
Shadowstrike Arcanist: Lightning's Embrace

In a world of magic and combat, Noah, a 21-year-old orphan, finds himself reincarnated after sacrificing his life to save a child. Now known as Aric, he discovers a loving family and the affection he yearned for in his past life. However, as he becomes attached to his newfound world, sinister demons threaten its existence. Aric, along with his companions, embarks on a perilous adventure to safeguard the people and the life he cherishes. Will he succeed in protecting his loved ones, or will tragedy strike once again? Join Aric as he navigates through danger and uncertainty, determined to rewrite his destiny and save his world from destruction.

Shadowguard08 · Fantasy
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32 Chs


As my name was announced, my family members started giving me their best wishes. "Good luck, Aric," Clara said, squeezing my hand. My parents gave me encouraging nods, pride evident in their eyes.

In the VIP room, Shane watched with growing impatience as another child's name was called. Nothing extraordinary had happened since Sara's awakening, and he was starting to lose hope of finding another genius. But then his eyes fell on a boy heading towards the stage, radiating a confident aura. Something about him suggested he was not ordinary.

"Interesting," Shane murmured to himself.

I reached the stage and moved towards the crystal. Taking a deep breath, I placed my hand on it and closed my eyes. For a while, nothing happened, and the crowd began to murmur. My family started to panic, thinking I might not awaken any element.

Suddenly, the crystal began to glow. Its color shifted to a vibrant violet, signifying the lightning element. The crowd gasped in astonishment—lightning was a very powerful element to awaken. Shane watched with satisfaction, recognizing the potential he had sensed in me.

As the crowd erupted in cheers for another powerful awakener, something unexpected happened. The crystal started glowing again, this time turning a dark blue. In an instant, it became half violet and half dark blue. A shockwave of silence swept through the crowd as they realized what this meant—a dual element.

Even in the VIP hall, everyone was stunned. They couldn't believe that there was another dual element awakener. Shane, Soros, Sara, and Asher all rose from their seats, their eyes fixed on me.

"To think there is going to be another dual awakener in our city," Soros said, still in a daze.

Shane nodded, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Not only a dual awakener but also with two of the strongest elements. The heavens are blessing us, Soros."

"Yes, Shane, we must speak to his parents immediately. We can't miss this opportunity."

"You're right, Soros."

As Shane and Soros talked, Sara watched me with a new intensity.

"What is his name brother " asked sara looking at me

"Aric something "

"Hmm aric right " She saw in me her first real rival. Asher, meanwhile, looked at me with a mixture of envy and admiration, eager to meet me.

In the crowd, my family had similar reactions. My mother, Lyra, couldn't hold back her tears. "My baby is a dual awakener!" she exclaimed, overwhelmed with emotion.

"Yes, honey, our boy will be stronger than me and will make us proud," my father said, his voice choked with pride.

"Wow, Aric, you are the best!" Clara shouted, jumping for joy.

Samuel and Emma joined in the celebration, cheering for my success.

As the crowd celebrated my dual awakening, I felt a strange sensation. Everything around me faded, and I found myself in an unfamiliar place.

"W-Where am I? What is this place?" I muttered, looking around in confusion. The landscape was surreal, filled with swirling energies of violet and dark blue, representing my elements.

Back in the real world, the celebrations continued, but I was on the verge of discovering a new realm

"Welcome aric ," a voice echoed around me. I looked around, bewildered, but saw no one.

"Don't worry, Aric. I am not here to harm you but to introduce myself to you. The fact that you are not panicking in this unknown place confirms that you are worthy to wield my powers."

"What do you mean? Who are you? And where am I?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady despite the confusion.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I am what you people call Shadow—a Shadow element. Right now, we are inside your consciousness where I will reside from now on, becoming your power."

"But I have lightning and arcane as my elements. I don't understand what you're talking about," I replied, still trying to grasp the situation.

"Yes, you have awakened dual elements, but you have also awakened another element which didn't show in the crystal because it cannot handle my power. That crystal couldn't register my presence."

"But having three abilities is unheard of," I said, stunned.

"Yes, you are right, but you are special, Aric. I have been with you since you came into this world, and even before that, when you were on Earth."

"W-What? How do you know that?"

"As I said, Aric, I have been with you from day one on Earth until your last breath there, and from the moment you were born in this world until now."

"It's as if I was destined to be with you," I muttered, trying to comprehend his words.

"Exactly. You were destined to wield my power. I didn't talk to you before because I was testing you, to see if you were worthy."

"Alright, now that you've introduced yourself, we can talk whenever we want. Go back; your family and friends are waiting for you."

"Wait, stop!" I tried to say, but before I could finish, I was back on the stage. The cheering crowd surrounded me, their faces filled with awe and admiration.

I blinked, still reeling from the encounter, but the energy of the moment quickly brought me back to reality. The crowd's applause was deafening, and I saw my family and friends celebrating my success.

As I stood there, basking in the adulation, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. The revelation of having a third, hidden element—the Shadow—was overwhelming, yet it filled me with a sense of purpose and destiny. I was no longer just a boy with dual elements; I was someone destined for greatness, with a power that went beyond the ordinary.

With my family, friends, and the mysterious Shadow by my side, I knew the journey ahead would be filled with challenges and opportunities. I was ready to embrace my destiny and make my mark on this world.