
Shake me

He was different, so was she. He hated her gut, so did she. He disliked her for being fake, she despised him for being without a filter. But they say opposite always attract? Can it be really be? The heart always want what it wants. Read for more.....

Daheesy · Fantasy
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1 Chs


It's Monday again.

'Elijah, wake up! You're late.' Those were the first words I heard as soon as I woke up.

I sighed.

I sit up on the bed, flexing my muscles and biceps and head over to the shower, the floor boards creaking as I stepped on them. I scratched the back of my ears, I hated small sounds like that. Thank God the bathroom was en-suite to my room. I stepped in quickly spending a good five minutes before coming out, and wrapped the bathing towel around my waist.

'Elijah', my mom called again.

'Coming'. I opened my drawers and took out a random white T-top with blue-washed jeans, paired with black socks and low sneakers.

'I'm done', I said while coming down the stairs. Oh I forgot my glasses again, I ran back up the stairs.

'I'm seriously going to leave you here', my mom bellowed for the hundredth time. I love my mom honestly, but not in the mornings.

She's always cranky in the morning.

I rushed down the stairs, picking up my breakfast on the kitchen counter in one hand, dragging my coat over my shoulder in another. I hopped to the door and saw my mom already in the driver's seat, reversing out of the driveway.

Oh rabbit!

I quickly shut the door and ran towards the car, jumped into the passenger seat and clutched the seatbelt tight, heaving heavily.

Running isn't my thing.

My mom sighed and glanced at me. 'You've got to start working out baby.' She geared the car into ignition, and zoomed away.

The high school I attended was forty minutes away from our home, and I disliked taking the school bus. The only good thing was that my mom works at the school as a guidance counselor, so I pretty much ride with her.

She's a single mom, and has been taking care of me since I was nine. The so-called father of mine divorced her because 'he wasn't feeling their thing' and absconded with his mistress.

I shaked my head, trying to wade off sad memories.

In no time we're almost at the school, I eyed my mom giving her the signal to park not too far away from the school. I wouldn't want anybody haggling me for coming to school in the school counselor's car, nobody knows that she's my mom yet. And I'd like to keep it that way.

I alighted from the car, waving at her and headed straight to school entrance. My breathing gets faster, palms sweating, I tried to control my erratic breathing.

'It's just highschool. Relax.'

I walked in and head straight to the first class on my schedule, AP Intro to Advertising.

Most of the classes I take are advanced. I'm kind of a nerd here, and most of the students here are rich, privileged kids with overly demanding parents who prioritize their kid's perfect grade than preferences. Since the school management always do their parents bidding, they allow 'other students' too to take advanced college courses on the pretense on of building 'stronger foothold'.

Few seconds away from the class, I could hear the teacher explaining the classification of Advertising.

I smirked a little, knowing the outcome of what was going to happen in the next minute.

I moved my glass up, walking into the class. As soon as I entered, 'So nice of you to join us at this timely moment, Mr. Elijah', the teacher in a straight forward manner.

'Good morning, Mr. Heights'

'Do the class and answer the question. What are the classifications of Advertising according to Philip Kotler,' he asked looking at me.

'I..I have no idea sir.' I looked at the teacher meekly. I knew the answer, I just don't feel like answering the question.

I could hear soft laughs and snickers from the onlookers. I hated the attention.

'Right. Just find a place to sit,' he said looking at me furtively.

I smirked inwardly. I'd rather be make fun of than be the target. I saw a redhead with caramel eyes, looking at me with mischief. He set his leg in the middle to purposely trip me, I could have avoided it but no. They are not worth it.


I fell flat face. The guy used his leg to pin me down while I struggled to stand up. The whole class burst into laughter.

'For the love of God, get up Elijah' I was eventually released, and ended up with gum in my hair.

'Yo nerd! Take a pic', an Asian girl with braces took my picture, definitely to post on the school website and groups.

I walked to the back of the class and saw paints and stickers all over the chair and table. I took out tissues and start to clean. Once I'm done cleaning, I threw the tissues out the window much to the chagrin of the teacher, what could he do? As soon as I sat, fart sounds came from my my seat.

Laughter was heard in the whole class again.

I sighed again, looking underneath the chair to see bubbles strapped to it.

This is absolutely normal. I left it there. I saw Mr. Heights' look, I ignored it.

'Will I end this school or will the school end me?,' I thought

This is my first time writing here in like 3 years. My writing skills are a bit rusty but I hope you enjoy it!

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