
The 7 Stones { Great mysterious crystals }

An ancient land, whose history is woven with the most amazing stories, myths, and even legends and warriors.

Let me tell you one such story...

About a group of sages, who meditated deeply in the Himalayas, for which they received a boon, it's a divine light, as light met the mountains, then they were born the power of crystals

Baring the power; the firestone, the water stone, the airstone

there are even more crystals that are more power full than any like, the space stone, which can control space and time.

The Spirit stone can gain the power of spirit and utilize its vast designations.

The Nature stone can give life, which can even recreate a new world with the merging of Lunar stone.

The Lunar stone, one of the final crystals that makes this story, has the power of the moon but can not even utilize it, it's just a piece of rock made from the light which met with the moon's atmosphere. Lunar stone is one of the most important to create the world but it's also the weakest of the weakest than any other crystals in the world.

Not only these there are also many of the crystals that have been created by the power of divine light but this story is chained with these 7 ultimate crystals.

There are also some magical powers gained by the spirits of animals that were created by Lord Shiva. The spirits were called Ghana's.

Sages have achieved what they desired, but then the cry arose from the universe.

they see within the divine light, that created a spirit of a demon, born with all the abilities of the ultimate collection of crystals. that demon spirit has equal power to the third eye of lord shiva, it could even create and also destroy. This ultima spirit is called "Kali", the last demon in the Kalki yuga.

The spirit can even create, but it chose to destroy the Kalki yuga, the horrible misery in all four yugas.

the sages realized that this ultimate spirit would have to be controlled.

Eventually, with great struggle and sacrifices, the sages claimed the light which locked the Ultimate spirit Down. then at the peak of the mountain appeared the most powerful place called Shambhala, a spiritual kingdom.

The sages knelt before the Shambhala, and they called themself the defenders of Shambhala.

Passing the power of the Crystals down from generation to generation, existed secretly in this present society. protecting this place and using their energy for the greater good.

Time moved forward, each age came and went, the world kept changing and with the change the world forget about this place.

Now some people who are having these crystals become more worst they have been using this ability for their self-needs due to the kali yuga. it's seem's that Kali, the ultimate spirit is taking birth once again. and the kingdom Shambhala went into the mysteries, Everyone was searching for the place, but they eventually came to know that, they could only find the place where they have all the 7 ultimate stones together.

Then some of the cruel people holding these Ultimate crystals started hunting down for the other crystals. They are even taking the "spirits of the Ganas".

Now, the present time in El Salvador, a country in Central America.

The members of MS-13 gathered in a dimly lit basement, their faces shrouded in shadow as they talked in hushed tones. Their leader, El King, stood at the front of the room, his imposing presence commanding the attention of all those present.

"My brothers,"

he began, his voice low and gravelly.

"We have a new mission. One that will require all of our strength, all of our cunning, and all of our loyalty to the gang."

The room fell silent as El King paced back and forth, his eyes scanning the faces of his fellow gang members.

"We have heard rumors of a world beyond our own. A place shrouded in mystery and wonder, where the power is beyond anything we could imagine."

A murmur of excitement rippled through the crowd, and El King raised his hand to quiet them.

"But this world is not easily found. It is hidden, guarded by those who would keep it from us. It will require us to be more ruthless, more cunning, and more deadly than ever before."

He paused for a moment, letting his words sink in.

"But I have faith in you, my brothers. Together, we will find this mystery world. Together, we will claim its power and riches for ourselves. Together, we will show the world what MS-13 is capable of."

The room erupted into cheers and applause, the gang members pumping their fists in the air and shouting their loyalty to El King and the gang. As they filed out of the basement, their eyes glinting with determination and excitement, they knew that they were embarking on a dangerous and thrilling adventure, one that would test their skills, their courage, and their loyalty to the gang.

The phone is ringing; El King lifts the phone,

"Ho, my Brother, Long Time No See."

El King slightly made the sound of a smile of musking.

"My dear, you took a lot of time, to say about the mystery. Arent You."

a man is talking on his mobile.

"Never forget, you have the army, I have the Spirit."

"lets, 's chat again, my friend."

Place:- Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

In a denser forest near Ubud, a town on Bali,

The group of people rushed through the forest, their footsteps pounding against the ground as they chased after the old man. They could see him up ahead, his long white beard streaming behind him as he darted through the trees at a speed that seemed impossible for his age.

The old man seemed to be leading them on a wild goose chase, his path twisting and turning through the dense underbrush. The group struggled to keep up, panting and sweating as they pushed themselves to their limits.

Suddenly, the old man disappeared from sight, his figure vanishing into thin air. The group skidded to a stop, looking around in confusion as they searched for any sign of him.

But then, they heard a low chanting sound, and the air around them began to grow thick with a strange, pulsing energy. The trees around them began to shake and tremble, and the ground beneath their feet began to rumble.

Suddenly, a wall of fire sprang up in front of them, blocking their path and sending them staggering back in fear. The old man's voice boomed out from somewhere beyond the flames, his words echoing through the forest like thunder.

"You have come seeking my power," he said, his voice filled with deep, rumbling laughter. "But you will not find it here. My magic is not to be toyed with by mere mortals."

The group tried to push through the flames, but they were met with an impenetrable wall of heat and fire. They shouted and screamed, begging the old man to show them mercy, but he only laughed and vanished into the forest once again.

"Remember," he said, his voice low and serious. "The magic I possess is not to be trifled with. Use it wisely, and it will serve you well. But use it for ill, and it will consume you like a flame."

With that, the old man turned and walked back into the woods, leaving the group behind.

and Suddenly, The evil woman emerged from a rift in space, her dark power pulsing with each step she took into the thick woods. The trees trembled at her arrival, their leaves rustling in fear. The ground beneath her began to warp and bend to her will, creating a twisted and distorted landscape. She reveled in the chaos she created, her malicious laughter echoing through the trees.

The animals that once called this place home fled in terror, their instincts telling them to stay far away from this powerful and dangerous being. The very air around her crackled with energy, and the sky above darkened with ominous storm clouds.

She knew that no one would be able to stop her now and that she could bend the fabric of space itself to her will.

She suddenly appeared in front of the Old man.

The old man stood before the evil woman, his eyes fixed on her as she stalked towards him. She was a powerful foe, with the ability to control space itself, and he knew that he was in for the fight of his life.

But he was determined not to back down. He had faced many foes in his long life, and he knew that he had a few tricks up his sleeve.

The woman reached out with a hand, her fingers glowing with an eerie blue light. The old man braced himself for the attack, but instead of striking him directly, she sent a blast of energy hurtling towards him.

He reacted quickly, using his powers to create a shield around himself. The blast struck the shield, sending sparks flying in all directions. The old man felt a surge of satisfaction as he saw the woman's eyes widen in surprise.

The woman was quick to recover, and she launched another attack, this time sending a wave of energy toward the old man. the old man dodged it.

The woman advanced on him, her face twisted into a cruel smile.

"You're not so tough after all, are you?" she taunted, raising her hand to deliver the final blow.

"I already told you, "You will regret your defiance," she said, her voice low and menacing.

"I know you might thinking me as an old duck", the old man said.

The Evil women:-Where is the Lunar Stone?

Old man:- You need it right, I think it's choosing its next descendant, I know that you people would come, so, I have released its strength from me to save it.

Evil Women:- haa..., what a lunatic.

Old man:- That's the reason the lunar crystal chose me.

"You were no match for me," she said, her voice low and menacing. "And now, you will pay the price for your arrogance."

Old man:- that's not arrogance, I am serving my duty.

she turned and vanished into the darkness, leaving behind only the echo of her malevolent laughter.

And now Cristal started finding its new descendent.

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