- I like you, man mainly the madness in your head, What about your friend?

Akki:- hi, we just went there to have some money.

CI:- You both ( madly ), ha.., you didn't even cross 18.

Punk:- I don't think age is necessary to be a fighter in the ring.

CI:- it may kill you sometimes.

Punk:- ya, but we do not care as it's an enjoyment in life.

CI:- what do your parents do?

Akki:- he has no one, he is from an ashram in Kerala.

CI:- sa-le, tho thu Mumbai me kya kar ra. {Translation:- fuck man what are you doing in Mumbai. }

Punk:- Just finding the way of life.

CI:- sorry for that.

Punk:- ok, can we leave? please.

CI:- U can, but never ever have a fight again in the fight clubs.

Punk:- ok thank you.

CI:- what's your name, Ms. lunatic?

Punk replies, Gnaneshwar Subramanyam, people call me Danny and also Karthik, in Kerala.

Next chapter